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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 20 unique series. Among Blackpills’s finest offerings are The Bar Mitzvah and Surrogate, which debuted in 2017 and 2017, respectively. A broadcaster of distinction, Blackpills has aired more than 20 shows between 2017 and 2020.
Teen rebel Logan discovers growing up is harder than she ever thought.
An educative series for children over 18 years old that explores sexuality without taboos and in all its forms, including dicks and nipples. A positive sexuality, that is unrestrained and totally ignores prejudices… culminating into one single message: tolerance.
A lonely teenage girl joins a school for promising killers and trains hard to become an professional assassin as she uncovers the mysteries of her parents' death.
Welcome to a world ravaged by explosions of violence, a world without love. Jung, the broken-hearted hero, pursues his quest: reunite with Maria, his lost love, savagely decapitated by Little Jesus. He can count on the support of allies met along his bloody path, encounters that provide an understanding of others, but especially of himself. He also has to deal with his “violent outbreaks,” an incontrollable curse that springs from his murderous soul.
It’s the story of a praying mantis who goes off the city to become a policeman and is going to suffer a lot. It’s a bit like Zootopia but without being tolerant.
Jane Martin (25 years old), young graduate, is recruited by the Doctor Faye's clinical, "the clinical for healthy sex". Through her maturity, self-confidence and great sexual experience, she requires the obvious qualities to become a good therapist. But Jane does not respect all the rules with her patients and becomes more closer with them. Ignoring the warnings of Dr. Faye, Jane puts her patients and herself in danger.
Life's a ball for Carlos: his restaurant is going under, his love life is non-existent, his dick tastes funny and he is in love with his best friend's girl.
The series follows three women (Santa Fe, Nenuphar, Vegas) living in Los Angeles who go missing, creating a wave of panic in the city. While the police suspects a serial killer is behind the disappearance, the three women have actually joined a secret guerrilla camp, "where they train to avenge the injustice of a misogynistic system that humiliates and exploits women."
British con artist Jimmy 'Skinny' Skinford uncovers the opportunity of a life time - whilst digging his own grave.
A NYPD detective teams up with a Hasidic Jew to solve a murder in the Hasidic community.
In the near future, Sha Dishi is leading a nation of immortals. She is in charge of handling every area of their lives, from careers and religion to family and social life. But as she is thinking of handing over power to her son, she has to deal with a growing political revolt against her dictatorial power.
What's it like to date over 30? Dates & Mates follows a different character each season who, in his thirties, struggles with the numerous obstacles of the dating world.
Thoughts obsess Louise: she can't resist sharing them with her surroundings, even if it makes her stupidly drunk. Little by little, we realize that this moody, imaginative young woman may be hiding a secret...