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Stay up-to-date with over 20 of Spiegel Geschichte’s elite series, with our list refreshed for January 2025. Die Gesichter des Bösen - Hitlers Henker and Freund und Helfer oder Prügelknaben der Nation? represent the pinnacle of Spiegel Geschichte’s programming, launching in 2009 and 2010. With its programming history stretching from 2009 to 2023, Spiegel Geschichte offers an impressive lineup of over 20 shows.
The person Adolf Hitler shaped the 20th century like no other. This series documents the Hitler's life using unpublished material.
This documentary focuses on the development of right-wing extremism, especially in Germany, since the time around the founding of the NPD in 1964. The film reports with known examples of right-wing extremist activities are contrasted with the reactions from official state policy, the judiciary and the majority society, and these reactions are critically questioned in their partially unintentional favoring of the right-wing scene.
Humanity's drive to push the bounds of the known world sometimes results in tragedy - but science still remembers the breakthroughs.