Show cover for Galaxy Warring State Chronicle Rai

The Worst Episodes of Galaxy Warring State Chronicle Rai

Every episode of Galaxy Warring State Chronicle Rai ranked from worst to best. Explore the Worst Episodes of Galaxy Warring State Chronicle Rai!

Thunder Jet is a 52-episode anime adaptation of the Japanese manga, Ginga Sengoku Gun Yuuden Rai (trans. The Heroes of Galaxy Wars), which was written and illustrated by Johji Manabe.

Genres:AnimationSci-Fi & FantasyAction & Adventure
Network:TV Tokyo

Lowest Rated Episodes Summary

The worst episode of "Galaxy Warring State Chronicle Rai" is "A Warlord Called One-Eyed Dragon", rated N/A/10 from 0 user votes. It was directed by N/A and written by N/A. "A Warlord Called One-Eyed Dragon" aired on 4/15/1994 and is rated NaN point(s) lower than the second lowest rated, "Thunder Jet Sallies Forth to the South Region!".

  • A Warlord Called One-Eyed Dragon
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #1 - A Warlord Called One-Eyed Dragon

    Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 1994-04-15

    The force that sprang the surprise attack is the army of Queen MASSINA, the Queen of Ty and the most powerful nation in the southern Territory of the Milky Way. The command personally led by Massina herself, breaches the outer defense and is now posed to enter the main castle. This is when Thunder Jet plunges himself right into the fray. In the process, he saves one of the five Generals of Gojo, a female warrior named ROGINA and his courageous act leaves a lasting impression on her. and thanks to T.J. (Thunder Jet), Dan-Joe manages to escape. Unable to finish off Dan-Joe, Massina retreats declaring that if Dan-Joe ever attacks the Kingdom of Ty, she will obliterate the force of Gojo. Enraged, Dan-Joe orders an immediate, all-out assault on the Kingdom of Ty. But for a simple marine like T.J., what could he do? Massina had come in a fleet of Space Battleships. T.J. does not possess even a single ship of his own. Then a messenger from Dan-Joe comes to see T.J. with a good tiding. Dan-Joe wants Thunder Jet to take the command of 4077, a fleet of heavily armed warships. Thunder Jet can not believe this good fortune. He accepts it and determines to distinguish himself in a confrontation with Massina again.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Thunder Jet Sallies Forth to the South Region!
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #2 - Thunder Jet Sallies Forth to the South Region!

    Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 1994-04-22

    Thunder Jet arrives to take his new command but the waiting soldiers mistake him for a new recruit and provoke a fight. T.J. immediately displays his strength by beating up some of the men but they are too many. He is about to be overwhelmed when Mokack, the deputy commander of the 4077 intervenes. The manner Mokack handles the situation impresses T.J. but Mokack's opinion of T.J. is not likewise. And soon, an all-out assault on Ty Kingdom begins. Among those who watch the whole army march out is SIMONE who, more than ever, determined to avenge her father's death. 4077 Heavy Armor makes a steady advance and crosses the boundary between North and south. However, many questions remain in Mokack's mind, most of all, his doubt about T.J.'s ability to lead the soldiers and ship. He fears many of his men will be sent to a battle in vain. Then, the news of an approaching enemy fleet reaches T.J. he takes command.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • First Ordeal of Galaxy Battle
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #3 - First Ordeal of Galaxy Battle

    Season 1 Episode 4 - Aired 1994-04-29

    The approaching enemy turns out to be group of hi-speed space frigates. Despite Mokack's concern, Thunder Jet orders an attack. As it turns out, it is a decoy. Though T.J. destroys many of the frigates, his fleet is broadside by swarming fleet of high speed attack boats during the engagement. The Heavy Armor sustains damages. Enraged, T.J. orders to go after the retreating boats. Fearing another trap, Mokack advises T.J. to hold the position but he is too stubborn. He finds the enemy base of the speed boats and demolishes it. However, just as Mokack has predicted, it too turns out to be a trap. While T.J. bombards the base, MASSINA pounces on the convoy of supply ships in the rear. T.J. is forced to turn around to rescue them. That is when the main force of Massina's fleet comes down on Thunder Jet with its full might. Now, his entire fleet is in danger of being decimated. Yet, T.J. remains cool. He is at his best when the ship is down. He turns the situation around and defeats the enemy. Thus a close mutual trust begins to bond the commander and his deputy, T.J. and Mokack. His men too finally come around to trust T.J.'s ability.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Desperate Exodus
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #4 - Desperate Exodus

    Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 1994-05-06

    RACKO of REN KINGDOM vows revenge on ROGINA, the female General of Gojo, for the death of his father. QUEEN MASSINA sees an opportunity in this and talks RACKO into joining their forces so that Racko can fulfill his vows. Racko waits in hiding as Rogina's fleet approaches. He then unleashes his army on the unsuspecting fleet of Rogina And Racko heads straight to Rogina's flagship. He boards it with his men and a free for all battle breaks out. ROGINA is cornered and is about to go down in defeat when Thunder Jet comes for rescue in his flagship, KONGO. Now, Rogina's fleet is in general retreat. In order to rearguard her fleet, Rogina asks for a volunteer and T.J. steps up for the task. T.J. sets a trap for Racko and Rogina is able to slip out with her fleet. Racko vows to fight T.J. for another day.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Headlong Charge To Enemy's Flag Ship
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #5 - Headlong Charge To Enemy's Flag Ship

    Season 1 Episode 6 - Aired 1994-05-13

    The combined force of Southern Territory is now on an all-out offensive. It forces Gojo's army into defensive operation and soon, it becomes a rout. Even Thunder Jet's flagship is badly damaged and he has to keep a low profile behind a Comet until repairs are being made. Then, T.J. spots the fleet of Massina's main force approaching. He mounts a surprise attack, a daring but a desperate assault. He heads straight to Massina's flagship to destroy Massina once and for all. But he faces deadly counter-attack by Massina's deputy, Hee-Lai, and is critically injured. Thus, MASSINA manages to slip away from his burning ship telling his younger brother to watch and learn from T.J., the true courage of a warrior. It seems now T.J.'s luck has finally run out. In a nick of time, Rogina's rescue team arrives and gets him out of the burning ship. After this battle, the cease fire is arranged between Gojo and the combined force of Southern Territory.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Rescue Of Rogina
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #6 - Rescue Of Rogina

    Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 1994-05-20

    While Thunder Jet recuperates, Reila comes to visit him. She informs him that General Rogina is blamed for the defeat and is now sentenced to death. T.J. is furious. Brushing away the restraining hands of others, T.J. goes alone to the castle. But on his way, he collapses from the loss of too much blood. Simone finds T.J. defenseless. Finally the time has come to avenge her father's death. She draws her sword. However, when she learns that T.J. is on his way to stop the execution of General Rogina and he alone can stop it, she mysteriously leaves. T.J., with the help of General Gen-Yee, manages to stop the execution of General Rogina. Gen-Yee, of course, has his own agenda for helping General Rogina.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Feud Among Three Dominant Forces
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #7 - Feud Among Three Dominant Forces

    Season 1 Episode 8 - Aired 1994-05-27

    Many of those who served the Holy Empire are bureaucrats and they remain as the royalists. To further their own ambitions, they plan to destroy Dan-Joe by using Simone, the one and only remaining link to the royal bloodline, as the symbol for their cause. Queen Massina, too, sees advantage in utilizing Simone's position. She sends Hee-Lai for a secret contact with Simone in an effort to find out where she stands. On his way back from the meeting, Hee-Lai is discovered by Thunder Jet. They engage in a fierce battle but Hee-Lai manages to slip away . But T.J. now knows there's some sinister plot to unseat Dan-Joe lurking in the dark. Then, he receives the most puzzling order of all from Dan-Joe. He is ordered to live with Simone, the very person who wants to kill him.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Destroy The Traitors!
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #8 - Destroy The Traitors!

    Season 1 Episode 9 - Aired 1994-06-03

    In order to eliminate the traitors in his own Kingdom, Dan-Joe sets a trap. He orders General Gen-Yee to rise up against him. The plan works. One of his own Generals, HOCKEN, rises up to join General Gen-Yee. Gen-Yee, in turn, orders Thunder Jet to confront Hocken and destroy him. T.J. raids the flagship of Hocken and engages in a man-to-man combat with Hocken. But Hocken turns out to be as formidable as his reputation. T.J. is overwhelmed and is stripped of his weapon. Hocken relaxes. He stands over helpless T.J. and lets him know who is really behind the whole rebellion. SAN-JOE, the royalist, has recruited him for the cause in re-establishing the Holy Empire. But this split second of over confidence on Hocken's part is what Thunder Jet needed. He turns the situation around and slays Hocken.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Desperate Rescue Operation
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #9 - Desperate Rescue Operation

    Season 1 Episode 10 - Aired 1994-06-10

    One of the four Generals of Gojo Kingdom, FOMAY, spreads a rumor that Simone was involved in the rebellion. As the consequence, Simone is arrested by Reila. Fomay wanted to make certain that Simone and her heritage would not be used by Massina or Gen-Yee. Thunder Jet gets a wind of Simone's arrest and decides to rescue her. He knows she is innocent and he believes she does not deserve such a treatment. T.J. succeeds in rescuing her but, pursued by Reila's men, he gets into a tight spot, only to be saved by Gen-Yee. This rivalry between the two Generals, Fomay and Gen-Yee, becomes one of the causes that throws the cosmic conflict into further confusion.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Assassination Of Dan-Joe
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #10 - Assassination Of Dan-Joe

    Season 1 Episode 11 - Aired 1994-06-17

    Fomay is reprimanded by Dan-Joe for his role in Simone's arrest. In fact, he is publicly humiliated, and hires an assassin, -- TO KILL DAN-JOE. Meanwhile, Thunder Jet is promoted to head the personal guards of Dan-Joe, the most trusted job in the Kingdom, as the reward for his role in the suppression of the rebellion. He quickly learns that one of the most vicious assassins is hired to kill Dan-Joe. T.J. takes every precaution but the killer manages to enter Dan-Joe's chamber. T.J. engages in a fierce battle with the killer and is injured. Help comes from MUNK and TASKEE, two of his trusted soldiers and T.J. finishes off the killer. But the assassin has left a scorpion. Dan-Joe is unaware, bitten and he dies. It has been Dan-Joe's lifelong dream to conquer and unify the entire Galaxy. Now, he is gone, what will become of T.J.?

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • A Man To Kill Thunder Jet
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #11 - A Man To Kill Thunder Jet

    Season 1 Episode 12 - Aired 1994-06-24

    KAGAN, a magician possessing enormous psychic power, is a close associate of Gen-Yee. Kagan senses some extraordinary energy emanating from Thunder Jet and realizes that T.J. will be a deadly rival for Gen-Yee soon after. She decides to eliminate him. But Gen-Yee wants to hear none of it. Instead, he dispatches T.J. to an important post, the governor of NANKYO, a strategically important place in the Galaxy. Kagan decides to kill T.J. on her own. As T.J. sets to go to his new post, Kagan sneaks into his flagship. She then pounces on T.J. at the first chance. T.J. puts up a good fight but he is no match for Kagan's magic. Only Munk's trick saves T.J.. Kagan narrowly escapes, vowing to kill T.J. someday.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Shin The Genius Strategist
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #12 - Shin The Genius Strategist

    Season 1 Episode 13 - Aired 1994-07-01

    Thunder Jet starts the governor of Nankyo. Garer, secretly preparing rebellion against Go-Jo Empire, sent a fleet to destroy T.J. Sishin, an ambitious young man with extraordinary talent of military strategy watches the battle of Nankyo through TV monitor. T.J. defeats the fleet sent by Garer before it reaches the terrestrial airspace and defends Nankyo. Sishin thinks of allaying with T.J. to realize his dream...

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Revolt Of Garer
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #13 - Revolt Of Garer

    Season 1 Episode 14 - Aired 1994-07-08

    Garer finally revolts against Kingdom Go-Jo and with his brother's support, occupies the capital city. Regina helps Reila to escape from the castle. Garer kills Gen-Yee and Fomay. Thunder Jet tries to sneak into the city to rescue Reila.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Escape From Planet Go-Jo
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #14 - Escape From Planet Go-Jo

    Season 1 Episode 15 - Aired 1994-07-15

    Sishin prepares an old cargo ship and accompanies Thunder Jet who wants to rescue Reila from the city occupied by Garer. T.J. and Sishin succeeds to help Reila out of Go-Jo. But, the old cargo ship is blocked by a large fleet sent by Garer. Everybody thinks this is the end of road. Then, the old ship gears up suddenly and shakes off the battleships at tremendous speed!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Counter-Attack Of Queen Massina
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #15 - Counter-Attack Of Queen Massina

    Season 1 Episode 16 - Aired 1994-07-22

    Queen Massina of Kingdom of Ty learns the turmoil of Go-Jo and decides all-out attack. She takes direct diving attack to Boot City, the capital city by the suggestion of Leige, her first attendant. Meanwhile, in Nankyo, Thunder Jet, Sishin and Simone are talking about who will conquer the entire galaxy. Then, they receive a news that the first assault troop of Kingdom of Ty is heading for the capital city of Go-Jo.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Defend Nankyo At All Risk!
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #16 - Defend Nankyo At All Risk!

    Season 1 Episode 17 - Aired 1994-07-29

    Queen Massina sends a large fleet commanded by General Sion to Nankyo to secure her back. The fleet outnumbers Thunder Jet's fleet by 10! Our hero cunningly defeats Sion's fleet by a brilliant strategy of Sishin. In the meantime in Kingdom of Ren, King Racko is plotting to occupy Kingdom of Ty. It is a three-sided war between Kingdom of Go-Jo, Kingdom of Ty and Kingdom of Ren.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Thunder Jet VS. One-Eyed Dragon
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #17 - Thunder Jet VS. One-Eyed Dragon

    Season 1 Episode 18 - Aired 1994-08-05

    General Rogina has a hard fight against the troop of Kingdom of Ty closing in to the capital city. Thunder Jet ambushes the main fleet of Kingdom of Ty for Rogina to gain a time to restore her army. In the middle of battle, Queen Massina, alias, One-eyed Dragon, receives a report that her planet is under attack of the fleet of Kingdom of Ren. Queen Massina orders her fleet to retreat. Thunder Jet charges to Massina's commander ship straight on.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Invincible Space Pirate
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #18 - Invincible Space Pirate

    Season 1 Episode 19 - Aired 1994-08-12

    Thunder Jet declares to destroy Garer to his soldiers. Sishin tells him it is necessary to increase the military power as quickly as possible. Sunluck suggests to win a space pirate Colin and his son, Cobin, over T.J.'s side. They have not been actually defeated by any fleet before. Thunder Jet and Sunluck visit the pirate and demand allegiance to T.J.. Cobin gets outraged but Colin talks down him to support T.J. Adding the strong space pirates under his command, the power of T.J. increases tremendously.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Hairbreadth Escape From The Killers
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #19 - Hairbreadth Escape From The Killers

    Season 1 Episode 20 - Aired 1994-08-19

    Garer's brothers, Gasan and Gaten, tell Garer to demote Thunder Jet and his supporter, Rogina, out of fear of increasing power of T.J.. Garer trusts Rogina and turns down his brothers' idea. Gaten plots to assassinate T.J. and Rogina. He gives the post of General to T.J. and kill both jet and Rogina at the celebration party of Jet's promotion. Sishin knows Gaten's stratagem and ruins all his attempts. Rogina admires help and devotion of T.J.'s men. But, it will bring a new destiny to T.J. and Rogina.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • A Road To The Throne
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #20 - A Road To The Throne

    Season 1 Episode 21 - Aired 1994-08-26

    Lan-Lan meets an orphan boy, Lin-Sock in town and asks Sunluck to hire him to do chores. This boy will be second strategic adviser to T.J. soon. In the castle, Thunder Jet wants to know why Rogina ever tries to destroy Garer. Sishin explains the way Rogina lives—She is destined to live with Kingdom Go-Jo and will perish when the kingdom falls. T.J. is shocked by the pitiless destiny of Rogina.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Hate And Compromise
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #21 - Hate And Compromise

    Season 1 Episode 22 - Aired 1994-09-02

    Garer becomes the emperor of the Great Go-Jo. Thunder Jet has something to settle before he starts war against Garer. It is Simone. T.J. loves her but she cannot forgive him for her father's killing. He tells her to kill him if she wants. Simone starts giving out how she feels finally. She is in love with him, too. Then she tells T.J. what her father wanted—the peace of entire galaxy. T.J. promises to realize the peace some day.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • The Great Fortress On Fire
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #22 - The Great Fortress On Fire

    Season 1 Episode 23 - Aired 1994-09-09

    Thunder Jet sends a force to overthrow Garer, new emperor of Kingdom Go-Jo. The front fleet commanded by Cobin, the son of Colin the pirate, surround the first target, the great fortress of Gen-Bookan. The fortress has the gigantic cannon and It is too dangerous for Cobin's fleet to get closer. Emperor Garer orders his brother, Gasan, to destroy T.J. Sishin prepares a secret operation for the purpose of a short decisive battle. His idea is to plant the rocket engine on a huge meteor and clashes it to the fortress. His operation goes well and the fortress is destroyed. T.J. charges into Gasan's command ship and slashes him down.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • One-Man War
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #23 - One-Man War

    Season 1 Episode 24 - Aired 1994-09-16

    Outraged of his brother's death, Garer orders revenge to General Butto. Butto sallies forth out of Boot City, commanding enormous 70 divisions. In the meantime, King Racko of Ren sends his force to Nankyo, Thunder Jet's headquarters. All T.J. can do is to defend his line against Butto's fleets. In Nankyo, Sunluck goes to meet King Racko and manages to obtain a truce from Racko. T.J. defeats Butto's fleets with a new weapon called " Thundering Cannon."

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Taskee's Mission Impossible
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #24 - Taskee's Mission Impossible

    Season 1 Episode 25 - Aired 1994-09-23

    Irritated by Thunder Jet's successive advance, Garer holds the meeting of military staff. Gaten has a dispute with an intelligent staff. Sishin, T.J.'s military strategist, tells Taskee and Munk to sneak into Boot City. Taskee makes up an incident showing Gaten is a traitor. The mission works beautifully and Garer puts Gaten in jail. Kingdom Go-Jo loses a good strategist.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Rogina Challenges Thunder Jet
    NaN/10 0 votes

    #25 - Rogina Challenges Thunder Jet

    Season 1 Episode 26 - Aired 1994-09-30

    Rogina reluctantly accepts Garer's request to subdue Thunder Jet. T.J. decides to fight her without the help of Sishin and other operation staff. Rogina assembles five great warriors called Five Tigers from their posts at the boundaries of Holy Empire. T.J. starts his battle against Rogina's fleet in the place called Sea of Seven suns. He has superiority at the beginning, but it is Rogina's strategy. When T.J.'s defensive line becomes less solid, Rogina's main force charges in at T.J.'s flagship, Kongo.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A