Every TV Episode Directed by Mckeever Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters
McKeever Ratings Summary
"The Rumor Mill" is the best rated episode directed by McKeever. It scored 8.667/10 based on 3 votes. It was written by McKeever. It aired on 5/23/2024 and is rated 0.0 points higher than their second-best episode, "Dad".
Will tries to build a marketing campaign for his new idea — until devastating rumors about the store's future and his reputation throw him off-balance.
Will hits a low point after clashing with his toughest critic over his life choices. An unlikely advocate steps in to help save his job — and the shop.
At the Valley Forge Auto shop, manager Will pushes a new inclusion initiative and invites a reporter to cover it, but the interview goes off the rails.