The Best Episodes Directed By Hidenori Ishida

Every TV Episode Directed by Hidenori Ishida Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

Hidenori Ishida Ratings Summary

The best episode directed by Hidenori Ishida is "Original", rated 10/10 from 2 user votes. It was "written by Toshiki Inoue". "Original" aired on 2/23/2003 and is rated 0.0 point(s) higher than their second highest rated, "Trio × Trio".

  • Original
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #1 - Original

    Season 13 Episode 5 - Aired 2/23/2003

    Takumi, Keitaro and Mari go to see her father as he will know about the Orphenochs. Yuji takes Yuka to see someone who can help her.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Trio × Trio
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #2 - Trio × Trio

    Season 13 Episode 6 - Aired 3/2/2003

    While working in Keitaro's laundry business, Takumi burns some clothes. Mari believes that he is distracted due to what happened to his friend.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Ryūsei School
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #3 - Ryūsei School

    Season 13 Episode 12 - Aired 4/13/2003

    Takumi and the main girl were able to meet with her friends and teacher from Ryusei School. They discussed that whomever uses the Kaixa Gear will die. They were then attack by an Orphenoch known as Jay. One of the students transformed into Kaixa, just to get the stuffing beat out of him and die. Just then, Takumi as Faiz, saves the day. But this is a hollow victory as the group of students lost their teacher before he had a chance to tell them what happened on the day of the reunion.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Friend of Foe?
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #4 - Friend of Foe?

    Season 13 Episode 13 - Aired 4/20/2003

    Mari, Takumi, and Keitaro begin looking for Mari’s schoolmate Masato Kusaka. Yuji has decided not to attack humans. Naoya is still trying to figure out what he wants. Yuka is trying to figure out Naoya. Naoya decides to be human and date. He drags Yuka out on a practice date. Takumi, Mari, and Keitaro find Masato. As he and Takumi have a fencing battle, Mari’s former schoolmates are attacked by an Orphenoch. They go to rescue them. Masato follows and transforms using the Kaixa belt. He defeats the two Orphnochs .

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • The Beautiful Assassin
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #5 - The Beautiful Assassin

    Season 13 Episode 20 - Aired 6/8/2003

    Two of the members of Smart Brain are ordered to get the Faiz Gear back and kill all traitors. Saeko of Lucky Clover meets another Orphenoch that wants to take Jay's spot. Takumi faces off against one of the members while Yuji Kiba faces the other one. Both fights end up the same: defeat, but Takumi's is much worse because the Orphenoch that he lost to took his Faiz Gear and transformed into Faiz to kill Takumi and finish his job.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Accelerating Spirits
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #6 - Accelerating Spirits

    Season 13 Episode 21 - Aired 6/15/2003

    Takumi and Yuji were blasted away into the river because of the new Faiz. The new Faiz also gloats to the female member of the Lucky Clover that he will take back the Kaixa Gear as well. Kaixa returns to fight the new Faiz and take back the belt. But Takumi gets the belt again with a new gadget that lets him change into Axel Form. Using this form, he defeats the Centipede Orphenoch.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Enter, Delta
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #7 - Enter, Delta

    Season 13 Episode 26 - Aired 7/20/2003

    Kyouji was disappointed about the loss of the belts as he looks for another Lucky Clover candidate. Masato reminds Takumi to keep quiet about what they saw at the school as they met the Ryuseiji later. On the other hand, the remaining Ryuseiji fought over who should keep the Delta belt. A girl appeared at Keitaro as she offered to work part-time. Delta appeared.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Ryūsei School Breaks Up
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #8 - Ryūsei School Breaks Up

    Season 13 Episode 27 - Aired 7/27/2003

    Members of the Ryusei School are trying to find the Delta belt and are arguing over it at the same time. Itsuro of Lucky Clover continues to try to kill Yuji. As they are fighting, they run into Keitaro and Saya. Keitaro encourages Saya to run and soon Delta appears on the scene. Everyone thinks that Aki has the Delta belt. Kyosuke and Ken kidnap Mari to lure out Aki, who continues his murderous rampage as an Orphenoch. Aki kills Kyosuke and Ken as Takumi and Masato arrive on the scene to save Mari. Delta arrives on the scene.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Dark Clover
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #9 - Dark Clover

    Season 13 Episode 28 - Aired 8/3/2003

    Faiz and Kaixa are fighting Aki with little success. Before Delta can join in, Mari intervenes and Aki escapes. Everyone is still trying to figure out who has the Delta belt. They are beginning to suspect that maybe Saya has it. The belt was originally sent to her. Mari and Masato try to arrange a meeting with Aki. In the meantime, Itsuro meets up with Kitazaki. Anyone who Kitazaki touches dissolves. Three crooks found that out when they tried to steal from Kitazaki. Aki eventually meets Masato and Mari. He tells Mari that he has always liked her. By killing her he can completely throw away his humanity and grow stronger as an Orphenoch. He and Masato transform and fight. Takumi arrives to fight Aki as does Saya. Sawada kills Saya and gets the Delta belt. He is made a part of Lucky Clover.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Restored Memories
    10.0/10 2 votes

    #10 - Restored Memories

    Season 13 Episode 36 - Aired 9/28/2003

    As the story begins, Naoya begins to show an interest in the boy he saved from the fire. Everyone is still in shock about Takumi being an Orphenoch. Mari and Keitaro imagine seeing him in familiar places. Mari is starting to remember the reunion. She remembers that Masato was there even though he insists he wasn't. She and Keitaro get Takumi to come back home. He stays for a little while but leaves again when he realizes that the others are uncomfortable around him. Kyouji tracks him down and shows him a video of him in Orphenoch form at the reunion. As the story concludes, it seems as though Takumi is going to try to defeat Yuji, who transformed into Faiz to protect Mari and Keitaro, to get the Faiz belt back and join Lucky Clover.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

    10.0/10 2 votes

    #11 - AMAZONZ

    Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 4/1/2016

    Everything started with the experimental so-called "Amazon Project" which aimed to grow artificial life forms into humanoids. Two years ago, an accident occurred inside the research facility and four thousand test subjects with a preference for human-derived protein were released into the city.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Yasuko Kobayashi

  • NEO
    10.0/10 1 votes

    #12 - NEO

    Season 2 Episode 1 - Aired 4/7/2017

    Amazon. A new beginning. It's been five years since that fateful day... It seemed that operation Tlaloc had taken care of a large number of escaped Amazons. However, there appear to be unexpected developments. During an Amazon hunt of his own, Chihiro has a fateful encounter with Iyu, an Amazon-fighting girl.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Yasuko Kobayashi

  • The Resurrection Riddle
    9.5/10 2 votes

    #13 - The Resurrection Riddle

    Season 13 Episode 35 - Aired 9/21/2003

    Since only Lucky Clover members have complete access to Smart Brain, Takumi has decided to defeat Aki and become a member of Lucky Clover. He transforms into the Wolf Orphenoch to fight him.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Red Balloon
    9.5/10 2 votes

    #14 - Red Balloon

    Season 13 Episode 43 - Aired 11/16/2003

    Yuji begins to wonder if humans and Orphenochs can live together. Osada goes to live with Mari and Keitaro. She realizes that Keitaro is her pen pal. She runs away and the others search for her. The police search for her and Yuji. One of the Lucky Clover approaches her after Keitaro finds her. Yuka transforms and defends Keitaro. He sees her true form. Meanwhile, Yuji and Takumi are fighting off Orphenochs and police that are trying to capture them.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Final Mail
    9.5/10 2 votes

    #15 - Final Mail

    Season 13 Episode 44 - Aired 11/23/2003

    Yuji and Takumi manage to escape. Yuka tells Keitaro she left because she didn't want to be a burden to him and the others. He hugs her and tells her he thinks that humans and Orphenochs should live together and be happy. Takumi and Yuji continue to disagree about humans and Orphenochs being able to live together. During the fight with Bat Orphnoch, Yuka is ultimately wounded by humans and killed by at arms at Saeko.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Kuuga
    8.5/10 2 votes

    #16 - Kuuga

    Season 10 Episode 48 - Aired 1/14/2001

    Yusuke resolves to become the 'dreadful warrior' in order to defeat #0, and before that final deciding battle, he rides his bike through the unrelenting downpour to give thanks once again to all the people who supported him.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Naruhisa Arakawa

  • Yuusuke
    8.5/10 1 votes

    #17 - Yuusuke

    Season 10 Episode 49 - Aired 1/21/2001

    To defeat the one who brings the ultimate darkness, N-Daguba-Zeba, Yusuke transforms into the Ultimate Form, the dreadful warrior. Staining the brilliant white snow field with crimson blood in this literal fight to the death, at last the conclusion is reached.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Naruhisa Arakawa

  • The Past Tied Together
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #18 - The Past Tied Together

    Season 11 Episode 11 - Aired 4/8/2001

    Toru Hojo flees the battle with the octopus Unknown after his attacks fail to work, abandoning the G3 suit and leaving Agito to defeat the Unknown. Shouichi and Mana decide to track down a friend of Tomoko Miura who may or may not know about Shouichi's past. Ryo Ashihara discovers a notebook in his father's belongings full of names and tries to figure out what his father was working on before he passed away.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • The Crash in the Lake!
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #19 - The Crash in the Lake!

    Season 11 Episode 12 - Aired 4/15/2001

    Due to his excellent deduction work and saving a woman, with some help from Agito, from a pair of Unknowns Makoto Hikawa is once again instated as the operator of the G3 unit. Saeko Shinohara tells Shouichi and Ryo that there are ruins of an ancient civilization in the nearby lake and that the people of the civilization use to revere a warrior whose mark bears a similar resemblance to Agito's mask. Unfortunately, Saeko seems to have closed herself off to other people after the Akatsuki incident.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • The New Boss
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #20 - The New Boss

    Season 11 Episode 18 - Aired 5/27/2001

    Kamen Rider Gills is left for dead after being assaulted by Toru Hojo's firing squad and G3's attack. Shouichi decides to live at Aki Sakaki's house while she's gone. Due to the lack of progress in anti-Unknown defense the police decide to bring in Toru's ex-partner Ryuji Tsukasa to head the G3 team.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Breakup Decision?
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #21 - Breakup Decision?

    Season 11 Episode 19 - Aired 6/3/2001

    Shouichi decides to take over the bakery he works at when his boss, Sashi Hanamura, is murdered. Ryuji Tsukasa convinces the police department that the current G3 team should be disbanded and a new one should be made with him at the helm. Toru Hojo figures out that Hanamura's death was not caused by an Unknown but by a human making it look like an Unknown.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Restored Memories
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #22 - Restored Memories

    Season 11 Episode 26 - Aired 7/29/2001

    Agito is defeated by Gills, leaving him to drown. Shouichi doesn't die but regains his memory and then proceeds on a trip to find out just who the real Shoichi Tsugami is. Ryo Ashihara continues to work down the list of names in his father's notebook, meeting Aki Sakaki's "friends": Masumi Sekiya and Katsuhiko Sagara.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • Ryo Dies…
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #23 - Ryo Dies…

    Season 11 Episode 27 - Aired 8/5/2001

    After being saved by Ryo Ashihara, Masumi Sekiya and Katsuhiko Sagara decide that Gills possesess too much of a threat to them and must die. Shouichi and the real Shoichi Tsugami meet face-to-face and talk about their one common link: late sister and girlfriend Yukina Sawaki, who was one of the first people with powers and committed suicide.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • The Mystery of the Sky!
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #24 - The Mystery of the Sky!

    Season 11 Episode 47 - Aired 12/30/2001

    One month later, there have been zero sightings of Unknowns so the police decide to temporarily disband the G3 team with the hopes that this whole mess is coming to a close. Shoichi Tsugami and Ryo Ashihara find jobs and try to once again have normal lives. The Overlord, seeing his beloved humanity turn on him, decides it is time to start over.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue

  • The Governor of Stars
    8.0/10 1 votes

    #25 - The Governor of Stars

    Season 11 Episode 48 - Aired 1/6/2002

    A string of strange suicides are occurring where all the people are Scorpios. Makoto Hikawa doesn't believe that these deaths are just coincidences and decides this needs further investigation. Shoichi Tsugami tries to help a female apprentice struggling to be a full time chef, believing that he can help her follow in her father's footsteps. Ryo Ashihara tries to convince a girl that there is more to life than just racing her bike.

    Director: Hidenori Ishida

    Writer: Toshiki Inoue