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#1 - Brainwaves
Season 2 Episode 5
Aired 10/11/2003
Lucas and Vaughn get their minds switched and have to experience each other's life. Meanwhile, Josie and Lucas are practicing a scene from Romeo and Juliet for Drama class. To Corrine's surprise, their performance may have been more than acting...
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#2 - Equation
Season 2 Episode 9
Aired 1/3/2004
Practicing for the academic Olympics, Corrine is more critical than usual. Frusterated, the Science Club leaves the room and Corrine finishes the practice equations on her own. When Lucas glows, Vaughn can't stop running, and Josie breaks the laws of gravity, could it be a side effect of the equations assigned to each of them that Corrine did instead? Even if Corrine can undo the work, she still has to face her family's legacy of first prize for the academic Olympics.
Director: T.J. Scott
Writer: Jeff Schechter
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#3 - Hemispheres
Season 2 Episode 10
Aired 1/10/2004
You are a math prodigy, a human calculator, and extremely intelligent, however you are not a singer. And that's the last thing Corrine wants to hear from Marshall as she prepares to audition for Magnet 360�. But while looking in the mirror to see whether her fear is obvious to others, the mirror is transformed by BHH energy, and Corrine taken to the other side where she encounters opposite versions of her friends. It's a whole new world for Corrine to discover!
Director: Graeme Campbell
Writer: N/A
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#4 - Pheromones
Season 2 Episode 2
Aired 9/20/2003
For today's lesson, Professor Z uses a beehive to explain the function of pheromones in the hierarchical structure of a beehive. Meanwhile, cheerleader and super-diva Madison, the most popular girl at Blake Holsey, runs for election without any opposition. After last year's humiliation, Corrine fears entering this year's election competition. Frustrated, Josie decides to run against Madison. In desperation, she makes empty promises. Will she win? Then, Josie and Professor Z discover that Madison is using pheromones to control the students and win their votes...
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#5 - Ecosystem
Season 2 Episode 7
Aired 12/6/2003
There's just no way Josie could be a thief, or could there be? It's a battle of truth vs rumour, as it becomes intolerable for Josie and Corrine to share the same living space. Meanwhile, the sponge in the aquarium is multiplying and covering the school. Lucas, Marshall, and Professor Z have to get to work before the sponges cover the entire planet...
Director: David Warry-Smith
Writer: N/A
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#6 - Echolocation
Season 2 Episode 12
Aired 1/24/2004
Josie gains the ability of echolocation after listening to her music too loudly. She overhears Victor talking from inside Pearadyne2, it is underground beneath her. She and Vaughn investigate what Victor is up to, venturing back into the heart of Victor's invention. The partners in crime appear like they're going to get away with it, but when the alarm goes off and the noise hurts Josie too badly to move, could Victor find out who interrupted his experiment? Wait a minute...what was Victor doing with Josie's missing Chi Gong ball?
Director: N/A
Writer: Jeff King
The 20 BEST Episodes of Strange Days at Blake Holsey High
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#7 - Stopwatch
Season 2 Episode 13
Aired 1/31/2004
BHH curfew is five minutes away and Josie is nowhere to be found. Corrine worries because Josie will break curfew by being late and Lucas is aggravated because Josie forgot that they have a science project to finish. And where exactly is Josie? Her first date with Vaughn! But at the very moment they almost kiss, she hears the BHH curfew bell. And she quickly enters BHH where she runs into Durst as she tries to beat curfew and then discovers that her watch can stop time. Actually, from Josie's point of view, time appears to stop for everyone except her. What happens next? Will Josie be suspended in time forever or rescued just in time?
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#8 - Wormhole2 (2)
Season 2 Episode 1
Aired 9/13/2003
Welcome to Blake Holsey's first annual pizza party! Attendance by all is required, but Josie, Corrine, Marshall, Lucas, Vaughn, and Professor Z suspect Durst wants to keep them occupied while Victor Pearson initiates a devious plan. Their suspicions are confirmed when they discover a team of scientists outside the school. Josie is amazed when she sees that one of them is her Mom, Kelly Trent. Then, Kelly conducts tests which send Josie into the Wormhole, taking her back in time to three hours earlier! She must inform her Mom about the potential dangers of a fatal discharge of electricity! And she must race against time...
Director: Stefan Scaini
Writer: Jeff King
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#9 - Genome
Season 2 Episode 4
Aired 10/4/2003
The class studies DNA but one of Lucas' chromosomes gets changed. Becoming more assertive, Lucas gets himself into a lot of trouble, as well as accepting Stew's challenge to a fight.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#10 - Technology
Season 2 Episode 8
Aired 12/13/2003
Marshall gets into the cell phone business, but when his business partner, Tyler, wants to use Marshall's special smiley code to cheat on a test, Marshall actually complies. Marshall feels guilty afterwards and Tyler warns him not to tell, but Marshall's new invention turns against him: he can no longer talk understandably. To make matters worse, Professor Z and Principal Durst know Marshall cheated on the test with Tyler...
Director: Terry Ingram
Writer: N/A
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#11 - Chemistry
Season 2 Episode 6
Aired 10/18/2003
The class chooses elements for their projects on the periodic table. Little does Marshall know he will take on characteristics of several elements as he struggles with the legacy of his brother, who Marshall does not like, when he comes to Blake Holsey for a visit.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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#12 - Nutrition
Season 2 Episode 11
Aired 1/17/2004
Vaughn gets beaten at an arm wrestling match and Lucas is jealous of the amount of attention Josie pays to Vaughn. But when Lucas and Vaughn gain confidence in themselves after Vaughn wins another arm wrestling match and Lucas beats a rival at chess, could these new health bars play a factor? After the two score very poorly on their midterms and lose self confidence, Josie convinces Professor Z that Lucas and Vaughn need to get a better diet.
Director: Terry Ingram
Writer: N/A
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#13 - Cold
Season 2 Episode 3
Aired 9/27/2003
Marshall is sick, feverish, and to make matters worse he uses all of his spare time working on a new money making scheme. While he feels awful, his new venture, which was doing extremely well and making profits, bottoms out. Bizzarly, even the school develops symptoms of Marshall's infection. Some parts are too cold, others overheat, sneezes and coughs begin occurring from deep inside the school and a greenish slime extrudes from the interior, exactly like Marshall's symptoms. But why does it occur? And when will it stop?
Director: Stefan Scaini
Writer: Jeff Schechter
Season 2 Ratings Summary
"Brainwaves" is the best rated episode of "Strange Days at Blake Holsey High" season 2. It scored 8.7/10 based on 20 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 10/11/2003. This episode is rated 0.3 points higher than the second-best, "Equation".