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The Best Episodes Directed By Chris Song

Every TV Episode Directed by Chris Song Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  • The Bleakening (2)

    #1 - The Bleakening (2)

    Season 8 Episode 7

    Aired 12/10/2017

    Linda is determined to host a party at the restaurant, in an effort to spread a little extra cheer around the neighborhood. But when she realizes that her prized ornaments have been stolen, she quickly begins questioning all guests, including Marshmallow's friend Art the Artist.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Kelvin Yu


  • Mom, Lies and Videotapes

    #2 - Mom, Lies and Videotapes

    Season 7 Episode 20

    Aired 5/7/2017

    Linda comes down with a nasty cold just in time for the Mother’s Day show at Wagstaff.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Dan Fybel


  • Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters for You

    #3 - Something Old, Something New, Something Bob Caters for You

    Season 8 Episode 21

    Aired 5/20/2018

    Just as Bob wonders if working in the restaurant business is worth it, a couple who fell in love at the restaurant asks the Belchers to cater their wedding. When things don't go as planned, Linda tries to save the day.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Jon Schroeder


  • Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas

    #4 - Have Yourself a Maily Linda Christmas

    Season 10 Episode 10

    Aired 12/15/2019

    Linda works a temp job at the post office to make extra money for the holidays. But when an important package goes undelivered, Linda breaks protocol and takes it upon herself to save the day. Meanwhile, Bob and Tina are trapped at home with Linda's fussy family and Gene and Louise scramble last-minute to find the perfect gift for Tina.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Scott Jacobson


  • The Taking of Funtime One Two Three

    #5 - The Taking of Funtime One Two Three

    Season 9 Episode 2

    Aired 10/7/2018

    Desperate for the grand prize dune buggy at their local arcade, Louise, Tina and Gene devise a master plan, with the help of Mr. Fischoeder. Meanwhile, Teddy manages to convince Bob and Linda to take in a chicken by promising fresh eggs.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Justin Hook


  • I Bob Your Pardon

    #6 - I Bob Your Pardon

    Season 9 Episode 7

    Aired 11/18/2018

    The Belchers set out to save a turkey from a trip to the slaughterhouse, but when a local reporter catches wind of their schemes, the mission becomes more complicated than they had anticipated.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Nora Smith


  • Just the Trip

    #7 - Just the Trip

    Season 10 Episode 17

    Aired 3/22/2020

    The family takes an unexpected road trip with Nat the limo driver.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin


  • Sea Me Now

    #8 - Sea Me Now

    Season 7 Episode 2

    Aired 10/9/2016

    Teddy tries to impress his ex-wife by organizing a day trip on his newly refurbished boat; Tina attempts to prove she's responsible enough to have a cellphone by taking care of Bob's prized eraser.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Dan Fybel


  • Poops!... I Didn't Do It Again

    #9 - Poops!... I Didn't Do It Again

    Season 10 Episode 20

    Aired 5/3/2020

    Louise must face her fear of public pooping when her class goes on an overnight trip to the aquarium. Meanwhile, Linda enlists the family to make a video for her parents' anniversary.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Steven Davis


  • Heartbreak Hotel-oween

    #10 - Heartbreak Hotel-oween

    Season 11 Episode 4

    Aired 11/1/2020

    The kids meet a mysterious old woman at a hotel on Halloween as Louise plots her revenge for a candy transgression; Bob and Linda donate blood at a vampire-themed blood mobile.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Rich Rinaldi


  • Bob Actually

    #11 - Bob Actually

    Season 7 Episode 9

    Aired 2/12/2017

    With Valentine's Day approaching, Tina, Gene and Louise each find themselves wrapped up in love-caused chaos. Meanwhile, Bob decides on a romantic gesture in order to impress Linda.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Steven Davis


  • Larger Brother, Where Fart Thou?

    #12 - Larger Brother, Where Fart Thou?

    Season 7 Episode 5

    Aired 11/20/2016

    When Tina has a mishap that lands her in detention, Bob and Linda don't have a babysitter for their other kids, forcing them to let Gene and Louise stay at home alone. With the house to themselves, the younger Belchers find themselves in a sticky situation, while Bob and Linda get into surprising trouble with their accountant.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Lizzie Molyneux-Logelin


  • Live and Let Fly

    #13 - Live and Let Fly

    Season 9 Episode 5

    Aired 11/4/2018

    The kids learn the dangers of revenge when their plan to get back at the school guidance counselor gets them entangled in a deep rooted sibling rivalry between two pilots. Meanwhile, Linda and Bob put their game faces on when Teddy invites them to a paper airplane contest.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Rich Rinaldi


  • Pig Trouble in Little Tina

    #14 - Pig Trouble in Little Tina

    Season 10 Episode 4

    Aired 10/20/2019

    Tina dissects a fetal pig in science class and things get spooky. Also, Bob and Linda do battle with a giant ball of ear wax.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Nora Smith


  • The Last Gingerbread House on the Left

    #15 - The Last Gingerbread House on the Left

    Season 7 Episode 7

    Aired 11/27/2016

    As the Belchers prepare for Christmas, Bob gets an unexpected call from Mr. Fischoeder asking him to bring food to a party at his home. When Bob arrives, he discovers that he has gotten involved in an intense gingerbread house building competition with Mr. Fischoeder's rowdy group of friends. Meanwhile, Linda and Teddy try to inspire some Christmas cheer in the neighbors as they take the kids caroling.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Nora Smith


  • Yes Without My Zeke

    #16 - Yes Without My Zeke

    Season 9 Episode 22

    Aired 5/12/2019

    When Zeke gets in trouble, the Belcher kids and Jimmy Jr. pitch in to help prevent him from being sent to a disciplinary school. However, Tina tries to thwart their mission, so she can have Jimmy Jr. and his butt all to herself. Meanwhile, Randy rents out Bob's Burgers to shoot his independent short feature film.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Jon Schroeder


  • Teen-A-Witch

    #17 - Teen-A-Witch

    Season 7 Episode 3

    Aired 10/23/2016

    With Halloween quickly approaching, Tina reveals her brilliant idea that will finally win her first place in the annual costume contest. When Tammy steals her idea, Tina is forced to seek the help of Mr. Ambrose, who leads her to alternate and other-worldly methods of winning. Meanwhile, Bob is on a mission to figure out who is stealing his perfectly crafted pumpkins.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Holly Schlesinger


  • Lorenzo's Oil? No, Linda's

    #18 - Lorenzo's Oil? No, Linda's

    Season 9 Episode 11

    Aired 1/6/2019

    Linda's new friend introduces her to essential oils and Aunt Gayle is convinced she must be rescued. Meanwhile, Bob and Teddy are bamboozled into performing a series of annoying favors for Mr. Huggins.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Jon Schroeder


  • What About Blob?

    #19 - What About Blob?

    Season 9 Episode 17

    Aired 3/17/2019

    Gene convinces Tina and Louise to help him save a misunderstood plankton blob from being destroyed by a yacht club.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Rich Rinaldi


  • Worms of In-Rear-Ment

    #20 - Worms of In-Rear-Ment

    Season 11 Episode 2

    Aired 10/4/2020

    When the family prepares for a night out, they have to abort their plans when one certain member catches the pinworm.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Nora Smith


  • Presto Tina-O

    #21 - Presto Tina-O

    Season 4 Episode 10

    Aired 1/12/2014

    In order to get closer to Jimmy Jr., Tina becomes a magician's assistant; Bob becomes the victim of a curse.

    Director: Chris Song

    Writer: Kit Boss



Chris Song Ratings Summary

"The Bleakening (2)" is the best rated episode directed by Chris Song. It scored 9.7/10 based on 3 votes. It was written by Kelvin Yu. It aired on 12/10/2017 and is rated 0.9 points higher than their second-best episode, "Mom, Lies and Videotapes".