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The Best Episodes Directed By Mary Lambert

Every TV Episode Directed by Mary Lambert Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 8.1/10(26 votes)

    #1 - The Director (1)


    Liz awaits trial as Red and Aram take risky measures to protect her.

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  2. 7.3/10(25 votes)

    #2 - The Sin-Eater


    China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murder of Det. Malone. Meanwhile, Lance feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk.

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    Director:Mary Lambert
    Writer:Jenny Lynn
  3. 6.4/10(9 votes)

    #3 - Collection Completed


    After 47 year of tool sales, Jonas has finally found some time to relax and take a break. Or so he thinks. After he returns from his work, he finds out that his wife has been taking in stray animals. He decides to take up a new hobby...taxidermy.

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  4. 5.5/10(2 votes)

    #4 - Accidents Happen


    Daria becomes the maid for a very in love couple but she has trouble understanding their language of love until she finds a novel way to fit into the happy household.

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    Director:Mary Lambert

Mary Lambert Ratings Summary

"The Director (1)" is the best rated episode directed by Mary Lambert. It scored 8.1/10 based on 26 votes. It was written by Daniel Cerone. It aired on 1/7/2016 and is rated 0.8 points higher than their second-best episode, "The Sin-Eater".