Every TV Episode Written by Adam Reed Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters
8.7/10(6 votes)
#1 - Cubert
Archer is convinced a mysterious object is causing the crew to act strangely. Is it magnetic? Is it supernatural? Does it need to be cleaned with some sterile wipes?
When a bomb threat jeopardizes the maiden voyage of the luxury airship Excelsior, Archer and the ISIS crew must battle the clock (and each other) to avert disaster.
Pam is abducted by kidnappers who mistake her for Cheryl. It seems that Cheryl wasn’t completely forthcoming about her background when she applied for her job at ISIS.
ISIS is raided and disbanded by the U.S. government when it transpires that the agency was never sanctioned by them. Its former staff discover a hidden vault containing one-ton of cocaine, and form a drug cartel to sell the drugs to fund their retirements.
A flesh-eating invisible monster has invaded the Sealab and is killing everyone. The crew tries to lure it into a trap by having Dolphin Boy wear a life-jacket made of meat.
Under orders from Capt. Murphy, Stormy & Quinn attempt to hook up pirated cable-TV. After getting a picture, something goes haywire and sends Stormy & Quinn repeatedly back in time about 15 minutes. Then, after getting a picture, something goes haywire and sends Stormy & Quinn repeatedly back in time about 15 minutes. Then...
Murphy is stuck under a soda machine. To make matters worse, everyone else is out at a concert and can't help him! To make matters worse still, who should happen upon poor, defenseless Murphy but an angry scorpion and a tooth-collecting maintenance robot?
In yet another attempt to secure funding for ISIS, Malory drags her agents to the luxury winter resort town of Gstaad to protect a Swiss billionaire's daughter from a kidnapping threat. But Archer soon finds out the real threat is his protectee: an underage nymphomaniac who will stop at nothing to bed the world’s greatest spy.
Archer and Lana head to Louisiana to stop an ecoterrorist from blowing up a natural-gas pipeline. (Archer’s also looking forward to a Big Easy vacation.) Back at ISIS headquarters, Mallory orders the staff to go green to get “freebie socialist tax credits.” A flashback recalls Lana’s introduction to ISIS.
On Malory's orders, Lana helps Hollywood star Rona Thorne (voice of Rachael Harris) research her role in a spy thriller while Malory writes a role for herself in the movie (with Cyril's reluctant assistance). Meanwhile, Pam steals Rona's diary.
Archer must rescue Lana from the clutches of Skorpio, the infamous arms dealer. Meanwhile, Cyril fears not only for his girlfriend's life, but her succumbing to the seductive nature of Archer's heroics.
Breast cancer strikes the Archer family---Sterling has it. "I'm trying to stay positive," he says. "I can beat this." But before surgery, he wants to bond with young Seamus (even though he isn't actually the baby's father) and take a Las Vegas vacation.
"Cubert" is the best rated episode written by Adam Reed. It scored 8.7/10 based on 6 votes. It was directed by N/A. It aired on 7/24/2019 and is rated 0.2 points higher than their second-best episode, "Skytanic".