- 7.5/10(48 votes)
#1 - Working Animals
Loading...S1:E3Working animals talk about their careers and things that have happened during their jobs. Animals interviewed include lab rats who fear retirement, Pickles the Dog, and a cockroach who multi-tasks.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.3/10(50 votes)
#2 - Feeding Time
Loading...S1:E6Who visited your dustbin last night? Spanner and Trousers are eco warriors who enjoy eating liberated food under railway bridges. Trousers classes himself as rich in knowledge and doesn't believe in biting people, and Spanner will only let strange women pet him.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.3/10(49 votes)
#3 - Merry Christmas
Loading...S1:E13Christmas from the animals that make it happen. As the offspring of two renowned urban "tweeters", it was only natural that Charlie should follow in the great family tradition. Like many precocious youngsters, Charlie loves showing off his seven octave range, and thinks he could serenade anyone to sleep - even himself!
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(46 votes)
#4 - The Sea
Loading...S1:E4In this episode, creatures from the sea talk about events and experiences in their lives. Featured were: Fergal the Shark, Terry the Octopus, and Sue & Lorraine the Walrusses.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(38 votes)
#5 - Pet Shop
Loading...S1:E8Potential pets face their fear of being left on the shelf. Oscar is always on the go, and regards sleep as one of his favourite pastimes behind walking slowly, and pretending to be a strange looking rock. Just before embarking on one of his legendary siestathons, Oscar revealed that his biggest fear is being shut in a small space.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(38 votes)
#6 - What's It All About, Then?
Loading...S1:E9A grab bag of nature's finest speculate on where they come from. The Rudges try to avoid sunburn by taking a dip in the pool at least twice a day. They enjoy England and can adapt to whatever nature throws at them, but lack of personal space can cause nerves to fray - especially when Andrew gets hungry.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(41 votes)
#7 - Being a Bird
Loading...S1:E10Our feathered friends reveal the ups and downs of life in the air. Trixie and Captain Cuddlepuss are primarily sofa inhabitants who find their domestic arrangement entirely satisfactory. Captain Cuddlepuss has a penchant for fress chicken served on a hand painted Chinese saucer - best enjoyed whilst Trixie is side-stepping the dog mess on her daily constitutional around the local civic grounds.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(39 votes)
#8 - Is Anyone Out There?
Loading...S1:E11What do Aliens think of our planet? And is it OK to kiss the postman? Mrs Green has been a UK resident for over eighteen years, and believes that there is nothing to gain from destroying the human race. She prefers people to communicate with her on an emotional level rather than intellectual level, whilst her mother enjoys pouring tea from a silver teapot during University Challenge.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.1/10(56 votes)
#9 - Pets at the Vets
Loading...S1:E2Under the weather pets vent spleen in the waiting room. Clement has been thrown out of a wide range of surgeries, and lives in constant fear of something dropping on his head!
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.1/10(47 votes)
#10 - The Garden
Loading...S1:E5Garden dwellers discuss life in the urban turf. The newly hatched Baby Robins share their garden with a three legged cat callled Daisy. Stan recently took his first flying lesson, and when Ted grows up he wants to become a woodpecker.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.1/10(38 votes)
#11 - The Beach
Loading...S1:E7Coastal creatures rub uo against the summer hoardes. Terry loves the sea and needs little encouragement to have a good old fashioned splash around. Having recently washed up on these shores after a short trip to South America, he can confidently state that the English Sea is much more refreshing than the foreign one.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.1/10(39 votes)
#12 - Cats or Dogs?
Loading...S1:E12The two most popular pets go head to head. Fluffy can fit three packets of peanuts into his mouth, and thinks children love him because he's got big stupid eyes and looks like a baby.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.0/10(64 votes)
#13 - The Circus
Loading...S1:E1Circus animals talk about their experiences of performing, and how they feel about it. Featuring Matilda the Cow, Miss Dynamite the Pig, and Mr Tickles the Seal.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#14 - Beast in Show
Loading...S2:E1Farm animals at a county show talk about taking part in the contests, checking out the competition, and breeding perfection. A pig stresses the importance of having a pedigree, a duck explains why a pond is essential for keeping waterfowl, and chickens discuss the politics of egg judging. This episode introduces Two recurring characters Bill the Hare and Black the Pig.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#15 - The Brood
Loading...S2:E2Various animals talk about their families, whether it be children, siblings or parents, and they discuss the bonds and relationships they have with their relatives. This episode introduced regular characters Brain and Keith the Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Derek the Sharpei, Victor the Geordie Mouse and Muriel and Catherine the Bats.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#16 - Pet Hates
Loading...S2:E3The animals reveal what annoys them. A spider on a car's rear view mirror complains about reckless drivers, Behzad the police horse explains the best way to deal with rowdy drunks, and Clement tries to explain what a "pet hate" is while being constantly interrupted by the sound of a jackhammer. This episode introduces regular characters Behzad the horse and Nicola and Steve the pigs.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#17 - Impressions
Loading...S2:E4How does a hamster sound like a kipper? Does an owl give a hoot? Can a slug imitate a chicken? Animals test their vocal prowess.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#18 - Animals in the 'Hood
Loading...S2:E5The Animals talk about what they like (and dislike) about their homes and the areas they live in. An alligator praises her home in the sewer, an ant talks through his method of brick-laying, limpets talk about their rock on the shore and Clement the Bloodhound takes pride in the structural quality of his kennel.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#19 - Sport!
Loading...S2:E6The Animals discuss fitness, their favourite sports and why they play them. A polar bear talks about the joys of fishing, dung beetles play a game of football with a ball of dung, a pair of scorpions practice duelling with their claws, and Trixie and Captain Cuddlepuss argue about whether darts should be classed as a sport or not. This episode is dedicated to the memory of the late Frank Philips, the voice of Frank the Tortoise.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#20 - Monarchy Business
Loading...S2:E7The animals discuss the British Royal Family, what they actually do, and whether or not Britain really needs them. Among the interviewees supporting the Royals are the Queen's corgis and the Tower of London's ravens, as well as some foreign tourists visiting Buckingham Palace, including an American Grizzly bear, a Kenyan wildebeest, an Indian elephant, and a family of Chinese pandas.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#21 - Animal Magnetism
Loading...S2:E8The animals talk about their love lives, relationships, and what they look for in potential mates. Nancy reveals what first attracted her to Sid, Behzad explains the importance of body odor in finding the perfect match, and Pickles describes the feeling of being in love, all of the while oblivious to her owner falling into a sewer.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#22 - Merry Christmas Everybody!
Loading...S2:E9Christmas time has come again, and the recurring characters all have a go at singing the classic Christmas carol 'Twelve Days of Christmas'. This special episode was longer than the other episodes of the series, at 22 minutes instead of the usual 10.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#23 - Bed Time
Loading...S2:E10The animals discuss their sleep patterns. A cat explains the problems of sleeping for night shift workers, a tortoise struggles to stay awake while lamenting about having to go to sleep, a woodlouse complains about his wife's snoring, and Spanner and Trousers list some of the strange places where they have slept, including in fields and under motorway bridges.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#24 - Self Image
Loading...S2:E11The animals discuss their appearances, dieting, body confidence, and the ethics of cosmetic surgery. Catherine the bat contemplates getting a nose job, a seal expresses her disgust at liposuction, a snake explains how a person's "inner sense" stops them eating certain things, and a cluster of mussels debate which of them is the best looking.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#25 - Communication
Loading...S2:E12The animals talk about languages, accents, dialects, and how they communicate with others. A sheep mimics a shepherd's whistle to demonstrate his flock's reaction, a dog explains how to tell when a donkey is angry, Victor points out the strange use of words in the Geordie accent, and Mazulu and Toto contemplate how language has evolved through history.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A

The Best Episodes of Creature Comforts
Every episode of Creature Comforts ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of Creature Comforts!
Stop-motion animated series with a cast of animals, sound-biting on a specific topic each episode, such as creatures' sporting adventures, Christmas, and visits to veterinarians....
Avg. Rating
Best Episodes Summary
"Working Animals" is the best rated episode of "Creature Comforts". It scored 7.5/10 based on 48 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 10/5/2003. This episode scored 0.2 points higher than the second highest rated, "Feeding Time".