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The Best Episodes Directed By James V. kern

Every TV Episode Directed by James V. kern Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 7.3/10(3 votes)

    #1 - Christmas Show


    The Ricardos and Mertzes spend Christmas Eve decorating a tree - and remembering moments that led up to the birth of Little Ricky five years earlier.

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  2. 7.0/10(1 votes)

    #2 - Lucy Meets Orson Welles


    Lucy tries to get in a skit with Orson Welles at Ricky's club, thinking it is a Shakespearean play that he will be doing. When Orson Welles tells Lucy she can be in the show, she calls her old high school drama teacher to tell her the news. Lucy's old teacher sends her whole drama class to Club Babalu to see Lucy perform. But poor Lucy! It turns out Welles only wanted her to be his assistant for a magic trick.

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    Director:James V. Kern

James V. Kern Ratings Summary

"Christmas Show" is the best rated episode directed by James V. Kern. It scored 7.3/10 based on 3 votes. It was written by Bob Schiller. It aired on 12/24/1956 and is rated 0.3 points higher than their second-best episode, "Lucy Meets Orson Welles".