- 9.1/10143 votesLoading...
#1 - Who will emerge alive from the dangerous game of money, power and crime?
Season 2 Episode 12 - Aired 2/5/2012
Martin reported to Popov about Djaro's plans to make a counterfeit money deal and leave the country. The agent is desperate as he has been put on a national manhunt and Popov is powerless to help him. The undercover cop knows that without direct evidence they can't arrest Jaro and he will get away. Before the cops hit Jaro's printer, Martin steals a disk with files on the counterfeit notes from her. Meanwhile, Hook is worried that mass arrests have begun and wants to cover temporarily. Djaro finds out that his printing shop is closed and threatens Popov's family. At this time, Martin slips the disk from the print shop into Djaro's apartment. Popov and Neshev searched the boss's apartment and arrested him on charges of counterfeiting money.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.1/10121 votesLoading...
#2 - Episode 3
Season 3 Episode 3 - Aired 12/9/2012
After Djaro's poisoning in prison, Ivo is determined to seize the sea territories. All narcotics and illegal dealings by sea must now flow from him, otherwise punishments from his right-hand man Krum are inevitable. A woman appears in Ivo's life, but will her tenderness help Andonov to be less cruel.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.1/1097 votesLoading...
#3 - Episode 4
Season 3 Episode 4 - Aired 12/16/2012
The clash between Djaro and Ivo for supremacy and power becomes more and more acute. Popov's daughter is a victim of his failed family.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.1/1097 votesLoading...
#4 - Episode 5
Season 3 Episode 5 - Aired 12/23/2012
Ivo organized a scheme to siphon off VAT. Popov's daughter is in danger. He ends up at a closed party in a hotel in Borovets together with hired girls. Martin saves her.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.1/10101 votesLoading...
#5 - Episode 7
Season 3 Episode 7 - Aired 1/6/2013
Kukata saves the injured Martin and the Big Twin. The three bury the Little Twin. Ivo is increasingly brutal. The hook is considering his own credit card skimming "business".
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.1/1098 votesLoading...
#6 - Episode 8
Season 3 Episode 8 - Aired 1/13/2013
Kukata successfully develops the "business" of draining credit cards. The arrested Ivo shows Popov a recording of his daughter snorting cocaine. Popov withdraws the charges.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
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- 9.1/10107 votesLoading...
#7 - Episode 10
Season 3 Episode 10 - Aired 2/3/2013
Martin is blackmailed by the thieves of his file; Ivo tries to take over Hook's credit card "business"; Martin returns his file by all means, regardless of Popov.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.1/1049 votesLoading...
#8 - Episode 11
Season 5 Episode 11 - Aired 5/29/2016
No description available
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.0/1093 votesLoading...
#9 - Mironov sets a trap for Djaro
Season 2 Episode 11 - Aired 1/29/2012
Popov will try to find Damyanov, but Djaro will overtake him and thwart his escape. The boss pressures Damyanov and makes him reveal who he works for. Damyanov tries to escape, but Djaro tortures him, and he admits that the plan to bring down the boss empire with the border road was Mironov's. Djaro is shocked as he thought he had settled his scores with Mironov in Russia. Popov finds Damyanov in a miserable state and decides to personally monitor Djaro, as he believes that Mironov is ready to act. In this way, Popov unwittingly stumbles upon the trap that Mironov has set for Djaro. Will he be able to escape? Martin is faced with another difficult choice, and Ivo makes a serious request for a new boss on the street.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 9.0/1057 votesLoading...
- 8.9/10110 votesLoading...
#11 - Episode 11
Season 1 Episode 11 - Aired 6/26/2011
Христо Мутафчиев влиза в "Под прикритие" Жива ли е Съни? Как Мартин ще се спаси от къртицата? Ще успее ли Попов да арестува Джаро навреме и каква е връзката между Джаро, Попов и героя на Христо Мутафчиев... Съни бе разкрита от Джаро и сега е в неизвестност. Мартин следи Иво, за да разбере дали Съни е жива и така вижда Васил в компанията на мафиота. Двамата не се разпознават. Мартин разбира, че Попов е преместен в друг отдел и това поставя мисията му пред нова опасност. Въпреки това се съгласява да му предаде още информация. Това води до удар на полицията срещу цеха на Джаро за производство на амфетамин. Заловено е голямо количество наркотик и са направени арести. Попов се приближава до целта си – да намери свидетел, който да уличи Джаро в престъпна дейност. Това е последната операция на Попов и той е длъжен да предаде цялата секретна информация по случая Джаро на своя заместник Васил. В действието се включва героят на Христо Мутафчиев – едно неочаквано завръщане, което ще промени всичко !
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.9/10120 votesLoading...
#12 - A choice in a new scheme!
Season 2 Episode 1 - Aired 11/20/2011
Martin wakes up with Mironov after a doctor cleans his wound. Mironov tells him how during an operation they shot all the criminals and Jaro offered to steal the money, but Mironov refused and was shot. He later woke up and set fire to everything around him, faking his death. After leaving for Russia, he married, but Jaro discovered him and killed his wife. Now he's back for revenge and wants Martin's help. He, in turn, returns to Jaro and continues his work undercover. Popov asks Martin at the hospital to stop everything, and at the same time Nikolov comes to question him, but Popov says he doesn't remember anything and reminds him that he knows who he is. Ivo lies to Jaro that he killed Sunny. Meanwhile, Jaro decides to change tactics and build a good image among the public, and Martin manages to get more information from a politician close to Jaro and passes it on to Mironov. When Mironov uses the information against Jaro, he suspects a politician and kills him.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.9/10186 votesLoading...
#13 - Episode 1
Season 3 Episode 1 - Aired 11/25/2012
Djaro is in custody, Popov is restless, works late - his family is in crisis. Martin's cover is no longer just between Djaro and Popov. Neshev helps him get out of custody. Outside, the drug market with crimes continues.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.9/1089 votesLoading...
#14 - Episode 9
Season 3 Episode 9 - Aired 1/20/2013
Ivo organized a successful theft of the Gold treasure of Panagiyrishte. Martin follows Hair and finds out about the robbery. Through the information provided by the agent, Commissioner Popov returns the treasure and is restored to his post.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.9/1060 votesLoading...
- 8.8/10115 votesLoading...
#16 - Episode 7
Season 1 Episode 7 - Aired 5/29/2011
Откуп! Депутат, изнудван за скандално секс-видео. След банковия обир в ръцете на Джаро попада запис на скандална секс-сцена с Ана Неделчева (Йоана Буковска) - политик, борещ се с корупцията в държавата. Засягаща престъпната дейност на Туджаров, тя се превръща в идеална жертва за изнудване. Цената, с която видеото може да се "покрие" е 250 хил.лева, а с "мисията" е натоварен Мартин. Неделчева се обръща към полицията за помощ. Случаят е деликатен и поверен на Попов.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/10110 votesLoading...
#17 - Episode 8
Season 1 Episode 8 - Aired 6/5/2011
За да преразпредели пазара на наркотици в града, Джаро поръчва убийството на известен софийски наркобос. Останалите наркобосове са свикани на тайна среща. Мартин е натоварен да отговаря за телефонния заглушител, което е добра възможност за него да запише разговора им. Попов смята, че Мартин поема твърде голям риск, но се съгласява да му помогне. Срещата се провежда по време на ММА-свободни боеве и всичко върви по план до момента, в който става ясно, че човекът на Джаро не може да се бие. На ринга трябва да излезе Мартин и да го замести. Залогът е голям, на везните са: репутацията на Джаро срещу прикритието на Мартин.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/10104 votesLoading...
#18 - Episode 9
Season 1 Episode 9 - Aired 6/12/2011
Атентат Възможности: спасението на Джаро и бягството на Мартин... Мартин успява да запише срещата между Джаро и наркобосовете, но записът е изтрит от "къртицата" в ГДБОП. Това предизвиква огромен скандал, след който всички полицаи са заплашени от вътрешно разследване. При преразпределението на наркопазара в София, Джаро е засегнал доста интереси и се е превърнал в още по-неудобна фигура за хората от подземния свят. Поръчан е атентат срещу него. Попов е информиран. След последната провалена акция Мартин е отчаян, но има нова задача - да спаси Джаро. Решението му е това да бъде последното му действие на полицай под прикритие, след което да се оттегли. Бягството му няма да е толкова лесно, след като хората на Джаро претърсват апартамента му и го изправят пред детектора на лъжата... NB/ Покушението срещу Джаро пресъздава напълно реална случка от криминалните хроники преди години.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/10106 votesLoading...
#19 - Episode 10
Season 1 Episode 10 - Aired 6/19/2011
Разкрития! Кой кой е без прикритие? Доносникът в ГДБОП е заловен. Мартин се съгласява да продължи мисията си като полицай под прикритие при условие, че след ареста на Джаро, властите ще се погрижат той и Съни да бъдат защитени. Попов е шокиран от новината, че Мартин има връзка с любовницата на най-големия си враг. Той е сигурен, че това ще провали цялата му мисия, но се съгласява да съдейства. За да не загуби случая "Туджаров", Попов е принуден да проведе показна полицейска акция. Мартин отново му помага с информация за предстояща крупна контрабанда на цигари през канал на Джаро. Но преди това Попов ще се срещне с най-големия си враг - очи в очи... Развръзката предстои след въпросите: Защо залавянето на Джаро е толкова важно за Попов? Каква е тяхната обща история от миналото? Ще успее ли акцията на полицията или пак някой ще предупреди хората на Джаро? Какво ще се случи с Мартин и Съни....
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/10127 votesLoading...
#20 - Episode 12
Season 1 Episode 12 - Aired 7/3/2011
Попов и агентът от ДАНС - Бенишев правят съвместен удар и арестуват дипломат, който изнася зад граница "мръсни пари" на Джаро. По същото време, в ареста химикът признава, че разбитата лаборатория за амфетамини е свързана с мафиота. Това дава повод на Попов да арестува Джаро и да се изправи срещу него в дългоочакван двубой. Доказателствата се оказват недостатъчни и Джаро е освободен от ареста, заклевайки се, че лично ще си разчисти сметките с Попов.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/1099 votesLoading...
#21 - Double game
Season 2 Episode 2 - Aired 11/27/2011
One of Djaro's bodyguards, Geletto, is caught selling drugs behind his back, but his friend breaks him out of jail right away. Meanwhile, Ivo helps Jaro by exposing some of his colleagues to the police to make him look good. Later, Ivo and Djaro catch Geletto in a lie about the cocaine theft. Martin follows Ivo, but he catches him and then asks Sunny about everything that happened and if Martin is a police officer, but she doesn't answer. Popov decides to go back to work, but Martin doesn't seem particularly interested, because of Mironov's help and protection. Jaro becomes suspicious of both Martin and Geletto because of his quick escape from prison, and puts them to the test. Geletto, frightened, decides to escape, but ends up being killed by the twins on Djaro's orders.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/1093 votesLoading...
#22 - The deal
Season 2 Episode 7 - Aired 1/1/2012
A saved report on counterfeit money Popov understands that the "Secret Service" is expecting a big deal with counterfeit money, in which Jaro will also participate. Meanwhile, Jaro entrusts the same deal to Martin, and Ivo is humiliated by the collection hit. Hook is relieved that Ivo didn't turn him in to Jaro for his part in the heist. Martin does not report the counterfeit money to Popov, but when he makes the transaction, the inspector intervenes and sabotages it. Hook and the twins narrowly escape. And Martin has to explain why he lied to his mentor.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/1089 votesLoading...
#23 - A deadly game
Season 2 Episode 9 - Aired 1/15/2012
Djaro's lawyer - Boyana accidentally finds out that his former lover Sunny is alive. Meanwhile, his accountant informs him that someone has been misappropriating funds from his illegal transactions. After Boyana shares her discovery with Jaro, he guesses that Ivo ignored his order to kill Sunny, and the fact that he has been embezzling money from his illegal business also comes to light. Jaro goes berserk and sets a trap for Ivo. At this time, Sunny and Martin separate, not knowing that they are in danger. Popov describes the witness protection program to Sunny and questions her about Djaro's business. At first she is scared and hesitant to testify against the boss, but she finally agrees and the deadly game begins.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/10162 votesLoading...
#24 - Episode 12
Season 3 Episode 12 - Aired 2/17/2013
Kukata avenges Kosama's death. Ivo kidnaps Martin and takes him along with his file to Djaro. Pursued by Popov, Djaro takes off running across the border high into the winter mountains.
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
- 8.8/1053 votesLoading...
#25 - Episode 10
Season 4 Episode 10 - Aired 3/23/2014
No description available
Director: N/A
Writer: N/A
The Best Episodes of Undercover
Every episode of Undercover ranked from best to worst. Let's dive into the Best Episodes of Undercover!
Just an ordinary boy from the Sofia suburbs becomes the first bulgarian undercover cop. Forced by his father when he was young to lie and...
Genres:CrimeDramaAction & Adventure
Network:BNT 1
Avg. Rating
Best Episodes Summary
"Who will emerge alive from the dangerous game of money, power and crime?" is the best rated episode of "Undercover". It scored 9.1/10 based on 143 votes. Directed by N/A and written by N/A, it aired on 2/5/2012. This episode scored 0.0 points higher than the second highest rated, "Episode 3".