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The Best Episodes of London's Burning


Every episode of London's Burning ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of London's Burning!

London's Burning is a British television drama programme produced by London Weekend Television for the ITV network that focused on the lives of members of...
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  • Episode 9

    #1 - Episode 9

    Season 4 Episode 9

    Aired 11/24/1991

    There is a surge of excitement when news of a massive warehouse fire comes through on the teleprinter. The scale of the incident is getting bigger all the time and Nick, Kate and recall are send into a basement to find the night security man. Josie and two other members of Charlton Blue Watch are back up. The security man is found on the second floor and Nick's team are called back. but as they return, an explosion rips through the the basement where Recall is pinned by a huge wooden beam with his air supply running low. At ground level, Bayleaf locates a hydrant under a lorry. He succeeds in attaching a standpipe to the hydrant by crawling underneath a lorry but needs Hallam's help to turn it on. Suddenly the building collapses burying the two under an avalanche of rubble. Meanwhile, Josie's team have reached Nick, Kate and Recall and give them much needed air. At last the vibraphone locates life in the rubble, Hallam is dragged out alive but Bayleaf is still missing.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 5

    #2 - Episode 5

    Season 10 Episode 5

    Aired 5/2/1993

    The show starts off with Maggie and Sicknote practising for the talent night doing a splendid rendition of send in the Clowns (rather appropriate in a fire station). The Watch are then visited by ADO Davies to discuss the Stations forthcoming safety inspection. The Watch is then called to a shout where a woman is trapped in her car under a huge advertising billboard. Meanwhile Jack visits new lady friend Hilary (Mother of his sons friend) and Nick attends a family get-together. Gregg has a second date with Tiggy and the Watch attend a fire at a Paint Factory. They find the security guard and the shout is a success and Nick arrives home to find Marianne sitting in his living room.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 8

    #3 - Episode 8

    Season 2 Episode 8

    Aired 12/10/1989

    Tate asks Josie to take charge of a drill. Predictably, the Watch, George and Kevin in particular are lazy and Josie struggles to keep her temper. Dominic has damaged his larynx and Sicknote is persuaded to return to POPs. Malcolm thinks of a wheeze and as the cats burst into the drinking song, the Blackwall contingent join in! The two Marions go out for a night out, leaving Vaseline to babysit. They return home to find Vaseline asleep with little Damian in his arms, the perfect picture of a father. A routine visit to Surrey Docks turns sour when a truck reverses too far and plunges into the dock. Vaseline, George and Bayleaf put on BA and dive in, George and Bayleaf rescue the driver but there's no sign of Vaseline, he is dead. The funeral reunites Sicknote and Jean, while Josie reveals that Marion one is pregnant

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 12

    #4 - Episode 12

    Season 7 Episode 12

    Aired 8/9/1992

    The gas explosions continue. Jaffa is badly burnt but still alive. Scase and Nick are at loggerheads again, when Scase cancels the helicopter Nick had requested for Jaffa's transport. But Nick later apologizes and says that Scase was right - no helicopter could have landed with all the debris flying around like missiles. Hallam and Sicknote try to evacuate a worker from the burning gas depot and get almost blown away by a new explosion. George hears about the huge blaze in the theatre and phones the station, just as Blue Watch returns. He is shocked to hear about Jaffa's accident and goes to see him in the hospital. Jaffa's wife tries to convince him that it was his own decision, but George feels shitty, knowing that he should have been in Jaffa's place . Kevin wants to visit George at home, but only finds Kelly who says that she simply can't get through to him at the moment. Meanwhile, George tells Larissa about the whole thing and she comforts him. Sandra slaps her boss when he tries to make another pass at her, knowing that it will cost her her job. Nick learns that Ariadne has given up her job at a playschool, but Yanni refuses to give an explanation. Charisma gives Sicknote a lotion for new hair growth. Nick gets a memo about the fake firefighters. Pearce goes to tell him about seeing Billy with the old uniforms. Billy gets summoned to Nick's office and he says that he'll be sacked if this is true.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 3

    #5 - Episode 3

    Season 5 Episode 3

    Aired 1/19/1992

    Blue Watch is grumbling because they are on duty on a Sunday. A young girl has gone missing in an old warehouse and the brigade is called to find her and get her out. Kate, the slimmest one of the watch, is sent through the ventilation system and finally locates the girl stuck under debris in one of the rooms. A hole has to be cut into the outside wall to get in there and free her. Elsewhere, a young guy has cracked up after too many rows with his parents and too many computer games. He climbs up a crane. Bayleaf is sent up to talk him out of his suicide plans, but the boy stuns him by explaining that his folks "told him to". At the end of this long Sunday, the girl is freed from the warehouse, but the boy loses it completely and falls from the crane, much to Bayleaf's shock.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Epiosde 11

    #6 - Epiosde 11

    Season 7 Episode 11

    Aired 8/2/1992

    Sicknote starts worrying about his balding skull, but Jean only laughes at him. Charisma returns to Blackwall after some years and is joyfully greeted by his old friends. Nick, though, is rather stunned about his glib talking. George asks Jaffa to take over one-two hours for him so that he can start working at the theatre in time. The fake firemen are caught out by an old lady whose grandson is in the brigade and recognizes the old uniforms. Blue Watch is just doing a ladder drill, when the alarm bell goes off. Nick's crew leaves while the others continue the exercise on their own. They enter the kitchen in BA and frighten Maggie, who accidentally kicks a hose. The jet goes off and sprays the whole kitchen. Sandra's new boss makes a pass at her and Claire goes investigating about bouncing cheques. George leaves the station early and Jaffa takes over for him, just as Blue Watch is called to a huge explosion. A gas depot is on fire and all the gas bottles go off like missiles, setting houses on fire and making work dangerous. Just as Jaffa is calling for reinforcement, one gas bottle hits the pump which explodes in a huge ball of fire.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


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    The 20 WORST Episodes of London's Burning

  • Episode 2

    #7 - Episode 2

    Season 3 Episode 2

    Aired 10/7/1990

    Josie is acting Sub at her new station and supervises a shout involving a crashed lorry and some hot tar. Tow workmen are injured - one sprayed with molten tar, the other lying beneath a propane cylinder. Blue Watch arrive on scene and have to take their orders from Josie. Tate watches with pride as she organises the rescue of the two men and the immediate evacuation of the area. Blue Watch are then called out to a night fire in a ship's engine room. The hold is already full of foam when they learn that the Chief Engineer is still down below. Malcolm leads his team down on a perilous mission because the foam means they cannot see or hear anything. Everything has to be done by touch. Eventually they resurface with the injured engineer. As a break from playing practical jokes on Colin, Blue Watch decide to do up an old car for Maggie who has passed her driving test at the sixth attempt. They park it in the station yard, to the horror of ACO Bulstrode who is making an official visit. Malcolm tells him it is for practising drills for RTAs. Bulstrode asks to see a demonstration which involves the removal of the car roof. Kevin has to tell Maggie that her car is now a convertible.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Blackwall Blues (Part Two)

    #8 - Blackwall Blues (Part Two)

    Season 6 Episode 4

    Aired 4/5/1992

    ACO Bulstrode calls Nick to his office to explain about the crash of a fire appliance with a motorcycle driver. Kevin tells George that his Dad has cancer. A man comes to the station with his little boy who has swallowed something and is close to choking. Nick rescues him with a huge pat on the back, making him cough up whatever was stuck in his throat. Patti Pearce arrives in London to settle down with her husband. Billy takes his newest girlfriend into his passion wagon. Bayleaf keeps suffering from nightmares after the accident. Colin tries to talk Zoë into having kids, but she insists on having her own career. Dossers have hidden in an old cellar where they get high on glue and cause an explosion. Blue Watch is called to put the fire out and Hallam joins them with Jonah and the F.I.U. While Bayleaf tries to evacuate a couple from a high window, one slips and falls off the ladder. Nick runs through the flames to save a burning dosser and crashes through the floor into the basement with him. Instead of taking charge, acting sub officer Pearce runs to help Nick, causing Blue Watch to act disorganized and without coordination. When Hallam arrives at the scene, he shouts at Pearce for his cock-up and takes charge himself, sending the others to evacuate Nick. Diana is just visiting Nick in hospital, when Hallam and Sicknote arrive, seeing him with his new girlfriend. They tell him about Pearce's blunder and do nothing to cheer him up. In the supermarket Claire is attacked by the woman whose husband was knocked over by Bayleaf, bitterly asking how she could be with such a reckless man . Bayleaf will have to go to court to defend himself against the charge of reckless driving. Hallam is not too happy when he comes home and finds the Pearces in his living room with Sandra. The whole watch comes to watch "Richard III". Jean catches Sicknote and Cynthia in the dressing-room. Nick gets a shock when he comes to visit Diana at home for the first time to meet her parents - and her father turns out to be ACO Bulstrode!!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 10

    #9 - Episode 10

    Season 7 Episode 10

    Aired 7/26/1996

    Road workers discover a bomb near the fire station, while Nick's crew is just dealing with a little fire in a garbage can. Sally, who's on standby in the pump receives a call about the bomb. Blue Watch has to evacuate the street around the fire station and are refused entry, while army experts come to defuse the bomb and take residence in the station. Meanwhile, a careless car driver knocks over a little school girl and furious mothers stage a protest on the street against maniac drivers. Blue Watch has to watch how the bomb experts are working and don't know what to do. One crew goes to have lunch at another fire station where the food is miserable and the firemen obnoxious. The other crew is just about to have lunch at a fast food joint, causing raised eyebrows in their uniforms, when they are called to a block of flats where a guy is trapped in a lift. When they want to go up in the other lift, it gets stuck as well. The others have to come and get them all out of the lifts. While Blackwall is on stand-by at another station, they are called to a burning flat, where a young woman passed out after burning some letters from her ex-lover in the trash can. Hallam's crew can't proceed, because they are stuck in the street where the mothers are protesting against car drivers, so Nick's crew has to tackle the blaze on their own. He risks his life and for once has to be grateful to Pearce who rescues him. Hallam gets into a furious argument with the leader of the protest, but not to much avail. At least they can all return to Blackwall Fire Station. While Pearce and Sicknote muse about the bomb and the damage it could have done, Billy scares them to death by throwing a trash can onto the ground next to them. When they enter the station, they realize that the army guys have devoured all their supplies in the kitchen, but before they can get too excited the alarm bell goes off again.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 13

    #10 - Episode 13

    Season 7 Episode 13

    Aired 8/16/1992

    George is still racked with guilt about Jaffa's accident, but S.O. Suffolk tries to cheer him up as well. Sicknote wears a cap all of a sudden, but he only reveals to Charisma that his lotion has caused an ugly rash on his head. Nick and Pearce attend a coroner's inquiry about Donald's death at the blaze. Pearce has to admit that he was too rude to the boy and even feels guilty, but the coroner states that the incident will be treated as a sad accident. Pearce is truly humbled when Donald's mother tells him how fond he was of the brigade and gives him a drawing he had made of Blackwall. Meanwhile, Blue Watch is called to a flat, where a guy is stuck in the heating with his arm. His flat is full of yukky animals, causing Bayleaf to flee. He is called back to assist after Billy obviously "collapsed", but when he opens the medicine bag, a huge spider crawls out, shocking him, while everyone laughs. Sally goes out with her brother and after some chat, he tells her that their father is really bad and would like to see her again. Billy gets the old uniforms back from the guys to whom he lent them, unaware of their mischievous plans. While the watch exercises with dummies and first aid gear, he secretly returns the uniforms and tells Nick. Nick is frustrated about Ariadne's disappearance and quarrels with Hallam to vent his anger. Blue Watch is called to a car accident, where a guy has been run through by a pole. On returning Nick learns that there's been a call from Cyprus for him.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 5

    #11 - Episode 5

    Season 9 Episode 5

    Aired 1/17/1993

    The fire in the factory hall is still ravaging. Hallam and Pearce are high up on the metal walkways to save some kids who had watched the pop video from above. A piece of iron gives way and Hallam slides down, unable to find a halt and crashes down several feet. He is taken to hospital. Recall is also forced to go to hospital and Laura comes from Scotland to visit him. Sandra also returns and learns that Hallam's chance for survival is 50-50. She breaks down in tears. The whole watch tries to cope with the accident, but at the end of the episode they learn that Hallam has died from his injuries.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 3

    #12 - Episode 3

    Season 2 Episode 3

    Aired 11/5/1989

    Charisma continues to blabber on about Big Ron, as Malcolm, George and Vaseline chorus 'BIG RON!' each time his name is mentioned! The bells go down and the pump is put on standby at Stratford as the majority of the Brigade are tackling a huge blaze. The Pump Crew arrive at Stratford to find the food in the oven ablaze! It is quickly extinguished before the bells go down... The Pump crew arrive on the scene where a nuclear container is leaking and ticking. As radiation is suspected, Tate orders that the pump is moved back. He tells Josie that she knows the deal with women and radiation and tells her to inform the public. The train driver and his guard continue to moan about being de-contaminated, but Tate rightfully points out that they don't know if they have been contamination yet and tells them to move their bums back to where the pump is! The Borough Street Watch continue to bully Maddox and they tie him to a ladder and put him face down in a pool of water. As his fellow watch memb

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 6

    #13 - Episode 6

    Season 2 Episode 6

    Aired 11/26/1989

    The racism trial goes to a disciplinary tribunal. Hallam is called to give evidence and despite Scouser's claim that it was just a wheeze that went wrong, Scouser and his co-defendants are thrown out of the Brigade. Sicknote has moved in with Charisma while George realises he has blown it with his latest girlfriend, Julia. Malcolm tries to heal the rift, but when George hears that Malcolm has been seen kissing her, he lunges at him. Meanwhile, an old man has been mugged and thrown into a culvert. He is washed down into an underground tunnel where he clings to an overhanging chain for dear life. Tate orders George and Malcolm to get him out. They wade through the rushing water, but Malcolm trips and is about to be washed away when George comes to his rescue. Back on dry land, Tate hopes the cold water has knocked some sense into them.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 7

    #14 - Episode 7

    Season 2 Episode 7

    Aired 12/3/1989

    With Guy Fawkes night approaching, Blue Watch brace themselves for the usual flood of emergency calls. A boy is left to guard a bonfire against a revenge attack from some youths and hides inside from fear. He doesn't hear the youths set fire to the bonfire. When the Watch arrive, the youths throw bricks at them and cut the hoses. From the fumes, Blue Watch realise that someone was inside the fire and find the boy fried. Bayleaf goes home to comfort Clare when her son is rushed into hospital after a firework accident and he rest of the Watch are sent to a bonfire party which has got out of hand and engulfed the kitchen. Badly-parked cars block the appliances path to the house, so Tate orders the appliance through, even if it means damaging the cars. The blaze is put out, but the guests are not happy when they see their cars

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 7

    #15 - Episode 7

    Season 4 Episode 7

    Aired 11/10/1991

    A City yuppie, much the worse for drinking, drops his filofax on the track at a London Undergound station. Amazingly he climbs down to retrieve that scattered contents - in the path of an incoming train. Blue Watch arrive to find the man still alive and free him by jacking the carriage up. Riddled with the guilt at her suicide attempt, Kevin visits Marion. They patch it up and agree that Kevin should move in. Kate is getting dis-enchanted with Jeff, the fireman she met in Kent, but passes her end-of-probation exam. A hotel goes up in flames, leaving guests screaming for help from upstairs windows. Inside, Colin risks his life to save a colleague. Nick is suspicious about the hotel's safety and, on confronting the manager, discovers that alterations made since the building's fire certificate was issued had turned the place into a death trap. And when a constituent chains herself to Sicknote's railings, he decides he's had enough of being a Councillor.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 9

    #16 - Episode 9

    Season 7 Episode 9

    Aired 7/19/1992

    Bayleaf and Claire start working on the restaurant. Nick seeks help with Dimitri, but he also tells him to leave Ariadne alone. After the shift, Billy takes the old uniforms , but he is caught by Pearce who is immediately suspicious. Kevin invites everybody to a party on his new boat, but Sally refuses - officially because she's got swimming training, but in truth because she's still angry with him. George goes to work in the theatre, where he saves the Russian primaballerina Larissa from a little blaze. The rest goes to Kevin's party, but he's not chuffed when - uninvited - the Pearce's turn up as well. When the party is over, Kevin cleans the boat and is attacked by two thugs who beat him up. At the station Kevin accuses Sally, but she says she has nothing to do with it. Dimitri thwarts Nick's attempts to get in touch with Ariadne. Fake firemen sell smoke-detectors to pensioners and run off with the money. Boys are playing in an old water tower and one falls down into a very deep well. Nick is rigged up in rope and let down into the well, hanging upside-down to rescue him. After this heroic effort, even DO Scase is willing to pay him respect.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 4

    #17 - Episode 4

    Season 9 Episode 4

    Aired 1/10/1993

    Billy tries to persuade Recall to go out with him. Nick returns to Blackwall just as Blue Watch is exercising with their BA gear. Jack gets into a fierce argument with a S.O. and then with Nick about his attitude and missing respect towards superiors. Maggie is taken out to a restaurant by Derek, where he proposes to her. But she confesses that she is still married and doesn't know what to do. Off-duty, Sicknote starts to audition people for the cast of "Macbeth". Billy meets a new girl, Stephanie, at a club, while Recall gets invited to a drink by a nasty woman and flees. Next morning he realizes that Billy took the girl home - into the bed of his own son. He is furious. George and Kelly go to visit his sister Beattie who makes a living from operating a telephone sex line and refuses to reconcile with husband Cyril. Sandra catches Hallam on the phone to Jenny and brings him to confess his affair with the girl. Consequently he is in a very foul mood and first shouts at Pearce when they go to the station together and then at Nick , when they meet in the station office. Blue Watch gets called to a huge blaze in a factory where a pop music video is just being shot. Jack is on BA control, but abandons his duties to save Recall who got injured and Nick gives him a furious reprimand.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 1

    #18 - Episode 1

    Season 3 Episode 1

    Aired 9/30/1990

    A flat is alight and parents and two children are trapped. The mum dials 999, but soon collapses. Nancy is on control and hears the screams, but she is helpless. She calls back through to the operator, so the location can be tracked. The Watch arrive and Hallam, Josie and George work together to free the children, but the parents are both dead. It is revealed that Charisma has left the Watch to work at staff and they all begin to go on about how they think the Watch is jinxed. Tate states that the Watch is not jinxed and Josie agrees with him. George then upsets Josie, reminding her that she doesn't have to worry, because she won't be with them for much longer! The Watch later find Josie crying in the dorm, George apologises and Josie tells them all that she will miss them when she leaves and it is pointed out that she's only transfering, not leaving the country! Bayleaf goes to see a Mrs Roger, about child minding Melanie, who is is now looking after permentantly while Karen is in hos

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 4

    #19 - Episode 4

    Season 3 Episode 4

    Aired 10/21/1990

    After Hallam saves a distressed claimant who set fire to himself in a DHSS office, Blue Watch are called to a collapsed trench on a building site. The foreman has ignored warnings that the trench is unsafe and now a young worker has been buried alive. Malcolm uses his own body to protect the lad from a further collapse and saves his life. Tate tells the Watch he is putting Malcolm up for a bravery award. Malcolm becomes a hero and is interviewed by the national press, much to the annoyance of Sicknote, who's petition to No.10 about the City Farm only recieves coverage in his local newspaper. Technique is thrown out of the Brigade for mooonlighting and warns Bayleaf who has been doing some decorating to make ends meet. Bayleaf has to leave the job unfinished and George takes up ballroom dancing to find his ideal woman.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 5

    #20 - Episode 5

    Season 4 Episode 5

    Aired 10/27/1991

    Bringing a party of young children to London for the day, a coach driver id distracted by their antics and has to swerve through the central crash barrier to avoid a car. The coach plunges down an embankment, leaving the driver, a teacher and one boy dead, with others screaming in pain. Rejoining the Watch is Recall, so named for his photgraphic memory, while Colins chosen venue for his date with Zoe is a home game at Millwall FC. He can't understand why she doesn't answer the phone the next day. Blue Watch are called out to a gruesome accident in a block of flats where a youth is decapitated after mucking about with his mate on the roof of the lift. The blood-soaked body is discovered at the bottom of the lift shaft. kevin reveals his feelings for Marion three, but finds she is still seeing Technique. Drunk and upset, he turns up at Nick's birthday party, held at Uncle Demitri's restaurant. Kevin tries to pick up Nick's teenage sister but becomes abusive. Nick sees it as a family insult and floors Kevin with a right hander.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 8

    #21 - Episode 8

    Season 5 Episode 8

    Aired 2/23/1992

    Blue Watch is still playing basketball and Nick brings them their own team shirts - "Blackwall Blaze". Hallam tries to teach tactics, but the guys prefer chatting. Crooks throw a molotov cocktail into a pub, which goes on fire. Upstairs, people are trapped in their flats. Hallam has a hard time to save himself by lifting himself up through a window in the ceiling, dropping his BA and helmet despite the smoke to be lighter. Blackwall Blaze is ready for their first Basketball match, but the opponents turn out to be a lot taller - and better. Colin gets knocked on his nose and drops out, so that coach Hallam has to join himself, but to no avail. Blue Watch suffers a miserable defeat. Hallam suggests to go boozing in a strip club to cheer themselves up, but the club has been closed and the pier is deserted. The mood is as gloomy as the weather, just when they see a girl about to jump into the sea from the pier. Recall and Hallam heroically jump into the sea after her to save her - their day out turns into another rescue operation. In the end, they find an open pub, where they get drinks and flirt with women. Hallam, Sicknote and Bayleaf, racked by private problems are glum and get drunk. Jaffa first urges them to go home, but loses his mind over a woman and is later found in their camper with his trousers down. Bayleaf cries about Melanie on Sicknote's shoulder. Colin is so drunk that he has the courage to phone Zoe in London and propose to her - while the other guys laugh themselves silly. Zoe, who's with Kelly, is beside herself with joy. Hallam's blissful memories of their night out are shattered when Sandra finds a picture of the "firemen heros" in the morning paper - showing them surrounded by women.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 10

    #22 - Episode 10

    Season 5 Episode 10

    Aired 3/8/1992

    Colin and Zoe are preparing their wedding day. Bayleaf goes to Spain and yells at the lazy, sunbathing private eye to help him find Melanie. Two crooks fiddle with some electric gadgets in a hotel room, causing a huge explosion and a big crash on the street. Colin finds the remains of the electric gear in the hotel room and takes them outside. Meanwhile Sicknote realizes that the walls start crumbling and shouts at everyone to quickly leave the hotel. A helpful policeman tells Colin that he is in fact holding a bomb and orders him to stand very still. Colin is scared stiff and shaking too much to put the bomb down safely. Nick has to help him. An expert later explains that the bomb wasn't sharp yet and nothing could have happened, so Colin wet himself for nothing. Bayleaf finally sees Melanie, who's being used as a servant girl in a cafe. She manages to steal away and he tells her to quickly fetch her passport and return. They manage to escape and he takes her home to England. Colin refuses to tell the others where he and Zoe plan to spend their wedding night to avoid having a prank played on them. On his stag night, Sicknote tries his skills at Karaoke. Kate meanwhile decides to give Ian a chance despite losing his baby and invites him to Colin's wedding. The lads tie a totally drunk Colin to a lamp post in the pouring rain until he tells them the hotel's name. Zoe makes a wonderful appearance at the church in an ancient fire engine, while Blue Watch have donned their parade uniforms. The wedding is only disturbed by the loud wailing of Colin's Mom. When Zoe throws the bridal bouquet Ian catches it, making Kate blush. George, Recall, Sicknote and Kevin come to the Clarendon hotel, asking for the Parrish's. But only a couple named Smith have booked in for the night. Suspecting a fake name, the guys barge into the hotel room with a lot of noise, scaring the living daylights out of the poor couple in the room - who are strangers indeed. Colin and Zoe are meanwhile enjoying an undisturbed wedding night at the Tower Thistle hotel. During the next duty, Nick hands over a postcard from Colin, explaining the hoax. The series ends with a threat of Blackwall being closed and Hallam making a passionate speech to save the fire station.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 14

    #23 - Episode 14

    Season 7 Episode 14

    Aired 8/23/1992

    Jean is just taking a parcel from the postman, when Sicknote returns from night shift and snatches it away from her. It turns out to be a hair piece. Sally visits her father in Wembley. Larissa says goodbye to George and gives him a signed programme of the ballet company. She invites him to visit her at the hotel later, but he resists temptation and returns home to Kelly. Nick gets a phone call from Ariadne who's been taken to Cyprus by Petros. He agrees to fly to Cyprus and fetch her home. Bayleaf and Claire want to confront her brother, but he's vanished. Suffolk catches Sicknote with the hair piece in the bathroom and warns Blue Watch. They all act as if they don't notice - much to Sicknote's disappointment. Ariadne and Nick escape from Cyprus, chased by Petros and his friends. Scase appears at the fire station about the fake firemen incident, but everyone keeps mum. Scase summons Pearce to the station office, but he refuses to say something. Unbeknown of this, Billy later attacks him for talking to Scase. They almost fight, but Hallam interrupts them. On returning home, George finds Kelly in tears. She has found the signed programme and accuses him of infidelity, but he swears that there was nothing between him and Larissa. Charisma joins Kevin and his friends for a card game, Nick and Ariadne come home.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 15

    #24 - Episode 15

    Season 8 Episode 15

    Aired 12/13/1992

    It turns out that Remy has overpowered Mickey, but Kevin is finally shocked enough to report him. Hallam sees Patti again, much to his surprise, but Pearce tells him to keep out of his private life. Remy leaves with her boat, leaving Kevin behind heart-broken. He goes to apologize to Maggie about the attack. Pearce catches Patti on the phone to her current lover. Kevin cracks up over his heartbreak and starts fighting at the pub. Billy and Recall take him back to his boat, where they find Remy's goodbye letter and realize. Billy goes to check on Kevin the next day, but he only shouts at him to leave him alone. Pearce spies on Patti and sees her meeting Kenny at a hotel. Sick of her, he finally throws her out of the house, not believing that Kenny only a friend. Policemen come to the station to inquire if Mickey was the guy who attacked Maggie, but everyone keeps mum to help Kevin. The watch is called to a car crash with fire, and Nick frees a man who's trapped inside a phone booth. Everyone goes to celebrate the opening of Bayleaf's restaurant, except Pearce who sulks at home and Kevin who decides to leave Blackwall.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A


  • Episode 15

    #25 - Episode 15

    Season 9 Episode 15

    Aired 3/28/1993

    Blue Watch is called to help a guy who's stuck on a tree. Skip finds out that he was leering at young sunbathing women and steals the film from the camera. The Health Club George had invested in, goes on fire. Kelly and Beattie are trapped in a room, but Blue Watch saves them. Nick suspects arson and Georg e counts two and two together. He drums up support from Jack and Jaffa and they go to beat up Elkins, who caused the fire to claim the insurance. There's a heavy fight with him and his bodyguards. Pearce goes to talk to Sandra about Hallam's death and his i ntention to sell the house and transfer to Hampshire to get away. She sort of forgives him that he was the one who survived. Sicknote and ACO Baxter hold a speech in Hallam's memory as the memorial plaque is unveiled. Marianne returns to the Netherlands. T he guys call each other into the station bathroom one by one, as Skip has developed the photos of the women. Jack almost gets to kiss Carole, but the alarm bell goes off and interrupts them. As the pumps speed along the motorway, they get involved into a heavy crash and a long bar crashes through the window of one pump.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A



Best Episodes Summary

"Episode 9" is the best rated episode of "London's Burning". It scored 8.9/10 based on 16 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 11/24/1991. This episode scored 0.4 points higher than the second highest rated, "Episode 5".