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The Best Episodes Directed By Melissa Kosar

Every TV Episode Directed by Melissa Kosar Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 10.0/10(1 votes)

    #1 - Ice Breaker


    Our Mighty Ducks, along with their coach Alex Morrow, head to an elite summer hockey institute in California, run by charming yet hardcore former NHL player Colin Cole. But when Coach Cole tells our squad they may not be a good “fit” for his program, they get fired up to prove him wrong – even though a mysterious camper warns them not to stay.

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  2. 10.0/10(1 votes)

    #2 - Out of Bounds


    Training kicks into high gear at EPIC, where cutting edge technology meets physical drills and mental conditioning to push campers to the brink.

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
  3. 10.0/10(1 votes)

    #3 - Coach Classic


    It’s the annual Coach Classic, where the coaches take the ice against the kids. It’s real smash-mouth hockey, and everyone’s got an agenda.

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  4. 10.0/10(1 votes)

    #4 - Lights Out


    With their heads on straight from their perfect summer day, our combined Ducks team heads to the Summer Showcase – with Alex as their coach and Cole in a new role, so that he won’t get in Jace’s way. But being there, the scouts, the pressure, and even an unexpected rival team, get to Jace, Evan, and the rest of our gang. Meanwhile, Nick wonders if he'll find a way to shine, on or off the ice. And all of our camp relationships play out... as summer ends, and everyone has to say goodbye.

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  5. 10.0/10(2 votes)

    #5 - I Wanna Hold Your Hand


    Lincoln and his friends get ready for the school dance! Clyde's dad's are particularly excited that this might be the night Clyde has the ultimate meet-cute they've been waiting for, meanwhile Lincoln keeps striking out with his crush, Charlie.

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
  6. 9.0/10(2 votes)

    #6 - Pond Hockey


    The team gets mad at Evan, and Alex doesn't think she's a good coach. Bombay takes them to a new place.

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  7. 9.0/10(2 votes)

    #7 - Head Games


    Don't Bothers road trip to States! Teen drama unfolds, Alex is left behind, Bombay reveals a secret.

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
    Writer:Rita Hsiao
  8. 9.0/10(2 votes)

    #8 - The Sinkhole


    Frankie has to wash dishes with a hose after the kitchen sink packs up. Sue has to learn a complicated dance routine so she can pass phys ed.

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  9. 9.0/10(2 votes)

    #9 - No Silent Night


    Dreading the fact that they are always late to church and end up in the overflow room, Frankie makes the decision to have the family watch a Christmas Eve service on TV from the comfort of the Heck house. But a string of events make their evening anything but a peaceful, silent night.

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  10. 8.5/10(2 votes)

    #10 - Graduation


    Katie goes to great lengths to appease Principal Ablin in order to ensure Taylor graduates high school. Meanwhile, Greg finishes ghost writing the final chapter of Lonnie's book. And while Oliver is devastated to learn Cooper's family will be moving out of Westport, Anna-Kat tells Franklin she is ready to venture outside her comfort zone and plans to attend sleep-away camp during summer break.

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
    Writer:Sarah Dunn
  11. 8.3/10(3 votes)

    #11 - Fight


    During a day of touchdowns and missed plays, the Abbott Elementary faculty find themselves learning lessons in teamwork. Two of Janine’s students aren’t getting along in class, leading her to seek advice from her colleagues on how to help repair their friendship. Meanwhile, Melissa and Ava plot to bring down Mr. Johnson in fantasy football.

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  12. 8.0/10(1 votes)

    #12 - Disconnected


    Katie plans a “friend date” in hopes of reconnecting with Taylor and encourages Greg to attend self-help guru Johnny Diamond’s seminar with Oliver. Meanwhile, Anna-Kat takes extreme measures to secure her place as Katie’s favorite child.

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  13. 8.0/10(1 votes)

    #13 - The Dance


    With the kids away at the school dance, Katie and Greg look forward to a romantic evening alone; but Anna-Kat is crushed when the boy she likes doesn’t ask her to the dance, and Oliver begins to panic when the town psychic’s predictions begin to come true.

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
    Writer:Sarah Dunn
  14. 8.0/10(5 votes)

    #14 - Desking


    When the students start participating in a new online trend that causes disruption to the school, the teachers band together to put an end to it. Meanwhile, Mr. Johnson provides comforting life advice to Gregory; and later, the teachers finally meet Jacob’s boyfriend, Zach, who joins in to help stop the students “desking.”

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  15. 7.5/10(2 votes)

    #15 - Boo-Who?


    Westport is known for its Halloween tradition of leaving an anonymous note and goodies on a neighbor’s doorstep (called a “Boo”). Katie tries to play it cool but is absolutely giddy when the Ottos receive their first “Boo.”

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
    Writer:Kat Likkel
  16. 7.5/10(2 votes)

    #16 - Blondetourage


    Taylor enlists Oliver to help her carry out a scheme so she can ditch her less cool friend Ellen and go to a concert with her "blondetourage." Meanwhile, Katie is devastated when Anna-Kat doesn't need her as much anymore, which causes Katie to make some poor and desperate parenting decisions.

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  17. 7.5/10(2 votes)

    #17 - Siblings and Sombreros


    Sue gets furious with Axl for forgetting a sombrero he promised to bring her, and Frankie's attempt to resolve their quarrel only makes things worse. Elsewhere, Mike is astonished to discover that Brick was named Athlete of the Month at middle school.

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  18. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #18 - The Mom Switch


    After feeling unappreciated by Greg and the kids, Katie ditches her family for a day at her favorite hideaway spot and leaves Viv in charge of the household. Viv takes this as an opportunity to see if she really is mom material.

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  19. 7.0/10(2 votes)

    #19 - Graffiti Cute Jewelry Shots


    When Sophia feels like she is no longer the cutest kid in the Short family, she tries frantically to regain her status. Also, Joan gives Jen a beautiful necklace, forgetting she already gave it to Heather for her Sweet 16, and now she has to get it back; Greg tries to fit in with his new young coworkers but takes things too far; and Colleen and Tim bond when he helps her administer the hormone injections for her IVF treatment.

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  20. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #20 - Bev to the Future


    When Adam takes Beverly to her high school reunion, a la "Back to the Future," he tries to end a reality where she winds up with the wrong man. Meanwhile, Barry and Joanne make a surprising decision to prove the seriousness of their relationship.

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  21. 7.0/10(2 votes)

    #21 - Operation Infiltration


    Frankie accompanies Brick on a school field trip and attempts to help her socially inept son make friends with a couple of boys. Devin scolds Axl for being mean to his sister. Mike gets a sinking feeling that he may have bullied his brother Rusty a bit too much as kids.

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  22. 6.5/10(2 votes)

    #22 - Prom


    Katie confronts a classmate's mom when she suspects Anna-Kat is being bullied at school. Meanwhile, Taylor sets out to complete the final item on her life skills checklist - teaching Greg to shoot a three-pointer - so that she can attend her senior prom. At the same time, Oliver is sympathetic when a caller at the Teen Help Line confides that no one asked her to prom.

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  23. 6.5/10(2 votes)

    #23 - Emergency Interview Driving Lunch


    When Matt is in a hurry to get to the fertility clinic, each member of the family has a crisis that prevents him from getting there on time.

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    Director:Melissa Kosar
    Writer:Kyle Mack
  24. 6.0/10(1 votes)

    #24 - Enemies: An Otto Story


    Anna-Kat runs for the Green Chair position in the school election against Chloe Brown Mueller’s daughter, which results in Katie and Chloe turning their kids’ election into a feud of their own. Meanwhile, Greg becomes concerned that Taylor’s new friend Pierce is trying to steal her away from Trip, causing Greg to intervene and scheme to prevent it.

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  25. 6.0/10(1 votes)

    #25 - The Maze


    Katie ignores Greg's warning and takes Anna-Kat through a terrifying zombie-themed maze at the annual Halloween carnival. Once inside, Katie quickly regrets her decision and sends Anna-Kat to find help. Meanwhile, Greg has entered a pumpkin carving contest and is ready to go head-to-head against the previous year's winners.

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Melissa Kosar Ratings Summary

"Ice Breaker" is the best rated episode directed by Melissa Kosar. It scored 10/10 based on 1 votes. It was written by Josh Goldsmith. It aired on 9/28/2022 and is rated 0.0 points higher than their second-best episode, "Out of Bounds".