All Episodes of The Witcher
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Browse all episodes of The Witcher
All Episodes of The Witcher
Browse all episodes of The Witcher
Season 1
- 8.2/1027,081 votesLoading...
The End's Beginning
Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 12/20/2019
Hostile townsfolk and a cunning mage greet Geralt in the town of Blaviken. Ciri finds her royal world upended when Nilfgaard sets its sights on Cintra.
Director: Alik Sakharov
Writer: Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
- 7.7/1022,772 votesLoading...
Four Marks
Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 12/20/2019
Bullied and neglected, Yennefer accidentally finds a means of escape. Geralt's hunt for a so-called devil goes to hell. Ciri seeks safety in numbers.
Director: Alik Sakharov
Writer: Jenny Klein
- 8.5/1022,563 votesLoading...
Betrayer Moon
Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 12/20/2019
Geralt takes on another Witcher's unfinished business in a kingdom stalked by a ferocious beast. At a brutal cost, Yennefer forges a magical new future.
Director: Alex Garcia Lopez
Writer: Beau DeMayo
- 8.4/1020,734 votesLoading...
Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials
Season 1 Episode 4 - Aired 12/20/2019
Against his better judgment, Geralt accompanies Jaskier to a royal ball. Ciri wanders into an enchanted forest. Yennefer tries to protect her charges.
Director: Alex Garcia Lopez
Writer: Declan de Barra
- 8.2/1019,482 votesLoading...
Bottled Appetites
Season 1 Episode 5 - Aired 12/20/2019
Heedless of warnings, Yennefer looks for a cure to restore what she's lost. Geralt inadvertently puts Jaskier in peril. The search for Ciri intensifies.
Director: Charlotte Brändström
Writer: Sneha Koorse
- 8.1/1019,271 votesLoading...
Rare Species
Season 1 Episode 6 - Aired 12/20/2019
A mysterious man tries to entice Geralt to join a hunt for a rampaging dragon, a quest that attracts a familiar face. Ciri questions who she can trust.
Director: Charlotte Brändström
Writer: Haily Hall
- 8.3/1018,952 votesLoading...
Before a Fall
Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 12/20/2019
With the Continent at risk from Nilfgaard's rising power, Yennefer revisits her past, while Geralt reconsiders his obligation to the Law of Surprise.
Director: Alik Sakharov
Writer: Mike Ostrowski
- 8.8/1022,334 votesLoading...
Much More
Season 1 Episode 8 - Aired 12/20/2019
A terrifying pack of foes lays Geralt low. Yennefer and her fellow mages prepare to fight back. A shaken Ciri depends on the kindness of a stranger.
Director: Marc Jobst
Writer: Lauren Schmidt Hissrich