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Explore our list of the top rated shows up to date from January 2025 that includes over 20 unique series. From 1964 through to 2008, WDR Fernsehen has accumulated a diverse collection of over 20 television shows. Among WDR Fernsehen’s finest offerings are Grimme-Preis-Verleihung and Donaugeschichten, which debuted in 1964 and 1965, respectively.
Between the first and second World Wars, we portray glorified and renown naval sea officer Felix Graf von Lucker and his fictitious ship Niobe, which is the 1887 built Amphitrite from Southampton. Von Luckner is famous for his tactical genius in the first World War, especially sinking 14 enemy ships and only losing one crewman, whilst always seeking a peaceful outcome - making him the ideal seaman.
Die Anrheiner is a German television soap opera series, broadcast on WDR-TV since March 21, 1998. The series is set and filmed in Cologne.