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Discover the best of Brat TV with our list of over 4 series, meticulously updated for January 2025. For top-tier entertainment, Brat TV delivered Chicken Girls and Saturday at the Starlight in 2017 and N/A. Showcasing over 4 shows from 2017 up until 2024, Brat TV stands as a beacon of television excellence.
Rhyme and her friends - known by their 'ship name, "The Chicken Girls" - have been dancing together forever. But this year, everything's changing.
Getting crushed by your crush. Coming out to your parents. Learning that your sister is your biggest dating rival. High school sure does have its share of twists & moments of drama. To get through it all with your sanity intact, you’re going to need some really good friends. Friends like Johnny, Mariel, and Gaby who, one way or another, will find a way to get through their teenage years together.
Teens, tweens and crooks all hang out at the local roller rink one night during the 1990s.
The 4PM Club follows the hijinks, romances, and friendships of a group of Attaway Middle School students who find themselves in the unenviable position of spending their afternoons stuck in detention.