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The Best Episodes Directed By Sutton Roley

Every TV Episode Directed by Sutton Roley Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  1. 8.6/10(5 votes)

    #1 - Quantity: Unknown


    While investigating the theft of a mysterious cylinder from the site of a plane crash, Vincent is captured and suspected of being an alien.

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    Director:Sutton Roley
  2. 8.4/10(5 votes)

    #2 - The Innocent


    The aliens take David Vincent up into their spaceship and then attempt to prove they have nothing but peaceful intentions by showing him what they've done to a desert valley. But all is not what it seems.

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  3. 7.0/10(2 votes)

    #3 - Blast


    Gregory Tolan leads an underground cell specializing in bank robberies with the money going to finance an American revolution. His mysterious sponsor is Jonathan Brace, who runs other such cells throughout the U.S. The IMF must find out Brace's identity and apprehend him. Phelps (as a demo expert) and Dana (as his insider at Tolan's next target) get recruited and has to make sure Tolan steals the money without the police knowing so he can lead them to Brace. When Jim stops Tolan from shooting Willy (disguised as a clerk), the police are alerted and Tolan's team takes refuge. Jim goes to get a (bugged) car since Brace won't come to them, Paris and IMF guest agent Grace play the homeowners, and Dana and Tolan exit with the money when Brace orders them to. Jim stops the hostages from getting killed and they follow Tolan to Brace and bring them both in.

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  4. 6.5/10(2 votes)

    #4 - Wish Upon a Star


    The Robinson family banish Dr. Smith from the Jupiter 2. He takes refuge in an abandoned spaceship where he finds a machine that can materialize anything. In an attempt to get back on the Robinsons good side he gives them the machine which plays on the family's greed.

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  5. 6.5/10(2 votes)

    #5 - Crack-Up


    Peter Cordel, a hitman and grandmaster chess player, has evaded capture - the IMF must bring him to justice and determine who in the Syndicate he works for. Using a hypnotic drug given by guest-agent Sandy, the IMF condition Cordel to blackout every time he is told ""When in doubt, take a pawn."" Then they set it up so it looks like he kills several people during his blackouts and have him awaken in a mental hospital where an IMF orderly stages an assault to make it look like Cordel's boss wants him dead, so Cordel tells Sandy to warn his boss to call off his hit men, and the IMF capture the man.

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    Director:Sutton Roley
  6. 6.0/10(2 votes)

    #6 - One of Our Dogs Is Missing


    The women of Lost in Space are featured in their very own episode while the boys are out installing communications equipment. Smith is left in charge (boy is that a mistake) and he "cleans" their weapons, but cannot remember how to rebuild the weapons. This leaves the J2 crew defenseless. A creepy creature stalks the Robinson women however they think a small dog is to blame for raids on food and other mischief.

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  7. 6.0/10(3 votes)

    #7 - Fallen Angel


    String must add Caitlin to the Airwolf crew, in order to rescue Archangel from behind enemy lines.

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  8. 6.0/10(2 votes)

    #8 - Underwater


    Berlinger, a millionaire manufacturer and stolen gem dealer, will be transferring diamond to a Syndicate boss for $75 million. Only one man knows where the diamonds are - Hoffman, Berlinger's former lieutenant, who stole them. Berlinger is torturing Hoffman for their location. The IMF must get the gems and the money. Barney springs Hoffman and they become partners so Hoffman dives for the gems (hidden on the body of a courier sunk at sea). Casey brings Berlinger to Jim, posing as a diver, who offers to get the diamonds. Willy follows Hoffman to the gems and the team knocks him out and takes him into custody - then Jim leads Berlinger to the same spot and offers to make a deal in return for his $5 million payment. Under pressure from the Syndicate, Berlinger agrees and in the subsequent meeting the police capture everyone.

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    Director:Sutton Roley
  9. 5.5/10(2 votes)

    #9 - The Oasis


    Dr. Smith eats some alien fruit which transforms him into a giant. Convinced it was the Robinsons trying to kill him, he plots to take them out.

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    Director:Sutton Roley
  10. 5.5/10(2 votes)

    #10 - The Sky Is Falling


    The Robinsons can not understand the language of a visiting family also on the planet. The aliens are called Taurons, and come to use the planet as a new colony. However Dr. Smith causes problems between the two camps when he panics and draws a gun on the new family. The Taurons end up not liking the planet and want to be alone, so they leave.

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  11. 5.3/10(3 votes)

    #11 - The Hunted


    Santini Air is hired for a 30 day period by agents on behalf of a industrial millionaire, to be on stand-by to pilot the man on an important journey when called upon. Dominic is excited at the prospect of the high-paying job, but Hawke is more sceptical and intends to find out just why they've been given the contract. But unbeknown to any of them, Caitlin's new boyfriend is plotting to assassinate the millionaire; and matters are not helped any by some malfunctions that Airwolf is suffering...

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  12. 5.3/10(3 votes)

    #12 - Santini's Millions


    Dom inherits from the estate of a millionaire whom he had earlier rescued from a plane crash.

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  13. 5.0/10(1 votes)

    #13 - The Anti-Matter Man


    Professor Robinson is caught in a matter transfer emission ray, and subsequently ends up in another dimension where he is confronted by a version of himself and Don. However this realm is the opposite of his own dimension, the anti-matter world, where everything in reality is twisted. The evil John returns to the family and attempts to take over the Robinsons and take over John's life. Will he get away with it, or are Will and the Robot able to defeat him, and restore the world to it's natural order.

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  14. 5.0/10(2 votes)

    #14 - The Horn of Plenty


    Hawke takes a seemingly luxurious Santini Air job, piloting and accompanying a beautiful, high-flying business woman for a few days, but ends up duped into being hypnotised in an elaborate plot by master criminal John Bradford Horn. Horn has desire to take over a small country as his own, and intends to have the hypnotised Hawke deliver Airwolf to him so he can use the chopper's fierce fire-power to succeed in his goal...

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    Director:Sutton Roley
  15. 5.0/10(1 votes)

    #15 - The Cardinal


    General Zepke plans to rise to power - the only threat to him is Cardinal Souchek who stands for a free people. Zepke has had Souchek imprisoned and plans to replace him with a double who will endorse him. The IMF use an infected mosquito to make the doiuble, Nagorski, ill. Phelps and Cinnamon are called in as doctor and nurse to tend to him while Rollin impersonates a Cardinal and sees through Nagorski's impersonation. He escapes from an airtight sarcophagus and helps Barney and Willy enter the monastery through a booby-trapped tunnel before their air runs out. When Jim has Nagorski placed in an oxygen tent, the others open up the wall behind him, take out Nagorski and replace him with Souchek whom they've secretly freed. Zepke has Souchek-as-Nagorski-as-Souchek give a speech, but Souchek doesn't say what Zepke was expecting...

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  16. 5.0/10(1 votes)

    #16 - The Test Case


    A scientist of an enemy power, Dr. Oswald Beck, has developed a bacteria which causes cerebral spinal meningitis and mutated it into a form that kills and then becomes inert after a few hours. The IMF must destroy the preliminary culture and stop Beck. Rollin replaces the prisoner chosen for a test of Beck's bacteria, and Barney switches the bacteria cylinder for one with knockout gas and then uses a balloon to capture the gas. Rollin ""dies"" but then Jim, who has infiltrated the base as a military medic, ""discovers"" that Rollin isn't dead. Meanwhile, Barney releases the knockout gas into the control room, knocking out Beck's superiors. Beck thinks they are dying from his bacteria and believes they'll think he's a traitor who tried to kill them rather than the test subject. He flees but is shot while Jim destroys the bacteria.

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  17. 4.7/10(3 votes)

    #17 - Fortune Teller


    Hawke and Dominic arrive for a rendezvous with Archangel in the desert, only to find his jeep abandoned and no sign of him. The F.I.R.M., who have reason to believe that he has turned traitor, give him 48 hours to be found before they send in the Zebra squad – an assassination squad that take out suspected traitors. Dominic asks for the help of a reluctant psychic in finding Archangel's whereabouts, much to Hawke's scepticism. Archangel is actually being held by a rich crime baron who is determined to get his hands on ""The Fortune Teller"" – an in-flight device that out-guesses the opponent's next move - of which Archangel has been involved of the development...

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Sutton Roley Ratings Summary

"Quantity: Unknown" is the best rated episode directed by Sutton Roley. It scored 8.6/10 based on 5 votes. It was written by N/A. It aired on 3/7/1967 and is rated 0.2 points higher than their second-best episode, "The Innocent".