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The Best TV Shows on J:COM

Every J:COM Show Ranked From Best To Worst

As of December 2024, our compilation of J:COM’s top-rated series boasts over 2 unique shows. For top-tier entertainment, J:COM delivered Fujiko and Welcome, Chitose-chan in 2015 and 2018. J:COM has over 2 shows broadcast from as early as 2015 and as recent as 2018.

  • Welcome, Chitose-chan
    Welcome, Chitose-chan (2018)9.0

    Chitose-chan is a penguin who lives in Kyoto. Getting in touch with people and getting fed delicious food as she curiously walks around Kyoto streets is her favourite thing to do. The story features popular places in Kyoto like Kiyomizu Temple, Ginkaku Temple, and Gion from the Penguin's point of view. This is a short story about a penguin that is nostalgic and warm, curing and relieving the heart.

  • Fujiko
    Fujiko (2015)8.5

    Prize winning journalist, Michiko Takamine receives an autobiographical manuscript from recent suicide victim Sakiko, the daughter of imprisoned serial killer Fujiko. Before publishing the manuscript, Michiko seeks to interview Fujiko in prison to determine its validity. This story of murder and intrigue goes much deeper then Michiko envisioned and has a unique family twist.