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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 7 unique series. Notable series such as Sylvia's Cats and #hetisingewikkeld from Telenet Play More first graced the screens in 2016 and 2017. Boasting a rich catalog, Telenet Play More features more than 7 shows, with broadcasting dates ranging from 2016 to 2021.
When her marriage fails Sylvia is forced to move with her children into a brothel on the Chaussée d'Amour. Out of financial necessity she decides to exploit the bar. Meanwhile a detective tries to solve an old murder case.
Jeroom Snelders is the mainstay of the junior amateur bakers in Junior Bake Off Flanders. In the garden of the Royal Villa in Ostend, eight passionate young amateur bakers compete for the title of 'Best Junior Baker' for six weeks!