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The Best Episodes Directed By Glenn Howerton

Every TV Episode Directed by Glenn Howerton Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 7.4/10(12 votes)

    #1 - The Gang Gets Romantic


    Mac concocts a scheme to attract single women to Airbnb Dennis' bedroom, while Frank and Charlie concoct similar plans to attract young, European coeds. But neither ad attracts their intended target.

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  2. 7.3/10(11 votes)

    #2 - The Gang Chokes


    Annoyed that the Gang failed to react as he nearly choked to death on an appetizer, Frank decides the Waiter, his savior, is the only person who has his back.

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  3. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #3 - Get Hoppy!


    Principal Durbin takes it upon himself to help Jack advance his book with an appearance on Toledo's morning TV show but lets his five minutes of fame get the best of him. The other teachers lead a competition within the Young Entrepreneurs Club.

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Glenn Howerton Ratings Summary

"The Gang Gets Romantic" is the best rated episode directed by Glenn Howerton. It scored 7.4/10 based on 12 votes. It was written by Rob McElhenney. It aired on 9/25/2019 and is rated 0.1 points higher than their second-best episode, "The Gang Chokes".