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As of December 2024, we’ve curated over 7 of Infinity’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. Leading the pack on Infinity are La scelta di Laura and Bob Torrent, with their initial broadcasts in 2009 and 2015. A broadcaster of distinction, Infinity has aired more than 7 shows between 2009 and 2024.
Surreal and ironic comedy about piracy in the entertainment industry: Bob Torrent is a failed cinematographer, cruel and with delusions of grandeur. His only goal is to take revenge on those he perceives as his "enemies" and he does it by becoming the King of pirated movies, producing bad quality movies and TV series with his Torrent Productions, passing them off as Hollywood masterpieces.
A docu-fiction about the present starting from the future: with an optimistic attitude and a sci-fi approach, the last man on Earth is looking for lost memories from Italy in 2020.