- 10.0/10(1 votes)
#1 - Apartnership
S1:E8After Wanda gets mad at Cosmo on their umpteenth anniversary, Cosmo visits Fairy World. There, his mom, who has always hated Wanda, announces that she has found him two new girlfriends, Twinkle and Star. In order to get Cosmo back, Wanda must compete against Twinkle and Star in a game show hosted by Cupid, but Cosmo's mom will do anything to ensure that he doesn't go home with Wanda.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#2 - Dream Goat
S1:E11When Timmy feels sorry for the town's caged, prize goat, Chompy, and wishes he could be free, the goat disappears and Vicky gets blamed for goat-napping.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 10.0/10(1 votes)
#3 - The Same Game
S1:E12Timmy wishes for everyone in the world to be the same when an evil dentist won't give him his ball back. Problems inevitably ensue, and Timmy can't wish things back to normal as Cosmo and Wanda aren't able figure out who he is.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 9.0/10(2 votes)
#4 - TransParents
S1:E4After Timmy brings an extinct dinosaur to school, his crazy teacher suspects that he has Fairy GodParents, so he tells Timmy he wants to have a conference with his "parents." Since he has aspirations of "a new world order," he thinks that if he catches fairies, he can harness their power and rule the Earth. Timmy knows he can't explain to his real parents how he managed to come across an extinct dinosaur, so Cosmo and Wanda pose as his parents.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 9.0/10(2 votes)
#5 - Boy Toy
S2:E3Hoping for one last adventure with his Crimson Chin action figure, Timmy wishes to be doll-sized.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 8.5/10(2 votes)
#6 - Twas the Night
S1:E14It is the night before Christmas and Johnny thinks Santa Claus is a burglar and injures him.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Rumen PetkovWriter:Butch Hartman - 8.0/10(2 votes)
#7 - Spaced Out
S1:E3While watching Crash Nebula, Timmy wishes for an alien to play with. So, Cosmo and Wanda take a real alien prince - Mark. His parents are furious and travel to Earth to blow it up. In the meantime, Mark has fallen in love with Vicky, and Timmy can't wish him away because GodParents can't interfere with true love. Timmy goes to Mark's parents and asks them to convince their son to forget about Vicky, but Timmy must first pass their toughest tests. Will he be able to fix this mess and save the Earth from destruction?
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 8.0/10(1 votes)
#8 - Timvisible
S2:E7Timmy's shot at the perfect attendance award is threatened by bully Francis. Timmy wishes to become invisible, but soon, everyone believes the school is haunted. That is, except Crocker, who knows that catching Timmy will be all the evidence he needs to prove the existence of Fairies.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 8.0/10(1 votes)
#9 - That Old Black Magic
S2:E8Timmy goes to an amusement park in Friday the 13th and he figures that something is destroying the park, until Cosmo and Wanda give him special glasses to see the Anti-Fairies who are causing the problem.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 8.0/10(1 votes)
#10 - Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad
S2:E15Timmy, sick of his parents rushing to work and coming home late, tired, and never having any time for him, wishes that they had superpowers.
0 CommentsView allDirector:John FountainWriter:Butch Hartman - 8.0/10(1 votes)
#11 - Information Stupor Highway
S3:E1Timmy is writing a e-mail to Trixie, about the school dance, but Timmy's parents come in and make the e-mail all about love, and they send it! So Timmy transforms into computer data to try to retrieve the letter before it reaches Trixie.
0 CommentsView allDirector:John FountainWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.5/10(2 votes)
#12 - Urban Jungle
S3:E1The building boom in Amity Park upsets Undergrowth, the ghost of all things plant-like and vegetative. The green-thinking ghost takes over the town, turning everyone into plants themselves. All except Sam, that is, whom he makes his Earth-loving queen. Unfortunately, Undergrowth brainwashes Sam and uses her to attack Danny! Danny, meanwhile, has been battling a nasty case of the chills that leaves him too weak to fight. Escaping from Undergrowth in the Ghost Zone, Danny turns to his cold-loving friend, Frostbite,who explains that Danny is developing a new power. Now, Danny must learn to master his new freezing skill so that he can make his way back to Amity Park and pull the town out of Undergrowth’s leafy clutches.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(2 votes)
#13 - Tiny Timmy
S1:E6Cosmo and Wanda shrink Timmy so he can complete his assignment on the microscopic universe but problems ensue when Cosmo and Wanda, who have also shrunk themselves, get eaten by Vicky. Timmy must now go inside Vicky to save his godparents but stirs up a lot of trouble in the process. To make matters worse, Vicky plans on tearing apart the house and blaming it all on Timmy to his parents.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(2 votes)
#14 - Inspection Detection
S2:E4Thanks to all the stuff he's gotten from his fairies, Timmy's parents suspect that he's a shoplifter. On the same day, Cosmo and Wanda have an inspection day with Jorgen Von Strangle. Timmy must prove his innocence while his godparents prove their competence or they'll never see each other again.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(4 votes)
#15 - Scary Godparents
S2:E23During his worst Halloween ever, Timmy wishes that everyone's Halloween costumes were real and scary.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Gary ConradWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#16 - That's Life
S2:E25Timmy's mother is desperately trying to win the annual Dimmsdale Veg-Out, but her garden looks more like a barren desert. To help his mom, Timmy wishes that her garden was "full of life."
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#17 - Super Duped
S1:E4Johnny meets Suzy, who is talking about her show and tell project at school, on his way to the store to purchase some items for his mother. When he discovers that Suzy's teacher is hot, and that she likes heroes, he decided to become Suzy's next Show and Tell by becoming Bravo Man. He tries to impress the teacher by chasing after a criminal who robbed the bank.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Rumen PetkovWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#18 - Cookie Crisis
S1:E11Little Suzy tries to sell Johnny Girl Scout Cookies, but Johnny refuses.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#19 - Blarney Buddies
S1:E15Johnny is in Ireland and reads about Barney Stone, a leprechaun who can grant wishes and he tries to track Barney down and he finally gives Johnny a wish.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#20 - Over the Hump!
S1:E16Johnny tries to join the Foreign Legion, but ends up at a game show where he has walk through the desert with a camel to go to fort in the desert.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#21 - A Wolf in Chick's Clothing
S1:E25Johnny goes out with a girl named Fluffy who changes into a wolf on full moons and Johnny and Fluffy spend the whole night out to wait for the sunrise.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#22 - Berry the Butler
S1:E31As a prize for winning a contest, popular singer, Berry Vanderbolton would visit Bunny Bravo, and become her butler. Johnny uses this to his advantage by having Berry doing everything he wanted.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#23 - Little Talky Tabitha
S1:E35Suzy got this new doll called Little Talky Tabitha and it talked to Johnny without its string being pulled and she threatened and did bad stuff to Johnny.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 7.0/10(1 votes)
#24 - Johnny Bravo Meets Adam West!
S1:E36Mrs Bravo is supposed to be home at 6:00 after shopping but at 6:01, she is not home! Johnny sets out to find her! He gains the help of the original Batman, Adam West! They follow a ridiculous trail of clues that lead them of course to jail!
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman - 6.5/10(2 votes)
#25 - Father Time!
S1:E7When Timmy breaks his dad's sentimental, grade school trophy and gets punished, he wishes himself back in time to stop his dad (as a kid) from ever winning the dumb thing in the first place.
0 CommentsView allDirector:Butch HartmanWriter:Butch Hartman