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The Best Episodes Directed By Herb Moore

Every TV Episode Directed by Herb Moore Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

Herb Moore Ratings Summary

"Where Rovers Dare" is the best rated episode directed by Herb Moore. It scored 10/10 based on 1 votes. It was written by Tom Ruegger. It aired on 10/12/1996 and is rated 1.5 points higher than their second-best episode, "Let's Hit the Road".

  • Where Rovers Dare

    #1 - Where Rovers Dare

    Season 1 Episode 4

    Aired 10/12/1996

    When a sceptor is stolen, the Road Rovers attempt to create a peace between two warring countries with the aid of a pack of wolves by embarking on a mission to recover the sceptor without getting themselves caught.

    Director: Herb Moore

    Writer: Tom Ruegger

  • Let's Hit the Road

    #2 - Let's Hit the Road

    Season 1 Episode 1

    Aired 9/7/1996

    Professor Shepherd must call together a group of awesome dogs to stop General Parvo from gaining an important weapon. Shepard names his dogs the "Road Rovers," and they set off on their first mission: to duel the General Parvo, his Lieutenant Groomer, and the first two Cano-Mutants.

    Director: Herb Moore

    Writer: Tom Ruegger