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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 3 unique series. Premiering in 2020 and 2022, One Mo' Chance and Baddies South are among The Zeus Network’s most celebrated shows. The Zeus Network has over 3 shows broadcast from as early as 2020 and as recent as 2024.
From the breakdown of his relationship with the mother of his children, to the death of his brother and partner Real,” the last few years have been personally tough for Kamal Chance Givens. However, the original Stallionaire is now ready to get back on his horse to give love another shot. During Chance return to reality television we’ll watch as he goes it alone to find the true love of his life in this new dating competition series.
The Baddies are back, but this time with some new ladies looking to take the entire Dirty South by storm — in a big ass, decked-out tour bus. Along the way, the ladies will crash in luxurious homes, host and perform at the hottest clubs and parties, tap into the wild and dark side of southern culture and prove why they are the baddest girls around.
The Baddies head to the Caribbean where they plan on creating more of a storm than a Hurricane.