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The Best Episodes of Slayers

Every episode of Slayers ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of Slayers!

Follows the exploits of the young sorceress Lina Inverse, whose life revolves around food, treasure, and fighting. After stealing treasure from a group of bandits, Lina is accosted by stragglers during her journey to the next town. She's not in any real danger, but a dim-witted but good-natured swordsman named Gourry Gabriev springs to her rescue anyways. The two team up, and head to Atlas City, fighting foes they encounter on the way. Unbeknownst to them, two mysterious figures are hot on their tail, and they are especially interested in the “treasure” Lina and Gourry have stolen.

Genres:Action & AdventureSci-Fi & FantasyAnimation
Network:TV Tokyo

Top Episode Ratings Summary

The best episode of "Slayers" is "JUDGEMENT The silver one resurrects!", rated 8.2/10 from 13 user votes. It was directed by Takashi Watanabe and written by N/A. "JUDGEMENT The silver one resurrects!" aired on 9/3/2008 and is rated 0.1 point(s) higher than the second highest rated, "KNOCK OUT! The Seyruun Family Feud!".

  • JUDGEMENT The silver one resurrects!
    8.2/10 13 votes

    #1 - JUDGEMENT The silver one resurrects!

    Season 4 Episode 10 - Aired 2008-09-03

    Duclis and Pokota square off against each other, while Lina, Gourry, Amelia, and Zelgadis have to fight Marquess Gioconda, Ozel, and Yuuma. The battles are fierce, especially when Gourry only has a stone sword. Lina tries a few trick spells against Yuuma but he quickly catches on and dodges them. Duclis and Pokota talk about the day when Taforashia was afflicted with the disease, and what Rezo did to save their people, including putting them in their current forms. Zuuma uses the dark mist to cancel out magic attacks. Lina launches all sorts of spells, but when things look bleak, Pokota manages to turn the tide, when he and a supposedly sympathetic Duclis arrive. But as some enemies fall, a new enemy is about to rise.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • KNOCK OUT! The Seyruun Family Feud!
    8.1/10 36 votes

    #2 - KNOCK OUT! The Seyruun Family Feud!

    Season 1 Episode 11 - Aired 1995-06-16

    After destroying Shabranigdo, Lina and Gourry continue their journey. They hear a rumor about the first successor to the throne, the prince of Seyruun Kingdom. Lina dreams of marrying a wealthy young man, but the prince turns out to be a forty-something scruffy-looking man. Phil, the prince, offers a bodyguard job to a disappointed Lina. Lina reluctantly accepts the offer. Then Randy, who is the third successor to the throne, appears with his loyal subordinate, Brassdamon. Randy has a plot to kill Prince Philionel. Lina meets Amelia, Phil's daughter, who is a self-proclaimed Lady of Justice. Amelia punishes Randy for treason by slashing Randy with the help of her father. Lina can't help but to wonder why they hired Lina as a bodyguard in the first place.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • ZAP! Victory is Always Mine!
    8.0/10 36 votes

    #3 - ZAP! Victory is Always Mine!

    Season 1 Episode 26 - Aired 1995-09-29

    In order to have Lina and her friends come out of hiding, the clone Rezo attacks Sairaag. Gourry fights back with his Sword of Light and the others use magic incantations. Even though they fight a close battle they don't have the means to defeat him. In the nick of time, Lina appears with the Blessed Blade in her hand. They are encouraged by seeing a recuperated Lina and together our heroes fight with a renewed tenacity. The Blessed Blade absorbs the evil spirit out of the clone Rezo and he dies shortly after.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • QUESTION? He's Proposing to THAT Girl?
    7.9/10 36 votes

    #4 - QUESTION? He's Proposing to THAT Girl?

    Season 1 Episode 17 - Aired 1995-07-28

    Lina, Gourry, and Amelia are getting closer to Sairaag. In order to outrun the tenacious pursuers they try to board a ship, however the ship is also watched by the bounty hunters. Gourry dresses up in women's clothing and our heroes boards the ship as sisters. On the ship, Volun, a self-professed "Braveheart", proposes to Gourry. Gourry freaks out while Lina and Amelia laugh hysterically. All of a sudden a dragon roaming the area attacks the ship which is then forced to return to the harbor. Lina fights a fierce battle with the dragon and finally defeats it, leaving the legend of "the Celestial Maiden who saves folks" behind. The next day when Lina and her friends board the ship, Volun shows up yet again. Gourry is no longer in disguise, however Volun does not care and persistently comes on to him...!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • ETERNAL The Forest that has Slept from the Ancient Time
    7.9/10 14 votes

    #5 - ETERNAL The Forest that has Slept from the Ancient Time

    Season 4 Episode 5 - Aired 2008-07-30

    Lina and the gang follow Pokota into a forest that suddenly grows misty. They end up encountering Xellos, who is wandering in the woods. The mist reveals a lost city of Tarofshia whose inhabitants were put into suspended animation by Rezo the Red Priest (yes, that Rezo) in order to save them from a disease that was incurable back then. But strange things are amiss as Pokota discovers that someone's invaded the king's mansion.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • GIVE UP! But, Just Before We Do, the Sure Kill Sword Appears!
    7.8/10 37 votes

    #6 - GIVE UP! But, Just Before We Do, the Sure Kill Sword Appears!

    Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 1995-05-19

    Under the villains' ceaseless attack, Lina and Zelgadis have no time to rest. Meanwhile, Rezo begins to summon the demons in order to capture them. Outnumbered by the enemies, Lina and Zelgadis get into a pinch. Suddenly a shining knight pops up. It's Gourry who has been looking for Lina. He draws his ancestral sword, the Sword of Light, and slashes the fiends. Zolf and Rodimus, two loyal followers of Zelgadis, come to help them, our heroes shake off Rezo and his band.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • LOVELY! Amelia's Magic Training!
    7.8/10 36 votes

    #7 - LOVELY! Amelia's Magic Training!

    Season 1 Episode 12 - Aired 1995-06-23

    Lina's Dragu Slave spell works tremendously well on bandits. Impressed, Amelia insists on learning Lina's sorcery. However, Lina is concerned by Amelia's reckless ways and orders hard training for Amelia, instead. However, the training has little to do with actual sorcery. Impressed by Amelia's enthusiasm, Phil asks Lina to show his daughter the Dragu Slave. Lina's incantation breaks the seal of ghosts and throws the Kingdom into a chaos. Lina is not well versed in white magic and fights a tough battle with the ghosts. Just when they think the Kingdom is going to be destroyed, Amelia saves it with her white magic. Amelia finally understands that she doesn't have to practice a powerful incantation.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • OH NO! Lina's Wedding Rhapsody?
    7.8/10 37 votes

    #8 - OH NO! Lina's Wedding Rhapsody?

    Season 1 Episode 15 - Aired 1995-07-14

    On their way to Sairaag, Lina and her friends meet a young boy named Harris. He asks Lina to be his bride in a fake marriage because he's been forced by a witch, named Callie, to marry her daughter. Lina reluctantly accepts his request and attends a fake wedding ceremony with Harris, but then Zangulus and Vrumugan jump in. The ceremony is in a chaos and Lina has to fight in her wedding dress. While Callie and Vrumugan fight against each other, Lina recites an incantation and wins the battle. By accident Lina blows up Harris' house in the battle and as a result doesn't receive her fee from Harris.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • X-DAY! The Demon Beast is Reborn!
    7.8/10 33 votes

    #9 - X-DAY! The Demon Beast is Reborn!

    Season 1 Episode 24 - Aired 1995-09-15

    Relieved from Eris's control, the clone Rezo assaults Lina and her friends with his own will. The clone gets the power of Zanaffer, the demonic beast, and wants to prove his new strength. He challenges Lina's Giga Slave. Lina is almost provoked into using this powerful magic until Sylphiel stops her. It may destroy the world if it gets out of control. The clone attacks Sylphiel and Lina shields her taking the clone's tremendous blow.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: Yasunori Yamada

  • DRIFTER Chasing or being chased
    7.8/10 13 votes

    #10 - DRIFTER Chasing or being chased

    Season 4 Episode 4 - Aired 2008-07-23

    Lina tries to hunt down Pokota in the woods and nearly destroys all the woodland creatures. Later she and Gourry go into town. Zelgadis comes up with a plan to capture Pokota by luring him with food, and it actually works! Pokota reveals that he is trying to stop the mage tanks from destroying everything, and suddenly Amelia is sympathetic to his cause and sides with him. They go into town where they encounter one of the magic tanks shaped like a rabbit, but little do they know it's actually a fake tank created by Lina and Gourry.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • HURRY UP Interfere! What, don't interfere?
    7.8/10 13 votes

    #11 - HURRY UP Interfere! What, don't interfere?

    Season 4 Episode 8 - Aired 2008-08-20

    Lina's party reaches the outskirts of Ruvinagald but Wizer is there to arrest her, and has taken the time to build an elaborate building full of traps and tricks. That should be a cinch for Lina, but thanks to Wizer's alliance with Xellos, the traps are especially devised to exploit Lina's weaknesses, such as her desire to push buttons that are marked "do not push". And when Xellos himself becomes one of the obstacles, Lina's group is in serious trouble.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • INSIDER He who knows the real Truth!
    7.8/10 12 votes

    #12 - INSIDER He who knows the real Truth!

    Season 4 Episode 9 - Aired 2008-08-27

    Lina had surrendered to Wizer, and the group is brought to Marquess Giaconda's place, to be held in the dungeon. Wizer suggests they use Lina to fight the mage tanks to prove their power. Xellos decides that Wizer isn't aligned with his agenda and has him fall into a pit. Meanwhile, Pokota sneaks into the castle but encounters Duclis, and it is revealed they were former friends. Lina's group gets freed by Ozel, but they end up in an underground arena and now have to battle some fierce enemies.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

    7.8/10 14 votes

    #13 - YESTERDAYS MEMORY Regained Days

    Season 5 Episode 12 - Aired 2009-03-30

    Having finally been revived, Rezo the Red Priest awakens the people of Taforashia and cures the disease. However, Lina, Gourry and Xellos question Rezo and find out that his soul is still host to a fragment of Shabranigdo, the Dark Lord.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • ZERO HOUR The One Being Ruined!
    7.8/10 14 votes

    #14 - ZERO HOUR The One Being Ruined!

    Season 5 Episode 13 - Aired 2009-04-06

    Shabranigdo has been revived, and Lina and the gang struggle to hold out against him. Pokota holds him off while Lina readies the Giga Slave, the spell she used to defeat him before.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • IMPACT! The Eve of the Great Life or Death Struggle!
    7.7/10 38 votes

    #15 - IMPACT! The Eve of the Great Life or Death Struggle!

    Season 1 Episode 9 - Aired 1995-06-02

    Rezo succeeds in resurrecting the Dark Lord, Shabranigdo. However, Rezo's body is taken over by the Dark Lord which was not part of his plan. Zolf and Rodimas recklessly challenge Shabranigdo, but are no match to the power of the Dark Lord. All Lina and others can do is to run from the ferocious demon. Shabranigdo's evil power spreads out to the surrounding areas. The weather turns abnormal and monsters become wild. Seeing the monsters attack the village, Lina and others decide to fight back.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • PASSION! Shall We Give Our Lives for the Stage?
    7.7/10 37 votes

    #16 - PASSION! Shall We Give Our Lives for the Stage?

    Season 1 Episode 16 - Aired 1995-07-21

    In exchange for food and transportation, Lina's team joins a traveling theater company managed by an eccentric director and is heading near Sairaag for a competition. Ironically, the play they perform is "The Death of the Abominable Fiend Lina Inverse" and revolves the hero defeating a fictional, evil Lina Inverse. Amelia is cast as the protagonist and falls in love with the role's frequent proclamations of justice. During the competition, Zangulus and Vrumugun launch an attack on the play, which the audience mistakenly believes is part of the show. After Lina and friends defeat the enemy, the audience and judges award the team 1st place, praising the unpredictable plot, marvelous special effects, realistic combat.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: Yasunori Yamada

  • KEEP OUT the approaching Demon!
    7.7/10 13 votes

    #17 - KEEP OUT the approaching Demon!

    Season 4 Episode 11 - Aired 2008-09-10

    Zanaffar has arisen from the ashes, absorbing the bearer of the true Zanaffar armor. He is hungry for power and destroys Gioconda's mansion easily. Lina and the gang try all their standard spells but with no luck. Pokota even tries the sword of light, but it runs out. Lina and the gang retreat and rest up. Wizer reports the next morning that the city of Brokol has been leveled, and Zanaffar is growing stronger. Meanwhile, Duclis makes a deal with Zanaffar. Pokota feels he needs to take sole responsibility, and tries to leave the party, but Lina and the gang decline; they will help him instead.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • NEW COMER? A new voyage!
    7.7/10 17 votes

    #18 - NEW COMER? A new voyage!

    Season 5 Episode 1 - Aired 2009-01-12

    Lina and her friends search for the Hellmaster's jar to bring Rezo back so he can help revive the people from the plague. Meanwhile they run into a woman whose soul was forged into armor.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • RETURN! The Red Priest Is Back!
    7.6/10 35 votes

    #19 - RETURN! The Red Priest Is Back!

    Season 1 Episode 18 - Aired 1995-08-04

    Our heroes finally reach Sairaag. They sneak into the town under the darkness of the night and rest in the house of Sylphiel, who is one of Gourry's friends. While at the house they find out about the person who may be responsible for placing Gourry and Lina on the wanted posters. They break into the hideout of the culprit only to be ambushed by Zangulus and Vrumugun as well as one more villain, Eris, their boss. Lina slashes Vrumugun, but then she faces a man who is identical to Vrumugun. Vrumugun's true self turns out to be a clone created by Eris. When Lina is cornered by another Vrumugun, Zelgadis gallantly saves her. Is the tide turning in favor of our heroes? No, not yet. A man appears in front of them. It is Rezo. How could this be?!

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • TROUBLE! Rahanimu, The Furious Fish Man!
    7.6/10 33 votes

    #20 - TROUBLE! Rahanimu, The Furious Fish Man!

    Season 1 Episode 20 - Aired 1995-08-18

    Reciting numerous incantations for self-defense, Lina and her friends manage to defend Rezo's fierce attack. Rezo's powerful black magic destroys half of the town, yet our heroes manage to escape. They must find a way to destroy Rezo. They head for the institute where Rezo used to experiment with his magic. Rezo is still not fully recovered and needs rest. He sends Rahanimu, a monster that is half-human and half-fish, to stop our heroes. Lina and her friends battle with Rahanim who is accompanied by Zangulus. Zelgadis uses his smarts to defeat Rahanimu and our heroes get out of a pinch. They finally reach Rezo's institute.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • YES! A Final Hope: The Blessed Blade!
    7.6/10 32 votes

    #21 - YES! A Final Hope: The Blessed Blade!

    Season 1 Episode 25 - Aired 1995-09-22

    Having been struck by the clone Rezo Lina is injured. Her friends try to help Lina escape, but even the power of Sword of Light doesn't work against the clone. Prince Philionel, Amelia's father, jumps in to help them out but he is no match for the clone Rezo. Our heroes escape into the basement of the Sacred Tree, where Lina has already entered before them. Lina is completely healed thanks to Sylphiel's cure incantation and the power of the Blessed Blade that is found there. She once again faces the clone Rezo with the Blessed Blade in her hand.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: N/A

  • Because - You're Lina Inverse, That's Why!
    7.6/10 14 votes

    #22 - Because - You're Lina Inverse, That's Why!

    Season 4 Episode 2 - Aired 2008-07-09

    Amelia and Zelgadis explain why they brought Wizer to Lina. Wizer is still intent on arresting Lina, but Lina presses him to provide reasons for suspecting her. Wizer talks about how some mage tanks have been destroyed recently, but the evidence is still circumstantial. Wizer arranges for them to guard a mage tank at a fortress. But the little green creature who casted the Dragon Slave in the last episode causes some more shenanigans. While Amelia and Zelgadis tend to the wounded, Lina and Gourry manage to chase down the creature, who goes by the name of Pokota.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • FALL ON Peculiar Festival! Unusual Festival? Lift that ball up!
    7.6/10 12 votes

    #23 - FALL ON Peculiar Festival! Unusual Festival? Lift that ball up!

    Season 4 Episode 6 - Aired 2008-08-06

    Lina and the gang are hired to create a golem and compete in a ball rolling contest with a large amount of food and money (just the right incentive for Lina) as a reward. But her rivals are not pushovers as they include Pokota and a duo sent by Duclis to go after the Sword of Light.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A

  • GORGEOUS The Luxury Yacht is the Target!?
    7.6/10 12 votes

    #24 - GORGEOUS The Luxury Yacht is the Target!?

    Season 4 Episode 7 - Aired 2008-08-13

    On the way to Ruvinagald, the gang boards a ship and live it up with food and relaxation all thanks to poor Amelia. But instead of dealing with pirates, they get attacked by monsters and flying arrows. Lina and Pokota stage an act where they try to draw out their assassins, but are surprised at the result. Later on the assassin of assassins Zuuma makes his debut and that means big trouble for Lina.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: Yasunori Yamada

  • LEGACY The decisive battle for Seyruun!
    7.6/10 12 votes

    #25 - LEGACY The decisive battle for Seyruun!

    Season 4 Episode 12 - Aired 2008-09-17

    Lina's group rush to Seyruun where Zanaffar has targeted the gate to the kingdom. Sylphiel is there; she and troops try to defend but are not having much luck. Lina and the gang arrive and get in the way. With the sword of light in Pokota's hand, Duclis has Zanaffar retreat, but they will be back. As Lina and Gourry eat up to re-energize, Pokota asks Prince Phil to help out, but Phil's advisors are uncomfortable with the idea. Phil decides to assist Pokota and Lina's party heads out to confront Duclis and Zanaffar in a neighboring abandoned part of town.

    Director: Takashi Watanabe

    Writer: N/A