- 10.0/10(3 votes)
#1 - Captain Underpants and the Tenuous Takedown of the Tyrannical Teachertrons
Loading...S2:E10 CommentsView allDirector:Todd GrimesWriter:Matt Smith - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#2 - Captain Underpants and the Frantic Fury of the Fearsome Furculees
Loading...S2:E20 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin PeatyWriter:Mark Banker - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#3 - Captain Underpants and the Harmful Horrors of the Harrowing Hiveschool
Loading...S2:E30 CommentsView allDirector:Octavio E. RodriguezWriter:Sindy Boveda-Spackman - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#4 - Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Pulverizing of the Pestering Poopacabra
Loading...S2:E40 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Daniel Dominguez - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#5 - Captain Underpants and the Dastardly Deed of the Devious Diddlysaurus
Loading...S2:E50 CommentsView allDirector:Octavio E. RodriguezWriter:Matt Smith - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#6 - Captain Underpants and the Shadowy Syndrome of the Sinister Splotch
Loading...S2:E60 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin PeatyWriter:Sindy Boveda-Spackman - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#7 - Captain Underpants and the Bizarre Blitzkrieg of the Bothersome Butt-erflies
Loading...S2:E70 CommentsView all - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#8 - Captain Underpants and the Problematic Pandemonium of the Punishing Plungerina
Loading...S2:E80 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Jeff D'Elia - 10.0/10(2 votes)
#9 - Captain Underpants and the Bombastic Blathering of Brainy Blabulous
Loading...S2:E90 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin PeatyWriter:Matt Smith - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#10 - Captain Underpants and the Crazy Caustic Spray of the Contagious Cruelius Sneezer
Loading...S2:E100 CommentsView all - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#11 - Captain Underpants and the Trashy Tale of the Tumultuous Tubbadump
Loading...S2:E110 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Sindy Boveda-Spackman - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#12 - Captain Underpants and the Taxing Trauma of the Treacherous Tattle Trials, Part 1
Loading...S2:E120 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin PeatyWriter:Matt Smith - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#13 - Captain Underpants and the Taxing Trauma of the Treacherous Tattle Trials, Part 2
Loading...S2:E130 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Mark Banker - 8.4/10(29 votes)
#14 - Captain Underpants and the Worrisome Wedge of the Water Warmongers
Loading...S3:E10 CommentsView allDirector:Todd Grimes - 8.3/10(49 votes)
#15 - Captain Underpants and the Costly Conundrum of the Calamitous Claylossus
Loading...S1:E70 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin PeatyWriter:Mark Banker - 8.3/10(29 votes)
#16 - Captain Underpants and the Angry Abnormal Atrocities of the Astute Animal Aggressors
Loading...S3:E20 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Daniel Dominguez - 8.1/10(46 votes)
#17 - Captain Underpants and the Terrifying Perlious Misfortune of the T.P. Mummy
Loading...S1:E50 CommentsView allDirector:Octavio E. RodriguezWriter:Matt Smith - 8.0/10(24 votes)
#18 - Captain Underpants and the Ghastly Danger of the Ghost Dentist
Loading...S3:E90 CommentsView allDirector:Erik Kling - 8.0/10(25 votes)
#19 - Captain Underpants and the Polarizing Plight of the Pitiless Poopetrators
Loading...S3:E130 CommentsView allDirector:Erik Kling - 7.9/10(25 votes)
#20 - Captain Underpants and the Monstrous Mayhem of the Massive Melviathan
Loading...S3:E50 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin PeatyWriter:Sindy Boveda-Spackman - 7.9/10(24 votes)
#21 - Captain Underpants and the Confounding Concoction of the Crooked Combotato
Loading...S3:E100 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin Peaty - 7.8/10(55 votes)
#22 - Captain Underpants and the Horrible Hostilities of the Homework Hydra
Loading...S1:E30 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Matt Smith - 7.8/10(44 votes)
#23 - Captain Underpants and the Jarring Jerkiness of the Judge J.O.R.T.S.
Loading...S1:E80 CommentsView allDirector:Seung Woo ChaWriter:Daniel Dominguez - 7.8/10(24 votes)
#24 - Captain Underpants and the Ludicrous Lunacy of the Loopy Laserlightmare
Loading...S3:E110 CommentsView allDirector:Kevin Peaty - 7.6/10(95 votes)
#25 - Captain Underpants and the Frenzied Farts of Flabby Flabulous
Loading...S1:E10 CommentsView allDirector:Todd GrimesWriter:Peter Hastings
The 20 WORST Episodes of The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants