Wow! Wow! Wubbzy! is an American educational animated children's television show created by Bob Boyle. The series is animated in Toon Boom and Adobe Flash software, produced by Bolder Media, and Starz Media. Bob Boyle, Susan Miller, Mark Warner, and Fred Seibert-Warner are the executive producers. The pop rock music is performed by Brad Mossman, and the musical score is composed and conducted by Mike Reagan. The series premiered on August 28, 2006 in the United States on Nick Jr. The second and final season debuted on September 1, 2008 on Nickelodeon's Nick Jr. in the United States.
The best episode of "Wow! Wow! Wubbzy!" is "Widget's Wild Ride", rated 9.8/10 from 12 user votes. It was directed by Brian Hogan and written by Frederick Stroppel. "Widget's Wild Ride" aired on 8/28/2006 and is rated 0.2 point(s) higher than the second highest rated, "Perfecto Party".
Today is the big Wuzzleburg Derby, and Wubbzy's car is run-down. So, Widget repairs it up with the right tools and makes it extravagant.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Walden wants to make a marshmallow lasagna for Wubbzy's birthday party, but marshmallows are not in season.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Ray Shenusay, Victor Bumbalo
Widget wants to become a ballerina but she is not that good. So, she cheats and creates a machine to help her dance.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Wubbzy, Widget and Walden venture to center of the earth to find for Daizy's glow-in-the-dark sparkle stone ring.
Director: James Burks, Larry Hall
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Wubbzy dresses up as a scary monster for the Halloween party in the Wubb Club, and scares everyone thinking he is a real monster.
Director: Ron Crown, Steve Daye
Writer: Eileen Brennan
Wubbzy figure it out that Birdy Bird has stolen some of his belongings for her nest.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Daizy takes her friends to the park for a picnic, but everyone believes the goats, Kickety-kick ball players, and buzzy bees are ruining her picnic.
Director: James Burks, Larry Hall
Writer: Ross Hastings
Wubbzy finds Cupid's bubble wand causing everyone to fall in love with each other. There is a twist because he does not know it belongs to Cupid, so he ends up creating odd couples all over Wuzzleburg...including a love triangle with him, Daizy, and a Great Grey Smellyphant.
Director: Ron Crown, James Burks
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Wubbzy and Widget dress up as spacemen after Walden sees a light that looks like a spaceship.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Wubbzy gets a case of "nasty nose," where his nose gets all swollen and polka-dotted. Can he show up at the pool party with a disguise on his embarrassing nose?
Director: Ron Crown, Steve Daye
Writer: Suzanne Collins
Wubbzy adopts a fleegle and he feeds him candy instead of the right kinds of food, and it is a big problem – a literally big problem. The Fleegle grows to a massive size, transforms into a monster and causes destruction to Wuzzleburg.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Ray Shenusay, Victor Bumbalo
Wuzzleburg is having an autumn festival and Wubbzy is very determined to win with his pumpkin.
Director: Ron Crown, James Burks
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Wubbzy stops at nothing to get the perfect Christmas tree that is on Old Man Grumpus' land.
Director: Ron Crown, James Burks
Writer: Frank Rocco
Everyone refuses to play Kickety-Kickball along with Wubbzy because of his long and bendy tail, but soon, after learning from his friends, he realizes his tail is kooky and cool.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Bob Boyle
Wubbzy watches a package that belongs to Walden, who is not home, and is really tempted to see what is inside. Unfortunately, he opens it, figure it out it is a train set, and soon, breaks it!
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Wubbzy gets lost on the way to the frog pond, feeling he does not need a map.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Widget has always wanted to be a ballerina, but can she make it. Wubbzy starts a new club for all of his friends. He calls it the "Wubb Club."
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Ford Riley
Walden finds a strange elephant-like creature on his lawn, who likes his Hoopty-Horn.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Cliff MacGillivray, Kelly Ward
It is cleanup day but Wubbzy does not think it is fun, so he procrastinates. Soon, his friends show them that cleaning up can be fun.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Cliff MacGillivray, Kelly Ward
Walden unleashes his alter ego when the Wuzzleburg Boogie Bash is coming.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
The gang is going on a picnic at Mount Zubba Bubba. Unfortunately, when the train goes berserk on the way to the mountain, Widget tries to make the Wuzzleburg Express work again.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Frederick Stroppel
Widget is jealous when she thinks Wubbzy and Walden are spending more time with Gidget, her lookalike robot, than her.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Jill Cozza-Turner
Wubbzy creates a club and soon, Widget and Walden build a huge clubhouse for it. Problems arise when the beavers chew on its poles and make it a non-safery-place.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Ross Hastings
Today is Easter so Widget offers to help Wubbzy decorate the Easter eggs with her new machine. Problems arise when the machine breaks.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Suzanne Collins
Wubbzy wants to keep a yellow Flutterfly with pink polka-dots named Norm, so Widget builds a house for it.
Director: Brian Hogan
Writer: Ross Hastings