All Episodes of Tales of the Tardis
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Season 1
- 8.0/1091 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 11/1/2023
The Doctor and Tegan meet again and remember their terrifying adventure against the Cybermen to save the Earth… and the friend they lost along the way.
Director: Joshua M.G. Thomas, Peter Grimwade
Writer: Russell T Davies, Eric Saward
- 7.9/1075 votesLoading...
The Mind Robber
Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 11/1/2023
Jamie and Zoe meet again and remember their encounter with robots, clockwork soldiers and Medusa in a Land of Fiction governed by a mysterious master.
Director: Joshua M.G. Thomas, David Maloney
Writer: Pete McTighe
- 7.7/1073 votesLoading...
Vengeance on Varos
Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 11/1/2023
The Doctor and Peri meet again and remember their conflict on the mining planet Varos: a world that entertains its people with sadistic TV broadcasts.
Director: Joshua M.G. Thomas, Ron Jones
Writer: Phil Ford, Philip Martin
- 8.1/1081 votesLoading...
The Three Doctors
Season 1 Episode 4 - Aired 11/1/2023
Jo Jones and Clyde Langer meet again as she remembers when the Time Lords summoned three Doctors to fight an awesome adversary from Gallifrey’s past.
Director: Joshua M.G. Thomas, Lennie Mayne
Writer: Phil Ford, Bob Baker, Dave Martin
- 7.7/1073 votesLoading...
The Time Meddler
Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 11/1/2023
Steven and Vicki meet again and remember their first adventure battling a time-travelling Monk about to change the course of history in 1066.
Director: Joshua M.G. Thomas, Douglas Camfield
Writer: Phil Ford, Dennis Spooner
- 8.5/1074 votesLoading...
The Curse of Fenric
Season 1 Episode 6 - Aired 11/1/2023
The Doctor and Ace meet again and remember their battle against an ancient evil in World War Two where a Viking curse is bringing the dead back to life.
Director: Nicholas Mallett, Joshua M.G. Thomas
Writer: Ian Briggs, Pete McTighe
- 7.5/1069 votesLoading...
Pyramids of Mars
Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 6/20/2024
In 1911, an ancient threat rises in the tombs of Egypt and brings terror to an English country house. Sutekh has risen, and the world must beware.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A