Kamen Rider Outsiders is a TTFC-exclusive series serving as a crossover between various Kamen Rider series. Immediately following the abrupt ending of Kamen Rider Genms -Smart Brain and the 1000% Crisis-, multiple Kamen Riders fight against the villainous schemes of a returning Foundation X and Zein.
The best episode of "Kamen Rider Outsiders" is "The Treasure of the Mirror World and the Return of Ouja", rated N/A/10 from 0 user votes. It was directed by N/A and written by N/A. "The Treasure of the Mirror World and the Return of Ouja" aired on 1/29/2023 and is rated NaN point(s) higher than the second highest rated, "The Prophecy of Destruction and Desast's Awakenin".
Gentleman thief Takechi Asakura find himself seeing mysterious visions in mirrors of a being called Kamen Rider Odin...
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Ren Akamichi aka Kamen Rider Kenzan is at a loss with how to deal with Foundation X's resurrection of the Megid Desast.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
After the resurrection of Gold Drive aka Banno Tenjuurou, things come to a head in the battle of the Outsiders vs Zein.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
No description available
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
No description available
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A