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As of December 2024, we’ve curated over 20 of ServusTV’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. Talk im Hangar-7 and Music Nuggets represent the pinnacle of ServusTV’s programming, launching in 2010 and 2010. ServusTV has delivered an expansive roster of over 20 shows, dating from 2010 all the way to 2022.
People experience adventures on mountains all around the world. Personalities, fascinated by the world of the mountains, bring us closer to the freedom many people experience in such breezy hights.
Terra Mater is a TV film series about nature, science and history.
Alexandra Winkler lives in a working-class district of Vienna, is employed in a bread factory and is saving for her dream: her own bakery! When the 23-year-old orphan learns that she is the illegitimate daughter of a deceased landlord and that he inherits the Hochstetten Trakehner Stud from him, it all seems like a dream - from which she will soon wake up roughly. Your half-siblings Maximilian, Silvia and Leander can hardly believe that they were passed over when it came to the filet of the family inheritance ...
Through the eyes of psychologist Thomas Meiberger, we examine the mental, social and psychological factors of how and why criminal acts are committed. Even in cases that seem unsolvable, Meiberger is able to follow a thread back to the suspect by interpreting the sequence of events, the victim's behavior and subtle details that are invisible to others.