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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 20 unique series. For top-tier entertainment, Canal Vie delivered Décore ta vie and La bosse des noces in 2002 and 2006. Canal Vie has over 20 shows broadcast from as early as 2002 and as recent as 2021.
Owning an apartment building has advantages, but getting rid of undesirable tenants can be a real nightmare. These hostage landlords share their stories and their dismay. From these dramatic reconstitutions, this series shows the issues created by these problem tenants, the costs associated with repairing the damage and the almost non-existent recourse.
This sketch comedy follows the daily life of a family like any other. Between the grandparents who want to enjoy their retirement, the parents who are discovering the joys of raising children and the teenagers who want break free, there’s no shortage of conflicts, or tender moments.
Fashion designer Jean Airoldi helps couples rekindle the flame by discovering a new look that kicks the romance up a notch.
In-demand designer Marie-Christine Lavoie works with many famous faces including athletes, actors comedians, and singers who put their faith in her keen eye for décor and creative solutions. When she is in charge it’s all hands on deck, and the celebs have to throw off the mantle of stardom for the day to get down and dirty and help makeover their own space. In the end, it’s Marie-Christine who has the last word, and a few surprises up her sleeve, as she turns their space from D-List to A-List.
Actress Brigitte Lafleur and her spouse Mario Provencher share a passion for home renovation. They take on their 13th and biggest ever project.
A show that helps homeowners re-imagine the most difficult rooms in their house, allowing them to 'shop' for the design that best meets their needs. After issuing their brief, homeowners are presented with three concepts brilliantly concocted by three mystery designers. Once they pick their favourite concept, they discover which star designer was the creator and then give that designer the green light to make it a reality.
Designer Marie-Christine Lavoie organize, with the helping hand of a well-known accomplice, a major event for a local personality. Design, decoration, creative direction, gifts and other surprises come together to create an atmosphere that’s tailor made to charm the guest of honour.
Designer Daniel Corbin and real estate agent Maïka Desnoyers get into a friendly competition in every episode to help a couple make a big decision: sell or renovate?
A funny and intimate insight into the bigger-than-life Groulx family. Tara and Pascal, two dynamic thirty-year-olds who might both be somewhat of perfectionists, are parents to 10 children.
Ten couples needing a home face off in an epic construction competition. To become homeowners, they’ll have to get through all the construction steps from what is basically the framework of a new house, all while doing everything they can to avoid getting eliminated.
Mariloup Wolfe meets up with families who moved to remote areas to improve their quality of life. She reveals the questions, doubts and decisions behind these moves, as she profiles one family per episode.