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The Best Episodes Written By Carey Wilber

Every TV Episode Written by Carey Wilber Ranked from Best to Worst by Thousands of Voters

  • Dealer's Wild

    #1 - Dealer's Wild

    Season 1 Episode 5

    Aired 2/26/1972

    John keeps losing at cards and being stuck with doing the dishes at the station, so he creates his own card game. Roy talks down a boy in a plane after the pilot (his father) has a heart attack. The paramedics respond to an attempted suicide, an overturned truck and a teenage overdose victim.

    Director: Lawrence Dobkin

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • Space Seed

    #2 - Space Seed

    Season 1 Episode 22

    Aired 2/16/1967

    The Enterprise picks up a crew of genetic supermen from the 20th century... and their leader, Khan, plans to create a new empire.

    Director: Marc Daniels

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • Massacre

    #3 - Massacre

    Season 1 Episode 8

    Aired 10/28/1966

    The guys arrive in South Dakota in June 24, 1876, near Little Bighorn. They are captured by Indians, although Doug manages to escape and make it to Custer's camp. Custer refuses to believe Doug's tale. Meanwhile, Tony has tried to warn Sitting Bull. The Indians prepare to burn Tony at the stake, but Sitting Bull intervenes, impressed by Tony's bravery. A trial-by-combat settles the matter when Tony wins against Yellow Elk but spares his life. Tony tries to convince Sitting Bull to approach Custer peacefully, much to the disgruntlement and skepticism of Crazy Horse. Sitting Bull lets Tony go to Custer's camp with a message of peace, but Custer refuses it and locks both travellers up. They manage to escape, and are forced to watch as history plays itself out and Custer and his men are massacred.

    Director: Murray Golden

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • Chase Through Time

    #4 - Chase Through Time

    Season 1 Episode 24

    Aired 2/24/1967

    The guys arrive in Arizona, 1547, as a technician named Niman kills a scientist. After a shootout, he flees into the Tunnel. Niman is a spy who has planted a nuclear device in the complex. The guys need to find Niman to get him to reveal the location of the bomb. They lure him in with a fire but he slips, and the Project transfer Doug and Tony after him to 1,000,000 A.D. Niman is already there and has established himself with the ruling clique. The guys get the info on the detonation time, bypass a force field, and with the aid of a local female ""defective"" manage to get to Niman. The Project transfers everyone, including two of the future-types, back to 1,000,000 B.C. After some running around from dinosaurs, they rescue Niman from a quicksand pit in return for the location of the bomb. The head alien eventually comes around and forces Niman to give the location of the bomb which they defuse. Everyone ends up in a giant bee hive and the Project gets everyone but Niman out.

    Director: Sobey Martin

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • There Were Giants in the Earth

    #5 - There Were Giants in the Earth

    Season 1 Episode 4

    Aired 10/6/1965

    John discovers that the planet they are on will travel further from the sun.In an attempt to survive the Robinsons pack up and head south. Dr Smith stays at the Jupiter 2 site while the Robinson family encounter a terrifying cyclops and an ancient deserted city.

    Director: Leo Penn

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • Heritage

    #6 - Heritage

    Season 1 Episode 6

    Aired 10/20/1965

    While Heath investigates violence at one of the Barkley mines, he discovers that the miners hate the Barkley's for unkept promises. This discovered they work to set things right before anything else happens.

    Director: N/A

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • The Deadly Toys

    #7 - The Deadly Toys

    Season 2 Episode 12

    Aired 12/30/1977

    It's the Christmas season and Wonder Woman finds out that some toys can be very harmful.

    Director: Dick Moder

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • Town of Terror

    #8 - Town of Terror

    Season 1 Episode 30

    Aired 4/7/1967

    The guys arrive in a brick basement on the North Atlantic coast in 1978. It has advanced electrical equipment, and they are attacked by an overalled man. He collapses dead, then gets up and disappears in a cloud of smoke. They go upstairs and are paralyzed by an alien-android disguised as an old woman. The aliens are preparing to steal Earth's oxygen. The Project staff execute a lateral transfer and free the guys. They escape to a seemingly empty town surrounded by a force field and filled with paralyzed townspeople. A young couple, Paul and Joan, find the guys and tell them about the oxygen-stealing plot. Meanwhile the alien androids infiltrate the Project base, seal it off, and start sucking out the oxygen through the Tunnel itself. The guys must destroy the operation at their end. They fight off the androids and use explosives to blow up the alien HQ.

    Director: Herschel Daugherty

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • The Sky Pirate

    #9 - The Sky Pirate

    Season 1 Episode 18

    Aired 1/26/1966

    The Robinsons meet a space traveler who turns out to be an Earth man, Alonzo P. Tucker, who was abducted from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, by aliens, in 1876. Tucker befriends Will by telling tall tales about being a pirate, but it turns out that he is only an ordinary man being pursued by aliens because he has stolen a mind reading device from them. Tucker returns the mind reading device to his alien pursuers, saving the Robinsons in the process.

    Director: Sobey Martin

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • His Majesty Smith

    #10 - His Majesty Smith

    Season 1 Episode 24

    Aired 3/16/1966

    Dr. Smith is conscripted as the leader of a people from another world. Little does he know that the leaders of these people are routinely sacrificed and replaced with other expendible leaders. Smith is just one of a long line of sacrificed rulers.

    Director: Harry Harris

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • A Visit to Hades

    #11 - A Visit to Hades

    Season 2 Episode 12

    Aired 12/7/1966

    Dr Smith, Will and the Robot discover an old harp under a carved out rock. They discover that in playing the right tune, it unlocks a passage to another world. In travelling here, Dr Smith meets an alien who believes to be the devil, and believes the place to be Hell. When he leaves, and the Alien shows up on the planet, Dr Smith is frightened. Judy befriends the alien, and is accidently taken to the other world. It is up to Don and John to save her, and finally Dr Smith realises it is not hell, and merely a prison world for a criminal.

    Director: Don Richardson

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • Treasure of the Lost Planet

    #12 - Treasure of the Lost Planet

    Season 2 Episode 23

    Aired 3/1/1967

    Alonzo P. Tucker returns, this time more in keeping with the pirate character he tried to create in his first appearance. This time Tucker is searching for Billy Bones' treasure, and is using the head of Billy Bones, which is kept in a box, to help him find it. He has three cutthroats with him, and he has to find the treasure and keep the cutthroats from endangering the Robinsons. Tucker's robotic bird is back again, and continues to torment the robot.

    Director: Harry Harris

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • The Astral Traveler

    #13 - The Astral Traveler

    Season 2 Episode 29

    Aired 4/12/1967

    Dr Smith and Will become trapped in a cave during a cosmic storm. Will is accidently pulled through a cosmic time warp, and ends up on Earth, in Scottish castle. He meets a headless ghost called Hamish who was beheaded at the Castle. Hamish is trapped there due to the callous crimes he has committed. They rest of the family manage to get Will out, but Hamish follows him. They decide to re-create the time warp, and send Hamish home, and with him Dr Smith, carrying star-charts and maps so that he may send a rescue mission to save the Robinsons. Upon re-entering the warp, Dr Smith drops the charts, and Will runs after him to give them to him. They are both taken. When they reach the castle again, Dr Smith and Will realise that they are not in their time. Also, Hamish becomes angry when he realises that Dr Smith is a liar, and has no intention of helping the Robinsons. As an act of reveng he sets out to destroy Dr Smith. In the end, Will and Dr Smith return to the planet, and Ha

    Director: Don Richardson

    Writer: Carey Wilber


  • The Questing Beast

    #14 - The Questing Beast

    Season 2 Episode 17

    Aired 1/11/1967

    Will and Dr Smith are confronted by a knight, who says he is on a quest to seek out and destroy the beast Gundemar. Penny, meanwhile, meets Gundemar and befriends her. Will becomes the pageboy of the knight. When it is discovered that the beast is woman, the knight is unsure whether he can still kill it, leading him to question his life's future.

    Director: Don Richardson

    Writer: Carey Wilber



Carey Wilber Ratings Summary

"Dealer's Wild" is the best rated episode written by Carey Wilber. It scored 10/10 based on 1 votes. It was directed by Lawrence Dobkin. It aired on 2/26/1972 and is rated 1.6 points higher than their second-best episode, "Space Seed".