The best episode directed by Yoshihide Yuuzumi is "Confession", rated 9/10 from 1 user votes. It was "written by Norimitsu Kaiho". "Confession" aired on 9/11/2019 and is rated 0.4 point(s) higher than their second highest rated, "Genius lives only one story above madness.".
The entrapment was successful, and the team finally corners the killer amongst them. What drove the killer to do what they did, despite developing such a close bond with the rest of the team?
Director: Yoshihide Yuuzumi
Writer: Norimitsu Kaiho
Survival test is coming to the end. Things don't look well for 1-D. Key card is stolen. And now Suzune is forced to withdraw due to her sickness. Kiyotaka will try to turn things around.
Director: Yoshihide Yuuzumi
Writer: Aoi Akashiro
As part of a special test, the school has brought the students to an uninhabited tropical island where they must now live for a week. Their performance on the test can have an enormous impact on the point standings of the four classes.
Director: Yoshihide Yuuzumi
Writer: Hayato Kazano
After getting rejected by Haruto, Satsuki tries to sort out her feelings and reminds herself they're still childhood friends. Meanwhile, Takanori tells them that Nozomi has gone missing in real life. With Clive's help, they find out that Nozomi is logged in to Re'Union and go to find her.
Director: Yoshihide Yuuzumi
Writer: Takawo Yoshioka