Show cover for An Clò Mòr

The Best Episodes of An Clò Mòr

Every episode of An Clò Mòr ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of An Clò Mòr!

It's make or break time at the Hebridean family run tweed mill.
Network:BBC Alba
Avg. Rating

Best Episodes Summary

"Meal do Naidheachd An-Diugh (Happy Birthday)" is the best rated episode of "An Clò Mòr". It scored N/A/10 based on 0 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 1/2/2023. This episode scored NaN points higher than the second highest rated, "Mac Athair Fhèin (Like Father, Like Son)".

  • Meal do Naidheachd An-Diugh (Happy Birthday)

    #1 - Meal do Naidheachd An-Diugh (Happy Birthday)

    Season 1 Episode 1

    Aired 1/2/2023

    It's make or break time at the Hebridean family run tweed mill, 'Muileann Mhicsuain'. Time is running out for mill owner Seumas as he tries to save his business, but his corner-cutting leads to horrific consequences. A dreadful accident takes place on the mill floor that endangers the life of a beloved employee, Old Mary. With the family business in jeopardy, Seumas makes a secret phone call asking for help, but who is he reaching out to and why does he have to keep it secret from his family?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Mac Athair Fhèin (Like Father, Like Son)

    #2 - Mac Athair Fhèin (Like Father, Like Son)

    Season 1 Episode 2

    Aired 1/9/2023

    The arrival of potential Norwegian investor Johan throws a cat among the pigeons as age old family secrets and resentments come to the fore. The MacSween clan soon begin to realise that the mill is in worse shape than they thought and Seumas makes a surprise announcement to save the mill.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Fuaim an Airgid (The Sound of Cash)

    #3 - Fuaim an Airgid (The Sound of Cash)

    Season 1 Episode 3

    Aired 1/16/2023

    After years of unhappiness, mill worker Mairead finally walks out of her decade's long marriage and into the arms of the person she loves - hotel owner Cairistiona. However, as the women agree to wait for the right time to tell Mairead's husband Boyd they are together, little do they know there's someone watching from the shadows.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Cha Tig Às a' Phoit, ach an Toit a H-Innte (There's no Smoke Without Fire)

    #4 - Cha Tig Às a' Phoit, ach an Toit a H-Innte (There's no Smoke Without Fire)

    Season 1 Episode 4

    Aired 1/23/2023

    The community gathers for a fundraiser ceilidh for Old Mary who is recovering from her mill accident. A drunken Boyd confronts Mairead and Cairistiona in front of everyone at the ceilidh. Things turn sour between Johan and Murdina resulting in a mysterious fire starting at the hotel, trapping Murdina and Boyd inside. Will they make it out alive?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • An t-Eagal, An t-Eudach 's An Gaol (Fear, Envy and Love)

    #5 - An t-Eagal, An t-Eudach 's An Gaol (Fear, Envy and Love)

    Season 1 Episode 5

    Aired 1/30/2023

    Murdina is thrown into turmoil when she realises that Johan is becoming a majority shareholder in the mill. Mill manager Sìleas offers newcomer Rory a job as one of the drivers. But just who exactly is this mysterious Irish stranger, Rory? Ivor and Dòmhnall's relationship is put to the test when Ivor shares his fears that he may be responsible for the fire.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • An Ìobairt (The Sacrifice)

    #6 - An Ìobairt (The Sacrifice)

    Season 1 Episode 6

    Aired 2/6/2023

    Murdina confronts Johan with CCTV evidence of the hotel fire. Sìleas hatches a plan to save the mill, while Seumas make a sacrifice that could leave him with nothing. Still reeling from the aftermath of the 'Reul na Mara' fire, Cairistiona makes a big decision.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Bho'n Chroit an Clò (From the Land to the Loom)

    #7 - Bho'n Chroit an Clò (From the Land to the Loom)

    Season 2 Episode 1

    Aired 1/8/2024

    Season two opens on a knife edge when mill owner Seumas MacSween collapses. As we flash back six hours earlier, we discover a family torn apart as lies and betrayals are exposed. Tha an dàrna sreath a’ tòiseachadh le brag agus ceannard na muilne, Seumas MacSuain, a’ leigeil roimhe. A’ tilleadh gu sia uairean a thìde nas tràithe, tha sinn ag ionnsachadh mu theaghlach a th’ air an sgaradh ri linn breugan is brathadh a tha a’ brùchdadh am follais.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Rud nach fhaic sùil, cha ghluais crìdhe (What the eye does not see, won't stir the heart)

    #8 - Rud nach fhaic sùil, cha ghluais crìdhe (What the eye does not see, won't stir the heart)

    Season 2 Episode 2

    Aired 1/8/2024

    Seumas is struggling with the secret of who Rory really is. Meanwhile, Sìleas is forced to take drastic decisions at the mill, including rehiring Boyd. But things begin to unravel as Donald resigns from the family business, and Murdina’s drinking begins to get out of control. Tha Seumas a’ strì leis an rùn-dìomhair mu cò dha rìribh a th’ ann an Rory. Aig a’ cheart àm, tha co-dhùnaidhean mòra aig Sìleas ri dhèanamh aig a’ mhuileann – a bhith a’ fastadh Boyd a-rithist, nam measg. Ach tha cùisean a’ dol ma sgaoil nuair a tha Dòmhnall a’ leigeil seachad a chuid obrach bho ghnìomhachas an teaghlaich agus tha Murdina ann an ceò deoch.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Oidhche nan Seachd Suipearan (The Long Night of the Soul)

    #9 - Oidhche nan Seachd Suipearan (The Long Night of the Soul)

    Season 2 Episode 3

    Aired 1/8/2024

    Sìleas tries to make sense of everything as her world comes crashing down around her. Meanwhile, there’s tension in air between Seumas and Rory as neither men speak about what happened on the night of Seumas’s collapse. Tha Sìleas a’ feuchainn ri ciall a dhèanamh dhen a h-uile càil agus an saoghal aice a’ dol bun-os-cionn. Tha mì-rùn eadar Seumas agus Rory, gun duine seach duine aca a’ bruidhinn air na thachair an oidhche a leig Seumas roimhe.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Breugan, bagradh, is bòidean (Lies, Threats and Vows)

    #10 - Breugan, bagradh, is bòidean (Lies, Threats and Vows)

    Season 2 Episode 4

    Aired 1/8/2024

    It’s the day of Sìleas and Seumas’s vow renewal. But while Sìleas is excited, Seumas seems preoccupied. His son Dòmhnall also has a lot on his mind. Will he be able to reconcile himself to the fact that Ivor is going to be a father? Meanwhile Seumas’s other son Shonnie is missing. So, will Sìleas and Seumas’s ceremony go ahead as planned? ‘S e latha mòr ùrachadh nam bòidean a th’ ann do Sheumas is do Shìleas. Fhad ‘s a Sìleas air bhioran, tha rudeigin a’ cur dragh air Seumas. Tha tòrr cuideachd aig a mhac, Dòmhnall, air aire. An tèid aige air gabhail ris gu bheil Ivor gu bhith na athair? Tha Shonnie, am mac eile aig Seumas, air a dhol a dhìth. An tèid an latha mòr aig Sìleas is Seumas mar bu chòir san earrann mu dheireadh dhen t-sreath?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A