- 8.5/102 votes8.5/10(2)
#1 - The Prodigal
Season 1 Episode 9
Aired 12/8/1985
A man wants to testify against his mobster brother in Federal Court, and MacGyver has the job of keeping him safe, but the man's mother is dying and he wants to visit her.
Director: Alexander Singer
Writer: David Abramowitz
- 8.0/101 votes8.0/10(1)
#2 - Nowhere to Run
Season 1 Episode 21
Aired 5/15/1993
When the stepdaughter of an Immortal is raped, the Immortal comes after the young man. MacLeod, a guest in the home of the accused boy's father, feels he must protect the family from this unstoppable menace. He urges the Immortal to see due process done, but the man has no interest in listening to reason, and he lays siege to the house.
Director: Dennis Berry
Writer: David Abramowitz
- 7.0/101 votes7.0/10(1)
#3 - The Enemy Within
Season 1 Episode 15
Aired 2/12/1986
After a daring escape from East Germany where he gets rescued, and in the process saves a fellow operative with a quick mechanical fix, MacGyver thinks that he deserves some peaceful vacation time. But Pete lures him into baby-sitting a Russian defector who can identify KGB agents.
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: David Abramowitz
- 6.5/102 votes6.5/10(2)
#4 - The Littlest Dragon
Season 1 Episode 15
Aired 2/22/1985
Anxious to settle a personal vendetta, Philip trails a Fifth Columnist, hoping he will lead him to the Resistance and Donovan.
Director: Cliff Bole
Writer: David Abramowitz
- 6.0/102 votes6.0/10(2)
#5 - The Overlord
Season 1 Episode 6
Aired 11/30/1984
Led by Donovan, Ham, and Elias, the Resistance runs into a doublecross when they seek to rid a mining community from alien-backed thugs.
Director: Bruce Seth Green
Writer: David Abramowitz