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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 1 unique series. Leading the pack on NTV-Belorus are The Judicial Column and undefined, with their initial broadcasts in 2008 and undefined. NTV-Belorus has over 1 shows broadcast from as early as 2008 and as recent as 2008.
Daria Ivanova, a graduate of the journalism faculty, works for a popular weekly magazine. Despite the obvious successes, he considers the current occupation empty and unnecessary, and therefore seeks to work in the genre of investigative journalism. One day she gets the chance. And although the girl has only very general ideas about law, she really wants to make a career, and working in a popular newspaper is an excellent launching pad. In addition, Daria has a fiance – the investigator of the city prosecutor's office Anton Nikitin. Counting on his help, Daria becomes the leading "Judicial column".