Season 1
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New York City Hurricane Express
Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 1/15/2006
A category 3 hurricane is headed for New York City, what catastrophic damage would this cause? Examine the very real possibilities of this devastating act of nature.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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Dallas Tornado Danger
Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 1/23/2006
A massive super cell has given birth to a F5 tornado and it is headed straight for Dallas, Texas. Get a look at what if anything will be left standing once mother nature unleashes this beast.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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Living in Mount Rainier's Shadow
Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 1/30/2006
Beautiful Mount Rainier in Washington is the home of a potential disaster. Located inside Mount Rainier National Park, the devastation from an eruption could be catastrophic.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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West Coast Tsunami
Season 1 Episode 4 - Aired 2/27/2006
A massive earthquake hits off the coast of Alaska. The Tsunami that would follow would cause catastrophic damage to the entire west coast of the United States and beyond.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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New Madrid Fault
Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 3/13/2006
The New Madrid Fault has been in hibernation since the early 1800s. If a massive earthquake was to start, the effects would be deadly. Near by Memphis, Tennessee would suffer a terrible loss of life and property.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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Sacramento Floods
Season 1 Episode 6 - Aired 3/20/2006
The streets of Sacramento, California are filling with water. With no where for the water to go, what damage will be left behind?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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California Wildfires
Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 3/27/2006
A small fire starts in California, before personnel know it is raging and consuming thousands of acres. Where could it go if firefighters are unable to contain it?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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San Francisco 8.0 Earthquake
Season 1 Episode 8 - Aired 4/10/2006
San Francisco, California, the earth starts to move under everyone’s feet. A massive earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter Scale has just occurred. What devastating effects will this have on the city and the powerful aftershocks that follow?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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Colorado Flash Floods
Season 1 Episode 9 - Aired 4/17/2006
Heavy rain fall in Boulder, Colorado has resulted in flash flooding. Massive amounts of damage and loss of property and life will result when and if mother nature unleashes water on the city.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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Season 1 Episode 10 - Aired 6/5/2006
Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast in August 2005. The catastrophic damage is outlined as well as what is being done to prevent another disaster. †
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A