- 8.3/10(19 votes)
#1 - Gutter Monkey
Loading...S2:E8The Man in the yellow hat is competing in the country town bowling tournament at Bowlmore Lanes but it seems like George does not have any luck getting the ball to hit the pins because it keeps falling into the gutter. When he sees The Man polishing his bowling shoes because they make it extra lucky, George decides to polish his bowling ball too. After George polishes the ball he decides to give it a test roll. However, the yard is bumpy and the driveway is a hill so he just cannot get the ball to roll straight. That is until he keeps the ball so long that The Man forgets it and George sees the road from the country house to the Bowling Alley is like a big bowling lane with gutters.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 8.2/10(16 votes)
#2 - All-New Hundley
Loading...S2:E11George is pretty mad at Hundley who will simply not let him play in the lobby and wishes Hundley could be more like him. One day though, he notices that Hundley is barking loudly and acting bouncy and playful, much to his wish! He then notices that Hundley seems to go back and forth between acting bouncy and playful, and acting like his normal self. Realizing that something is not normal about Hundley's split personality, he tries to figure out what is going on.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.9/10(16 votes)
#3 - Monkey Underground
Loading...S2:E3The Renkins' are having a problem with their grape yard. A group of gophers have made their home in the ground under the garden and are stealing the grapes. Upset with the problem, Mr. Renkins calls Calhoun the Gopher-getter, an exterminator, to come and catch the gophers. George does not like the idea of somebody catching the innocent gophers, even if he does plan to release them again. So he decides to build a connecting tunnel between his house and the Renkins' garden so the gophers can escape.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.8/10(16 votes)
#4 - Curious George and the Trash
Loading...S2:E6The Man in the yellow hat is trying to get ready for his photo on his new licence but when George tries to help, the ensuing chaos ruins the Man's hat! The hat is cleaned and restored like new and the Man puts it on the kitchen counter right next to an identical looking box of trash. In a rush, George accidentally throws out the box with the hat and must go on a city-wide spree to find it. Unfortunately it seems like every trash can and dumpster in the city George finds has already been emptied by the garbage truck. George finds some disposed items at Pisghetti's restaurant but Chef Pisghetti tells him that it is not trash, it is recycling. He tells George to go look for the hat in the landfill.
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#5 - Grease Monkeys in Space
Loading...S2:E9The Man With the Yellow Hat is about to get a big job! He is going to go up into space to fix the Einstein-Pizza Space Telescope, which is broken and pointed right at Pizza's kitchen window. Dr. Einstein and Professor Pizza explain that the spaceship has a self-locking air lock but they accidentally forgot to make a way to open it from outside. George has to tag along to push the button that would let him in but is forced to go outside and do the job when the Man's tether breaks. Worse off, George is told he has only 2 minutes of air to complete the job.
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#6 - Piñata Vision
Loading...S2:E10George is at Betsy's birthday party and sees that they have something he has never seen before, a piñata! After George is told how to play, he goes on a free-swinging spree and winds up breaking everything in the backyard BUT the piñata! Aunt Margret tells George to stay outside and play with Charkie and asks him to put his blindfold on and follow her around the backyard with his other senses. Charkie soon escapes the backyard and a blind George begins to follow her around the city in a way other than seeing her.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.6/10(19 votes)
#7 - Up, Up and Away
Loading...S2:E1George arrives in the country for some of the Renkins' fresh blueberries but soon finds out something else: Mrs. Renkins is setting up a hot air balloon. She offers to take George and the Man up and down a few times. Soon, Bill shows up and he and George accidentally send the balloon skyward an untether it. George and Bill are then left soaring across the country sky and have no clue how to stop and land.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.6/10(14 votes)
#8 - Cat Mother
Loading...S2:E4George has another job in the city. He has to take care of Professor Wiseman's new kitten, Lucky for a day. Lucky appears to have a crush on Hundley, which is unfortunate because Hundley is allergic to cats. When the Doorman tells George to keep Lucky away, he decides to build a version of Hundley which will not make Lucky sneeze. When things do not work out, George decides to use something of Hundley's, making him mad. When Lucky hears Hundley barking through the air vent, she goes inside the walls of the apartment to try to find him.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.6/10(10 votes)
#9 - Bag Monkey
Loading...S2:E16George's room is getting very messy and George needs to clean it. The only problem is that when George crams everything into his closet, it just spills back out. Later on at the local supermarket, he sees the grocer's son practicing for a grocery bagging competition. He explains to George that a lot of stuff can fit into one small bag if it is put in just right, somewhat like putting together a puzzle. However, during another practice run, the grocer's son accidentally hurts his hand with one of the food items. He then enlists George to compete for him in the competition and must train him to bag properly.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.5/10(14 votes)
#10 - Up a Tree
Loading...S2:E5Where can you paint on the walls and butter corn with your feet? Not in the country house! George sets out to build a tree house where he can set his own rules, but along the way he accidentally steals Mr. Quint's nails and Ms. Renkins' scrap wood. And in George's house the rules are that you have to paint on the walls and butter corn with your feet.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.5/10(12 votes)
#11 - Special Delivery Monkey
Loading...S2:E14George and The Man are playing George's favorite game after an afternoon lunch at Pisghetti's, but George seems to be confused with how to count. The Man keeps reminding him that when you count, you don't count from where you start and you must count on. Meanwhile, Chef Pisghetti has gone off for a special presentation but has forgotten his pie. So Netti assigns George to deliver it to him, giving him specific directions how to get to him. Unfortunately, George forgets what The Man tells him and gets lost, getting off on bus stop earlier than when he was supposed to and not being able to find the building where the chef is located.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.5/10(15 votes)
#12 - Free Hundley
Loading...S2:E15Hundley is very itchy. It is the middle of flea season in the big city and the Doorman goes to give him a bath. After Hundley's collar winds up getting lost down a storm sewer, two women from the local animal shelter think he's homeless and take him away. George must find a way to break Hundley out of the animal shelter. He brings along Gnocchi, whose cuteness would make a great distraction and Charkie, who could probably figure out how to open the cage being the escape artist she is. George must also figure out a plan to sneak in, free Hundley, and sneak out.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.5/10(12 votes)
#13 - Curious George Takes a Hike
Loading...S2:E20When Bill and The Man With the Yellow Hat are stuck on a cliff, George has to find his way back to the ranger station.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.4/10(13 votes)
#14 - Skunked
Loading...S2:E2George is in the country eating a sandwich when he sees a strange-looking animal stealing his food! After trying to scare it away he winds up getting sprayed with a stinky fluid. The Man tells George that the animal he met was a skunk and that they spray to defend themselves. Bill finds the skunk to be living under his front porch and seals up its home. That leaves the skunk to nestle in the basket George and the Man brought to the country and they wind up accidentally bringing it home to the city.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.3/10(16 votes)
#15 - Signs Up
Loading...S2:E12George and The Man run into Steve at the local movie theater taking down signs for the old movies, which the manager lets him have. Steve tells George that he collects all of the posters which makes George want a collection of his own of sorts. When he sees a guy taking down a sign, he decides to collect various signs from around the city. So he goes around the city taking every sign from the park, zoo, and science museum. When he goes back out to look for more, he notices the park in chaos. Realizing that it is because the signs are gone, he decides to put them back. George puts back all of the signs but does not put them in their original places causing more chaos. The Man then tells George that each sign has a meaning and they are not just for decoration.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(13 votes)
#16 - Color Me Monkey
Loading...S2:E13Mr. Glass is looking for something unique for the lobby of his Glass Palace. Mr. Zoobel, George's upstairs neighbor tells Mr. Glass that he knows of a painter named Soo Berm who lives at the zoo. But it turns out Soo Berm is not a person, she is an elephant! She makes paintings with her trunk and gives them her signature trunk print when she is done. Mr. Glass buys one of her paintings and brings it back to the Glass Palace but Charkie accidentally rips it. George has to get a replacement painting but it turns out that every painting Soo Berm makes is unique and one-of-a-kind. This leaves George to make his own copy of the painting. The only problem is that the painting has colors like green and lavender and all George has are red, white, blue, yellow, and black.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.2/10(9 votes)
#17 - The Magic Garden
Loading...S2:E18The Pisghetti's have a problem, they do not have as many fresh vegetables for their dishes. When they decide to investigate why, they show George and The Man their rooftop garden, where they plant and grow all of their vegetables, on the roof of their restaurant's building. Chef Pisghetti discovers weeds growing in the garden and explains to George how they use of all of the nutrients in the soil so there is none left for their vegetables. After hearing the story of "The Elves & the Shoemaker" he decides to do some secret elf work of his own and weed the garden. But in the process he pulls everything green out of the garden and throws it away, including the vegetables. Luckily the chef has seeds, but George has the fully-grown vegetables at home and is willing to bury them.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 7.1/10(11 votes)
#18 - Curious George, Plumber's Helper
Loading...S2:E19George is tired of the same old tub toys. When he tries some new toys in the tub and drains it afterwards, all of the toys get washed down the drain! After trying to fill the tub with water again it backs up. The Man decides to call his plumber who always fascinates George with his work. The plumber fixes the clog and leaves, and the Man also leaves, to buy George some new bath toys. Afterwards, George is faced with another clog, this time in the dishwasher and decides to fix it himself, dismantling not only the plumbing in the apartment but also in the basement. After turning the plumbing back on, George winds up flooding portions of the apartment building.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 6.9/10(14 votes)
#19 - Curious George Gets All Keyed Up
Loading...S2:E7Betsy has to play her xylophone in the school recital but she has to get her hair dressed and does not want to take her xylophone to the hairdresser. She entrusts George and Steve to get the xylophone to the school. Unfortunately when George knocks the xylophone over he must put it back together. He remembers how the notes, when played in order, sound like they are climbing stairs. But it seems like no matter how he sets up the bars, he can't get them in order. He realizes he needs to count in order from one to set up the xylophone properly. But George cannot count past 12 and the xylophone has more pieces than that.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - 6.8/10(12 votes)
#20 - Monkey Stagehand
Loading...S2:E17It is time for the annual country talent show. After hearing the Man with the Yellow Hat's frog impressions, Bill decides to sign him up. But the problem is that The Man has stage fright. Bill also shows George the system of ropes and pulleys that control the flat scenery as well as he curtain on stage. He also shows George the trap doors on the stage used to drop props below the stage. When Bill, The Man, and Mr. Quint come face-to-face with two skunks backstage, it is up to George to keep the show going.
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#21 - The Fully Automatic Fun Hat
Loading...S2:E21George tries to find a hat that is as much fun as the Yellow Hat, and ends up creating a hat with blow up animals, frisbees, pictures of dachshunds, a rotating fish, bubble blower, and a raisin dispenser. But the Man accidentally wears it to a convention and George has to deliver the yellow hat! When Bill tells George it was a possum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake".
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#22 - Creatures of the Night
Loading...S2:E22When Bill tells George it was a possum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake".
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A - NaN/10(0 votes)
#23 - Scaredy Dog
Loading...S2:E23A mysterious noise in the basement scares Hundley and George until George investigates it.
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#24 - Say Goodnight, George
Loading...S2:E24When George is disappointed hat he has to go to bed at 7:30, he sets the clock back. But when that causes him to miss a blimp ride, he thinks otherwise.
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#25 - A Bridge to Farm
Loading...S2:E25The Renkins' chicks get stranded on a tiny island, and George has to improvise a way for them to get to land, using some items he picked up for a cookout.
0 CommentsView allDirector:N/AWriter:N/A

The Best Episodes of Curious George Season 2
Every episode of Curious George Season 2 ranked from best to worst. Discover the Best Episodes of Curious George Season 2!
With the help of his friend “The Man in the Yellow Hat,” a curious little monkey named George sets out on adventures to learn about...
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Season 2 Ratings Summary
"Gutter Monkey" is the best rated episode of "Curious George" season 2. It scored 8.3/10 based on 19 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 9/6/2007. This episode is rated 0.1 points higher than the second-best, "All-New Hundley".