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As of December 2024, we’ve curated over 18 of Gloob’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. Notable series such as Blue Building Detectives and Click from Gloob first graced the screens in 2012 and 2012. Gloob has delivered an expansive roster of over 18 shows, dating from 2012 all the way to 2021.
Carlinhos and his friends are guided by a group of ghost scientists and dive into the search for a secret stored in a mysterious pyramid built below the area that houses the Butantan Institute.
Seven misfit kids thrown together by circumstance, tackling the trials and tribulations of tweenhood with a worldy-wise sense of humor. They face conflict from teachers, parents and each other, but this is not a documentary; in their world almost anything is possible, and technology and even magic can provide solutions -- or make things worse.
Senninha and his friends discover a world of fantasy and fun as they compete on a track that changes all the time. Buckle up for some wacky races!
Set in the bustling town of Everyday, MyaGo lives here with the Go family. She embraces the joy of youth and her innate desire to try out and explore new things. She spends her days discovering the world around her and celebrates the wide variety of fun activities that Everyday has to offer.
Characters from a popular video game come to life with the help of two children addicted with the game.