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The Best Episodes Directed By Janis Rebecca Rattenni

Every TV Episode Directed by Janis Rebecca Rattenni Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

Janis Rebecca Rattenni Ratings Summary

"You Only Die Twice" is the best rated episode directed by Janis Rebecca Rattenni. It scored 6/10 based on 3 votes. It was written by Sascha Arango. It aired on 12/15/2024 and is rated 0.2 points higher than their second-best episode, "Episode 33".

  • You Only Die Twice

    #1 - You Only Die Twice

    Season 55 Episode 30

    Aired 12/15/2024

    The body of the lawyer Oskar Weintraub lies - completely pierced by the spear of an exotic warrior sculpture - in the middle of Doreen Prätorius' house. This house resembles a museum of exotic art, and the circumstances of the death raise just as many questions as the condition of the house owner, who cannot remember anything - not even the cause of her own serious injuries. Now Doreen Prätorius is at the center of the murder investigation: How did this fragile-looking woman end up in this situation? Is she the victim of a tragic accident or perhaps a manipulative personality herself who crosses every line for her definition of freedom?

    Director: Janis Rebecca Rattenni

    Writer: Sascha Arango

  • Episode 33

    #2 - Episode 33

    Season 53 Episode 33

    Aired 11/13/2022