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MMUSA’s extensive portfolio includes more than 1 shows, spanning the years from 2003 to 2003. Check out the most acclaimed shows on MMUSA, with a catalog of over 1 series updated for March 2025. Icons of MMUSA, Uranium and undefined made their debut in 2003 and undefined, setting industry standards.
Uranium is an American television program about heavy metal which aired on Fuse TV in the early 2000s. After establishing herself as the host of MMUSA's Tastemakers program, Juliya Chernetsky, along with network producers, created Uranium as an outlet for the broad range of heavy metal subgenres. Debuting in 2002 and hosted by a 19-year-old Chernetsky, it served as Fuse TV's equivalent to MTV's Headbangers Ball, a long-canceled series that was revived shortly after Uranium's debut. With new episodes premiering Friday nights at 9pm ET, the program traditionally ran a half hour featuring an interview with a band and music videos. Uranium ended in 2006 due to Juliya's departure from Fuse TV, but reruns still occasionally air late at night. Current airings often consist entirely of video blocks without interview segments. Over the years, Fuse TV has introduced various new programs in place of Uranium, and Chernetsky has continued her career in heavy metal journalism.