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Discover the best of Kompas TV with our list of over 2 series, meticulously updated for November 2024. Across the timeline from 2012 to 2021, Kompas TV has presented audiences with over 2 captivating shows. Icons of Kompas TV, Malam Minggu Miko and The Apprentice: ONE Championship Edition made their debut in 2012 and 2021, setting industry standards.
Malam Minggu Miko is a comedy series made by Raditya Dika, besides that he also became the main actor, producer, writer of the story as well as the director. In addition to Raditya Dika, the series also stars Ryan Adriandhy and Hadian Saputra. This series is the first comedy series in Indonesia that uses Mockumentary style. Weekly live on Kompas TV, there are two episodes in each view, each 12 minutes long.
16 handpicked candidates from around the world compete in a high-stakes game involving business and physical challenges. The winner receives a US $250,000 job offer to work directly under ONE Chairman and CEO Chatri Sityodtong for a year as his protege in Singapore.