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The Best TV Shows on Gaia

Every Gaia Show Ranked From Best To Worst

As of February 2025, we’ve curated over 20 of Gaia’s premier shows for your viewing pleasure. Open Minds and Beyond Belief With George Noory represent the pinnacle of Gaia’s programming, launching in 2012 and 2012. Gaia has over 20 shows broadcast from as early as 2012 and as recent as 2023.

  • Cosmic Disclosure
    Cosmic Disclosure (2015)10.0

    For the first time ever, a 30-year insider has come forward to reveal over 70 years of humanity's hidden history in space. Corey Goode joins David Wilcock in this inaugural presentation of Cosmic Disclosure to offer an overview of the history and extent of humanity's celestial presence.

  • Psychedelica
    Psychedelica (2018)10.0

    Exploring the history and use of psychedelic plants. Psychedelica examines; Sacred Healing ,Integrating Shamanic, Wisdom, Treating Illness with Plant Medicines, Set, Setting, & Psychotropic Experiments, Expanding Human Consciousness, Shadow Side of Psychedelics, Indigenous Medicine of the Mind, and The Holy Mushroom Theory. Psychedelica is an original series streamed on Gaia. 2018

  • Truth Hunter
    Truth Hunter (2017)8.0

    The search for ET, all the latest news presented by Linda Moulton Howe.

  • Beyond Belief With George Noory
    Beyond Belief With George Noory (2012)7.5

    Join Coast to Coast AM's George Noory for dynamic discussions on paranormal phenomena, conspiracies and all things unexplained.

  • Missing Links
    Missing Links (2017)7.5

    Explore the deep truths of our origin, history, destiny and fate, with celebrated author and luminary Gregg Braden.

  • Deep Space
    Deep Space (2016)7.2

    From the moment the real space race began, it was enshrouded with secrecy and disinformation. Now reports of extraterrestrial beings on Earth, suppressed advanced technologies and expansive government cover-ups are making their way into mass consciousness. But we have all been denied the whole story by those who would benefit from our continuing ignorance. What has been hidden will become evident as the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally put together. Gaia brings together the best minds in their fields to shed new light on an extremely controversial subject which can no longer remain hidden or denied. It is up to you to evaluate the evidence and decide where you stand on the question of humanity's presence in Deep Space.

  • False Flags with Richard Dolan
    False Flags with Richard Dolan (2017)7.0

    Richard Dolan guides us through the history and implementation of covert operations, and the resultant media coverage, to reveal the ulterior motives behind such actions. We live in a world of illusions designed to keep us in a state of confusion and feeling hopeless. But we can free ourselves from these shackles of deception as we learn how this game is being played out, right before our very eyes. He shows us that false flag operations and propaganda are tools used to achieve specific ends that would otherwise be impossible to justify. We examine details from various historical events, from the great fire of Rome to the 9/11 attacks, to uncover the consequences for everyone involved. For some, this information may be difficult to accept. Stripping away the illusions can be painful at first, but having this knowledge is empowering, to the benefit of all humanity.

  • Aerial Phenomena
    Aerial Phenomena (2021)6.0

    From the beginnings of the UFO phenomena in the 1940s to the evolution of public disclosure through the subsequent decades, historian Richard Dolan highlights key events and figures from within the US government to expose obscured truths.

  • Galactic Messages
    Galactic Messages (2022)6.0

    Gosia Duszak unveils her direct written communications with Swaruu of Erra, a Taygetan from the Pleiadian star system. Sharing information and knowledge in various areas of human and extraterrestrial reality in order to give back to the people the knowledge obscured on Earth for millenia. Through these conversations Swaruu uncovers the potential of souls to evolve and escape the 3D matrix that was imposed upon 5D Earth more than 12,500 years ago as the result of an interstellar war, and maintained by the manipulated human collective mind.

  • Ancient Civilizations
    Ancient Civilizations (2017)3.0

    What hidden knowledge lies in our ancient past? A team of renowned scholars has come together to decipher the riddle of our origins and piece together our forgotten history found in monuments and texts across the world.

  • Open Minds
    Open Minds (2012)N/A

    Host Regina Meredith conducts interviews with thought-provoking luminaries, cutting-edge visionaries and tireless researchers, providing crucial information to awaken viewers to new perspectives that spark awareness, understanding and ultimately, transformation.

  • Hidden Origins
    Hidden Origins (2015)N/A

    Uncover the clues that expose humanity's true origins as Michael Tellinger reveals secrets hidden within ancient stone circles and artifacts.

  • Ervin Laszlo’s Legacy of a Coherent Universe
    Ervin Laszlo’s Legacy of a Coherent Universe (2018)N/A

    As a philosopher, Ervin Laszlo has spent a majority of his life digging into these mysteries. The fruits of his research reveal some startling discoveries of our untapped potential as a sapient species connected with a conscious coherent universe.

  • Raymond Moody’s Legacy of Near-Death Experiences
    Raymond Moody’s Legacy of Near-Death Experiences (2018)N/A

    Dr. Raymond Moody reveals his personal research on some of the most common experiences with NDEs, shared death experiences, communicating with spirits and reincarnation.

  • Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Legacy for a New World View
    Barbara Marx Hubbard’s Legacy for a New World View (2018)N/A

    Are you ready to build a bridge to a new humanity and a gain a new world view? Learn how to become a cosmic cocreator and conscious evolutionary with futurist and social innovator Barbara Marx Hubbard.

  • Uri Geller’s Legacy of Paranormal Experiences
    Uri Geller’s Legacy of Paranormal Experiences (2019)N/A

    As we explore the details of Uri Geller’s paranormal legacy, we learn more about the energetic and subtle nature of our reality, revealing a man with the power of mind over matter.

  • Tony Horton's Next Level
    Tony Horton's Next Level (2019)N/A

    Tony Horton's Next Level workouts are made for anyone & everyone. Created with 3 levels of intensity, from beginner to advanced, Tony's workouts are designed to help you improve your physical ability & quality of life, all at your own skill level & pace.

  • Initiation
    Initiation (2019)N/A

    At a very young age, Matias De Stefano remembered his connection to the Akashic Records. The information he recalled gave him a unique, and powerful understanding of the creation of the universe and the many layers of reality we all exist within. He brings forward these powerful revelations in this groundbreaking series.

  • Code X
    Code X (2022)N/A

    Could encryptions within famous Renaissance works of art hold encoded wisdom from ancient Egypt? Embarking on a journey to expose the real life Da Vinci Code, polymath Robert Grant delves into divine mathematical proportions to explore the nature of our universe.

  • Shakespeare Decoded
    Shakespeare Decoded (2023)N/A

    How do mathematical codes and alchemical clues left within the works of Shakespeare reveal his connections with Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and royal families? Enter the gateway into a hidden world of espionage and esoterica as author Alan W. Green connects some of the biggest names and secret societies throughout history. From encoded messages within Shakespeare’s sonnets and Renaissance-era ciphers to modern revelations only recently discovered, Green guides us through layers of mysteries to uncover truths almost lost to time.