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#1 - The Ties That Bind
Season 3 Episode 23
Aired 9/10/2003
When Claire and Alex hit the big smoke, a long lost father is found, and a hidden passion is finally ignited.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#2 - To Catch a Thief
Season 3 Episode 27
Aired 10/8/2003
Tess's upcoming operation has thoughts of mortality creeping in so she begins to write a letter to Charlotte so that her niece can know her should Tess no longer be around. Claire reminiscences when an old friend turns up unexpectedly.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#3 - My Noon, My Midnight
Season 3 Episode 28
Aired 10/15/2003
Tragedy befalls Drover's Run, in the wake of celebration, as the lives of all connected with Drover's are turned upside down.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#4 - The Long Goodbye
Season 3 Episode 29
Aired 10/22/2003
Claire's death has everyone is dealing with it in their own way. Tess tries to keep her emotions in check, unable to deal with her grief and burdened by survivor's guilt. A surprise visitor at Drovers Run helps Tess when she needs it most.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#5 - Time Frames
Season 3 Episode 25
Aired 9/24/2003
Has Sandra overstepped the mark with Harry? Tess's biopsy brings unexpected consequences. And, who's Jodi's secret admirer?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#6 - A House of Cards
Season 3 Episode 9
Aired 4/23/2003
A thirtieth wedding anniversary is no protection for Liz when Harry, suspicious about Claire's baby, discovers an even bigger lie. Liz is preparing for her thirtieth wedding anniversary lunch, and Harry, still very much in love, has given her a beautiful strand of pearls. But it soon all starts unravelling. Brick's sister arrives and is unhappy at the thought of Becky moving on. Becky assures her she hasn't forgotten about him, but notes she's still into Jake.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
The 20 BEST Episodes of McLeod's Daughters
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#7 - One Step at a Time
Season 3 Episode 24
Aired 9/17/2003
With Claire and Alex still in Melbourne with Charlotte, enjoying their new found love, Tess tries to deal with a pressing health matter alone.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#8 - Fairy Tale, Ending
Season 3 Episode 1
Aired 2/12/2003
Claire is finally released from hospital and driven home by 'father-to-be' Alex. Her first day back does not go as smoothly as the doctor would have intended and Claire realises that some things may have to change. She must also contend with the effects of the lie about Alex being the baby's father.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#9 - The Road Home
Season 3 Episode 3
Aired 2/26/2003
Becky's search for Brick comes to an end while Jodi's dream of a big wedding causes tension.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#10 - Seeing the Light
Season 3 Episode 16
Aired 7/23/2003
Min Min lights are seen by Claire and Tess over Drover's. Tess is determined to believe they are a good omen, but Claire, restless and uneasy in the last stages of pregnancy, insists they're natural phenomena but trouble awaits.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#11 - Gone to the Dogs
Season 3 Episode 7
Aired 4/2/2003
An incident with a prized stallion leads to intrigue regarding Jake's past, while he and Becky get closer. Alex and Meg must contend with an emotional Claire and there's a change in Meg's domestic situation.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#12 - Body Language (aka The Bottom Line)
Season 3 Episode 26
Aired 10/1/2003
The Young Farmer of the Year contest comes to Drovers Run, bringing difficult choices for both Claire and Becky about the men they love. Drovers Run hosts the Regional Young Farmer of the Year Award, and Becky is surprised to learn that Jake has entered. He tells her he's going to win her back. They compete neck and neck and slowly Becky is won over by his persistence and charm and the old spark between them returns. When Jake asks her to come and live with him on the property he's leased, Becky is truly torn between the man she loves and Drovers Run...
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#13 - Put to the Test
Season 3 Episode 5
Aired 3/12/2003
At Jodi's hens night, a game of truth or dare reveals far more than was intended.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#14 - Three Little Words
Season 3 Episode 10
Aired 4/30/2003
As Harry and Alex battle each other, Tess finds it hard to resist her attraction to Dave the vet.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#15 - Perfect Match
Season 3 Episode 20
Aired 8/20/2003
Becky and Jake go into Stud partnership with Claire but when things don't go as planned, whose side will Becky take? And, there's a speed dating session at Drovers, who will find love?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#16 - Turbulence
Season 3 Episode 30
Aired 10/29/2003
Tess and Stevie continue to clash this week, and all the competitive ill-fellings come to the surface when a private investigator turns up at Drover's Run. Tess accepts Stevie's explanations at first (something about witnessing a rodeo accident up north), but gets suspicious again when Stevie is caught packing her bags. Still refusing to reveal the truth, she offers her resignation and Tess accepts with more than a little relief. As Stevie loads up her car, Jodi, Meg and Tess discover little Charlotte has been bitten by a redback spider. Fearing for Charlotte's life, Tess accepts a ride from Stevie to the hospital, but it turns out to be far from a straightforward trip. With the private investigator in hot pursuit, things get worse when Charlotte has a heat-induced fit. It looks like they are not going to make it to the hospital in time so Stevie steals a plane to speed the trip up. Charlotte's young life is in the balance and Tess is terrified that she is going to lose the one link sh
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: Sarah Smith
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#17 - Better The Devil You Know
Season 3 Episode 2
Aired 2/19/2003
Claire and Alex's lie about the baby causes a major upset between the sisters. Jodi is back, but wants to continue travelling. Becky does not give up hope for Brick. Claire eventually tells Liz the truth.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#18 - The Ghost of Things to Come
Season 3 Episode 8
Aired 4/9/2003
Claire discovers a hidden treasure which brings back ghostly memories of her mother and unleashes a gnawing fear that she too will die in childbirth.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#19 - Sins of the Father
Season 3 Episode 12
Aired 5/14/2003
Becky and Jake's relationship is tested when his real background is revealed, causing shock waves which impact eveyone on Drover's.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#20 - Jokers to the Right
Season 3 Episode 13
Aired 5/21/2003
The charade of being the father of Claire's baby is causing Alex problems especially when Sandra Kinsella appears on the scene.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#21 - Majority Rules
Season 3 Episode 22
Aired 9/3/2003
A quarantine on Drovers leads Claire to a new career, meanwhile Sandra is making a nuisance of herself. Also, Jodi accepts a date with Toby, but whom does she really have her eye on?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#22 - Repeat Offenders
Season 3 Episode 11
Aired 5/7/2003
When a heartbroken journalist friend of Tess comes to Drovers Run the private lives of all the women and their men become very public.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#23 - Old Beginnings
Season 3 Episode 18
Aired 8/6/2003
Claire is having a naming ceremony for Charlotte Prudence McLeod with her friends and family when Peter arrives. Claire has written to him after the birth, telling him he is a father. Peter is justifiably angry. Not only did Claire and Alex lie to him as to who was the father, but Claire did not advise him until after the birth. Without Claire's knowledge Becky and Jodi leave the sheep on Harry Ryan's property for the night. But during the night they are sheared and the is wool stolen. Becky and Jodi investigate only to find that it's Craig who owes money from gambling.
Director: Karl Zwicky
Writer: N/A
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#24 - Where There's Smoke
Season 3 Episode 19
Aired 8/13/2003
Meg is dedicating herself to her studies in order to prove herself at TAFE, and is thoroughly immersed in ‘Pride and Prejudice'. The misjudgements and misunderstandings of character that drive that classic echo through everyone's dealings at Drovers Run. Jodi is determined to succeed at the CFS training weekend despite feeling that Nick is not doing anything to help her. Her original enthusiasm is slowly destroyed as she is put through her paces and exhaustion sets in. A flirtation with another trainee, Toby, turns to animosity when she realises he does not want to be teamed up with a girl. She begins to feel that Nick is unfairly picking on her and pushing her to fail. Overnight she confides these feelings in Becky and Tess. Tess is quick to jump to Nick's defence much to Dave's bemusement. Becky gives a pep talk encouraging enough to propel her back to the second day of training determined to succeed.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#25 - Let the Best Man Win
Season 3 Episode 21
Aired 8/27/2003
Alex and Nick fight over a gorgeous stanger named Elly and the competition heats up as they both try to win her over. And should Meg be having such a good time while Terry is away?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
Season 3 Ratings Summary
"The Ties That Bind" is the best rated episode of "McLeod's Daughters" season 3. It scored 9/10 based on 78 votes. Directed by Karl Zwicky and written by N/A, it aired on 9/10/2003. This episode is rated 0.1 points higher than the second-best, "To Catch a Thief".