Season 1
- 7.6/1033 votesLoading...
Life On The Edge
Season 1 Episode 1 - Aired 3/30/2023
Explore Scandinavia's wild and unpredictable coast, a place of haunting beauty and dangerous extremes. This journey begins around the Swedish Baltic Sea, which includes iconic fjords; home to eagles, otters, base jumpers, and orcas.
Director: Tuppence Stone
Writer: N/A
- 7.3/1027 votesLoading...
Season 1 Episode 2 - Aired 4/6/2023
Journey to the enchanted Scandinavian Forest, an ancient land shrouded in myth and legend. Elusive wolves and lynx stalk this secret world, while osprey and reindeer survive the ever-changing seasons through surprising and ancient alliances.
Director: Ingrid Kvale
Writer: N/A
- 7.5/1030 votesLoading...
Ice and Fire
Season 1 Episode 3 - Aired 4/13/2023
Discover Scandinavia's kingdoms of fire and ice. Awake under the long polar night, Muskoxen, polar bears, and arctic foxes must navigate the dramatic transformation of their world as it melts into a sleepless rush of life under the midnight sun.
Director: Poppy Riddle
Writer: N/A