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The Best Episodes Directed By Alan Perry

Every TV Episode Directed by Alan Perry Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

Alan Perry Ratings Summary

"The Heart of New York" is the best rated episode directed by Alan Perry. It scored 6/10 based on 1 votes. It was written by Tony Barwick. It aired on 12/8/1967 and is rated 2.0 points higher than their second-best episode, "Kill Straker!".

  • The Heart of New York

    #1 - The Heart of New York

    Season 1 Episode 11

    Aired 12/8/1967

    As the Mysterons threaten to destroy the "Heart of New York", Captain Scarlet and Captain Blue investigate the theft of Grade A Security documents from the Spectrum security vaults.

    Director: Alan Perry

    Writer: Tony Barwick

  • Kill Straker!

    #2 - Kill Straker!

    Season 1 Episode 7

    Aired 11/4/1970

    When a Lunar Module is attacked by a UFO, Straker makes a split-second decision that endangers the astronauts, but ultimately saves them. Later, he is surprised to find his authority being questioned by his most loyal officer, Colonel Paul Foster, who spearheads a campaign against him. Then an attempt is made on Straker's life...

    Director: Alan Perry

    Writer: Donald James

  • Close Up

    #3 - Close Up

    Season 1 Episode 11

    Aired 12/16/1970

    Straker gets approval from above to build a probe with a camera that will track a UFO back to its home planet. Inexplicably, the Earth technology is capable of following a UFO travelling 8 or 9 times the speed of light and follows it home. The episode ends with a SHADO guy trying to convince Straker that they were wasting their time, even though they picked up some great pictures of the planet.

    Director: Alan Perry

    Writer: Tony Barwick

  • Survival

    #4 - Survival

    Season 1 Episode 13

    Aired 1/6/1971

    Foster, whose radio is knocked out and his oxygen line cut, is presumed lost (but they did a crummy job, not even trying to find his body) during a confrontation with a UFO on the moon's surface. Foster is found by an alien, and together, they cross the lunar landscape, developing a friendship when the alien must try to do make-shift repairs on Foster's suit to keep him alive. At the end, a Moonmobile crew finds Foster and misunderstands his intent when he points them to the alien nearby.

    Director: Alan Perry

    Writer: Tony Barwick

  • The Dalotek Affair

    #5 - The Dalotek Affair

    Season 1 Episode 17

    Aired 2/10/1971

    Two of the SHADO people, dining at a fancy restaurant, begin to recall this event after one of them sees a diner who was part of Dalotek. A private company installed a facility on the moon which discovered an alien device that disrupted Communications between Moonbase and SHADO on Earth.

    Director: Alan Perry

    Writer: N/A

  • The Responsibility Seat

    #6 - The Responsibility Seat

    Season 1 Episode 25

    Aired 3/8/1973

    Freeman takes over temporarily while Straker deals with a woman apparently determined to investigate what SHADO is all about.

    Director: Alan Perry

    Writer: Tony Barwick