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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 13 unique series. Premiering in 1972 and 1988, Agaton Sax and Alle elsker Debbie are among Danmarks Radio’s most celebrated shows. From 1972 through to 2024, Danmarks Radio has accumulated a diverse collection of over 13 television shows.
Michael is the experienced and successful head chef of restaurant Værk. He suddenly has to defend his position, as new deputy chef Naja wants to modernize his restaurant. Naja comes with a completely different view of what constitutes today's leadership, equality and communication. Conflict between them is imminent. Even graver trouble, however, is ahead.
As a refugee, Mohammed is looking for a quiet and steady life with his girlfriend Ida but loses everything when he is charged with armed robbery and remanded in custody.
Danish documentary in two parts about Danish right wing politician Inger Støjberg and her fans
A coming-of-age documentary series about being an outsider - and about finding yourself and a community through imagination and creativity.