All Episodes of A History of Scotland
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Season 1
- 7.9/1026 votesLoading...
The Last of the Free
Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 11/9/2008
At the dawn of the first millennia, there was no Scotland or England. In the first episode of this landmark series, Neil Oliver reveals the mystery of how the Gaelic Scottish Kingdom - Alba - was born, and why its role in one of the greatest battles ever fought on British soil defined the shape of Britain in the modern era.
Director: Andrew Thompson
Writer: N/A
- 8.1/1022 votesLoading...
The Hammers of the Scots
Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 11/16/2008
Neil Oliver charts the 13th century story of the two ruthless men who helped transform the Gaelic kingdom of Alba into the Scotland we recognise today. While Alexander II forged Scotland in blood and violence, William Wallace's resistance to the nation-breaking King Edward I of England hammered national consciousness into the Scots.
Director: Jane McWilliams
Writer: N/A
- 8.6/1023 votesLoading...
Bishop Makes King
Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 11/24/2008
Robert Bruce's 22-year struggle to secure the Scots' independence is one of the most important chapters in Scotland's story. Neil Oliver explores the crucial role the Scottish church played in promoting the cause of Robert Bruce, how they launched repeated propaganda campaigns, both at home and abroad, and how the famous 1320 Declaration of Arbroath ultimately persuaded the Pope to finally recognise Scotland as an independent nation.
Director: Tim Niel
Writer: N/A
- 8.2/1023 votesLoading...
Language is Power
Season 1 Episode 4 - Aired 12/1/2008
At one time, Gaelic Scotland - the people and the language - was central to the collective identity of Scots. But as Neil Oliver reveals, Scotland's infamous Highland/Lowland divide was the result of a family struggle that divided the kingdom. This is the story of how the centralising policies of the Stewart royal family in the 15th century led to the Gaels being perceived as rebels and outsiders.
Director: Bill MacLeod
Writer: N/A
- 8.5/1020 votesLoading...
Project Britain
Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 12/8/2008
Neil Oliver describes how the ambitions of two of Scotland's Stuart monarchs were the driving force that united two ancient enemies, and set them on the road to the Great Britain we know today. While Mary Queen of Scots plotted to usurp Elizabeth I and seize the throne of England, her son James dreamt of a more radical future: a Protestant Great Britain.
Director: Colin Murray
Writer: N/A