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Alsharqiya TV’s extensive portfolio includes more than 20 shows, spanning the years from 2004 to 2025. Among Alsharqiya TV’s finest offerings are PASHAWAT AKHER ZAMAN and Sarah Khatoun, which debuted in 2004 and 2006, respectively. Check out the most acclaimed shows on Alsharqiya TV, with a catalog of over 20 series updated for March 2025.
A drama, comedy series, discussing social issues, including the spread of the Corona epidemic, and the Iraqi protests, and each episode has a separate topic and story that discusses problems from reality.
Shams and Ameer struggle to reach each other in every tale of this separate series, which takes place in the charming atmosphere of baghdad
A girl lives in an abandoned house in a village. She ignites a conflict between doubt and certainty among the village residents through the miracles she performs. A journalist pursues her to try to prove that she is practicing quackery and sorcery.
Within the framework of comedy and entertainment, events take place about a family of content makers
The day when greed dominated life, the monuments and the banks money did not survive from the thieves and gangs its the time when the new rich people and Al Bashawat controlled the city
The tragedy of a country embodied in the life of Khatun, which owned beauty, money and power, and was chastity, so she saved her body from the arrogance of the governor and the injustice of her uncle to go on the journey of challenge, giving and pain
A comedy show that addresses the hardships and negative aspects in a funny way through different settings in each episode
The events revolve around a group of elderly people and retirees, as they make the decision to enroll in literacy classes, and they go through daily mishaps.
In a dramatic context, the lives of grandfather (Younis) and his granddaughter, who has Down syndrome, are turned upside down, after a strange incident occurs in the family with dire consequences, and events continue.
A forty-year-old widow whose teenage son disappears, so she begins a journey to search for him and discover his secrets and his private world.
The events revolve around a woman who decides to emigrate abroad, and a man who loves his country and does not want to leave it at the turning points of life. What will be the decision?